Fiercley Independent Characters in Great Movies?
R.P. McMurphy (Jack Nicholson) - "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest"
Jack Burns (Kirk Douglas) - "Lonely Are The Brave"
I read this nice review about the anti-Establishment, rebellious, heroic character described very well below...
"This is certainly Kirk Douglas' best movie and that is saying a lot! The loss of individuality and the valuesof the West, if anything, are more pronounced today than when the film was made. Kirk's performance is perfectly understated as fits the character he portrays. No false heroics, gore, or sensationalism which all too often ruin today's movies . One reviewer commented that there was not a satisfactory conclusion... no last words by Douglas, uncertainty about his fate, and the ambivalent response of the sheriff, Walter Matthau. This is no simple movie with clear cut heroes and villains. There are only people who contend with the compromises one accepts or, in the rare instance of Kirk's character, one attempts to overcome. The affinity between Kirk and his horse are central to the theme and end of this fine film. Everyone connected in the making of this classic. I rate it a 10."