MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Which of the following decades would you...

Which of the following decades would you go back and re live? And why?




Great music and modern technology without the plague of smart phone zombies


I pick 1980s. Best time for music. Also, the big hairstyles! Fun!


That would be my second choice.


No. Music scholars will tell you that the best decade for pop music was the 40s (Gershwin), followed by the 60s (Lennon/McCartney).

I’m not even going to attempt to discuss Classic music on this site.


How many TVs did you sell today?
Are you still practicing your Katana skills in front of your mirror?
How has your ‘body-building’ been going?
Do you have a hard time finding parking in Boston?

I have so many questions but only because you are so interesting.


Same here. Although the 80s would be a close second.


Since I was born in the 80s, I'd like to go back to the 1950s and grow old as I'm also being born. It just seems poetic. Plus, there's so much I could achieve in the past, I'd do a Biff from Back to the Future and amass a fortune.


I'd like to be 25 years old and alternate between the mid to late 70s and the early to mid 90s.


I was there to enjoy the 80s and 90s and it was great, but I'd liked to have been aware in the 70s as well. Not much to experience when you're a baby/small child.


I’m good right now, thanks.



I was born in 1950 and I would love to go back and visit that decade, but I wouldn't want to permanently live in the 50's.


none , onwards and upwards , look to the future !
the past? been there done that
it just wouldnt be the same 2nd time round


The 1990s. No StupidPhones™ and social media addiction; climate change wasn't as big of a problem, although it was beginning to manifest itself; people in general took more pride in their appearances and attire in public; food was of higher quality; technology was still beneficial.

Our society was at its peak in the 1990s; sometime between 2000 and 2010 the decline began, and has picked up the pace since.


"Climate change" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I fail to see why you think this is so funny.

I could cite all sorts of scientific studies but will speak from real-life experience and observation instead. I live in the northern central U.S. It was around the mid-1990s when the winters in my area started becoming milder. It appears that the warmer weather from the southern latitudes is slowly creeping northward. Not a good thing.

Last year there was unbearable heat in Canada (British Colombia) and record highs in Russia (Siberia). This year there have been record-breaking high temperatures along with droughts and fires in Europe. Don't think for a moment you are exempt from this... it's only a matter of time before the area where you live will be affected.

It's nothing to laugh about.


And santa claus is real.. grow up.


Climate change is real... open your eyes.


Of course. Climate has always changed, and always will. Open YOUR eyes.


Typical response. Yes it has always changed. But the rate of change has quickened only within the past few decades. This is what is concerning.


Nope. Thats a lie. So sad that the fear-mongerers has managed to scare you and so many other simpletons. Relax, we're not gonna get eaten by the climate-monster, manbearpig, the kraken or any other fantasy-monster.


Okay, since you are such a genius and everyone else is a "simpleton," how do you explain the record-breaking temperatures, and the increase in the number of "once in a century" super storms, wildfires, droughts, etc.? And I would be curious as to your sources of information.

These are real events, not mythological monsters. Go back to my original post and read what I said about personally observing some of these effects such as the milder winters which started around the mid-1990s.


BOOOOO, CLIMATE CRISIS IS COMING TO GET YOU. PRAY TO ST.GRETA.. Moron... You've fallen for our times greatest hoax. You're just to dumb to realize it.


So you resort to name-calling and insults instead of explaining why you think it's a "hoax." I'm willing to bet you thought COVID-19 was a "hoax," too.

Yep, you're a real genius.


You must be quite the genius yoursel, knowing better than 1100 scientists declating that there is no climate emergency:


Here's the credentials of some of those "scientists" listed:
• Barry Brill, Director of Petrocorp.
• Ivar Giaever, member of the Heartland Institute, a group originally founded to deny the health effects of second-hand smoke; it is now concentrating its efforts on climate-change denial.
• Richard Lindzen, associated with the Cato Institute, a pro-fossil fuel think tank.
• Ian Plimer, a member of the Global Warming Policy Foundation, another group backed by the fossil fuel industry.

There's a definite pattern here. It's fairly obvious who is behind climate change denial. It's all about corporate profits for the petroleum industry.

I do give you credit for attempting to back up your claims and not resorting to name-calling this time.
