MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What's the worst case of "the actor is p...

What's the worst case of "the actor is playing way older than their character is"?

For me it's "Terminator 2". Edward Furlong was 14 when he played John Connor and his character is 10. Throughout the movie, there isn't a single moment where I felt he was 10 years old.


This is not the same thing butI somehow am thinking of X-Men Apocalypse where Beast/Hank McCoy is supposed to be in his mid 40s and looks 25.

I don't mind Edward Furlong in Terminator 2 looking older than 10. Funnily enough in Terminator 3 they retcon that he was 13 when it happened.


I don't like the casting of Beast either. Way too young and skinny.


Isn’t there a Mae West movie or play where she plays a character that is supposed to be about 30 years old despite the fact that she was already an elderly woman.


Not sure.


Tom Hanks when he played that 12 year old in Big, he was 31 playing 12 year old.






I love this movie, but Ingrid Bergman, who was 33 at the time, was too old to play a teenager in Joan of Arc (1948).


Julie Andrews as Maria Von Trapp. Julie was thirty years old. Maria was closer to the children's age when she came to live with them, and she was only 21 when she married the Baron.


Really? I always pictured her playing her late 20s.


Can someone who's seen the "Top Gun" sequel tell me how Tom Cruise deals with playing a fighter pilot at sixty? SIXTY???


Because he's Tom Cruise.


I just saw it on Sunday (it was awesome!) and Cruise actually looks great, like easily 20 years younger…maybe that weirdo Scientology stuff is magic, the guy hardly looks 60 at all.


Jimmy Stewart in How The West Was Won (1962)


I've found it! THE WORST example! "Walk Hard: The Dewy Cox Story"!

Star John C. Reilly was 45 when this was made, and is playing a 14-15 year old in the early scenes... but he looks 45. Maybe they meant it as a joke, a parody of musical biopics, but it's still pretty terrible to behold.


I remember that recurring joke. I remember once when he says something like, "I think I'm doing well for a 14 year old with a wife and a baby".
