MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What's the worst case of "the actor is p...

What's the worst case of "the actor is playing way older than their character is"?

For me it's "Terminator 2". Edward Furlong was 14 when he played John Connor and his character is 10. Throughout the movie, there isn't a single moment where I felt he was 10 years old.


Your sentence is wrong.

It should be "actors too old for character they portrayed".

Or "the actor is way older than the character they're playing".

Maybe edit your title.


In this case "playing" means "acting". I didn't want to say "the actor is acting".


Your entire thread is WRONG!

You should've talked about your imaginary 20-yo girlfriend having an affair with imaginary 30-yo girls and they were all aspiring actors and living in California (instead of Australia) and talking to birds and that you were used for sex without payments and other bullshit stuffs.

Maybe edit your entire thread.


I should make that into a movie and sell tickets.


Great idea! All the movie buffs (exactly 224 of them) will surely watch it!


This movie needs subplots wherein 9/11 was an inside job, the neighbor’s dog barks too much and everyone that walks into the US Post Office is an annoying idiot.

Also, maybe a hot chick that’s dating a real jackass and Moviebuff would be her perfect mate…that could really spice up this story.


We need holographic airliners!


And name it ConnieAir flight 93.


Plot twist - it was Jim all along - dum, dum, duuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmm!


And Mod4 is actually Mod5!!! *gasp*


any current representation of young ladies in cinema. also shown as much smarter, braver etc than we can accept even when we suspend disbelief.


You could pick most classic 80s horror flicks, the slasher movies in particular always had a group of 30 year old ‘High School Kids’ renting a cabin on haunted campgrounds or busting into a sketchy house for a big party.

Real talk, if anyone was that dopey they wouldn’t live to see 30.


I think "A Nightmare on Elm St." did alright, but "Friday the 13th" was hilariously bad.


Definitely William Holden in “Picnic” (1955) He was 37 and Kim Novak was 24. He behaved like a young college student.

Patrick Swayze was 34 in “Dirty Dancing”. He was 10 years older than his character in the movie. Jennifer Grey was 26 playing an 18 year old character.


I've never seen Dirty Dancing, but I've always had the impression that Swayze was supposed to be Grey's much older dance instructor.


Oh no! Not at all. Quite a coming of age movie for her character. Her first experience was with his character. Be still beating heart!💓 As we old timers used to say “He could park his shoes under my bed anytime!” Whew!

Then the deleted scene! Whew again, but more so!


It's official, I'm never watching that movie.


It’s not my kind of movie AT ALL but I’ve seen it quite a few times with various Women, its a total chick-flick. But it’s actually pretty entertaining and Jennifer Grey still had that adorable nose that made her so distinctive and cute. Boy, was she cute in this one!


I'd rather watch "Cats" again.


Watching Cats and Smoking Meth…Not even once!!

This should piss off Allaby😄


Did you like the music and dancing? Patrick Swayze was a great dancer. He also wrote and sang for the movie “She’s Like the Wind”.


I didn’t mind the music and dancing at all, it was kind of romantic and cute, I watch so much violent stuff that a sweet romantic story is sometimes a nice break.

I was surprised that it wasn’t filmed in The Catskills Mountains of New York State but rather North Carolina and Virginia…wow, those sets and the scenery were pretty convincing.


Why not? I bought the movie. You have to see the whole movie. Phenomenal dancing and music.


It's not my thing at all.


Yeah, Holden in "Picnic" was pretty bad, he was behaving like a horny and irresponsible 20-year-old, he was officially 37, and he looked 45.

The man always looked older than his stated age by ten or more years, and IMHO that was a big problem in "Sunset Boulevard". Half his comments were about how weird it was to be dating this older woman, but as Gloria Swanson looked younger than her years and he looked older... they looked the same age.


That’s what alcoholism will do to people. It ages them. But, putting that aside, one of the most sensuous dance scenes in film history was with him and Kim Novak dancing to “Moonglow”.

As one reviewer wrote “This dance tells so much without saying a word. Magic.”

Another reviewer: “Sexy as hell in its subtlety and smooth as silk. Unlike these crude, vulgar movies we are subjected to; there’s a layer of implied desire and romance. Kim Novak exuded some powerful charisma on screen. And Bill Holden...... AWESOME‼️We don’t have real stars like this anymore.😖😖😖”


It's true, that scene was powerful and the chemistry between the two was amazing, but Holden was STILL miscast!

Maybe a person can forgive a 20-year-old who is drifting around until he figures out what he wants to do and who messes up any chances he's given, but it's unconscionable in a man of 37 or 45.


I didn’t care for him acting like a kid in various scenes. If he didn’t look 45 maybe he could have pulled it off. He was 37 which for some at that age could play a 20 something.

When I was 40 we went to the Central Florida Fair. All fairs have a booth where the guy guesses your age which you have to prove your age showing your driver’s license. You should have seen the guy’s face when I showed him my license after he guessed I was 29! I was still being carded in my 30’s!


That’s great!
They stopped carding me about 15 years ago and I was like ‘damn…please card me!’ 😆


I know what you mean. While still living in MS I took my grandkids to the casinos. Of course they were carded. One time after he carded them I told the security guy “You didn’t card me! Please card me!” He smiled and carded me! We all had a big laugh.


Steve McQueen was around thirty playing a teenager in "the Blob", but he looked even older, IMO.


Yep, that was weird casting but maybe it was owing to the old star system when actors had to appear in a certain number of films for their studio every year by contract..?
In any event it is a good classic horror film.

Going out on a limb here but I really prefer the 1988 remake with Kevin Dillon and the insanely cute Shawnee Smith. That was a great remake of a very good story.


yes, it was. one of the few remakes that was superior to the original. And Smith was insanely cute.


Honestly, I don't take the entire movie seriously. It feels like a parody of 50s films... and it came out in the 50s.


I enjoyed the ‘hokey-ness’ of the original, it was all a bit silly but fun.

I really do prefer the 1988 remake, it was scarier and if I recall correctly they had a major character die that you would not expect today…I don’t want to spoil things…80s horror movies had NO MERCY.


I saw the 80s version a few years ago and I was surprised how decent it was. They actually tried to make a good movie instead of making something completely stupid.


I know a lot of people hate remakes but every so often they can be an improvement over a decent original.


Christopher Lloyd in Back to the Future 3


This film played on TCM’s Noir Alley a few weeks ago. It takes place in at college level military school but the main actors playing the students were noticeably older than they would normally be. Many of actors had played the same parts in a stage production before.


Everyone looks the same age here including the characters who are supposed to be older.


Charles Bronson in the flashback sequences of THE VALACHI PAPERS. His character is supposed to be in his late 20s and they just stuck 50-something Bronson in a bad wig and called it a day.
