MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > do you like public speaking?

do you like public speaking?

for the past year i have been working for this condo corp as an external overseer. we have one meeting a month online which is easy. tonight was the annual general meeting so i had to stand up and confirm that the condo board was handling the finances in a proper manner. there were about ten people there but i was sweating bullets.


This last year I ended up teaching a lot more kids then I'm used to, 25 vs. 8, and I got used to it. Practice does help.


I used to have to do it as part of my job. NP for me.


Yes, I do it quite regularly.


Yes, I do enjoy public spanking.

Oh wait, that says public speaking...I get those two mixed up.


didn't you have a small church for awhile?


Yes, I did. It was called Hugs Community Church and met in the library. I ran it for a year and 8 months. Attendance ranged from 2 people to 15.


I don't mind public speaking ...

as long as it isn't ME having to do it.


i agree.


Absolutely f**king hate it - always have.


Nobody is asking the real question here; what in the fuck is an "external overseer"?

Isn't that what God is?
