MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Putting gay people into "kids shows" and...

Putting gay people into "kids shows" and "kids movies"

Some call it indoctrination. Others call it representation.

Some say they are trying to normalize something sordid. Others say it's not sordid and it is normal so let it be.

What do you think of this?

Disney is trying to make sure homosexuality is in its kids movies and shows now.

Good for them or shame on them?


It's not a big deal. When I think of some of the villains in Disney movies, like Lord Frollo trying to SA Esmerelda and Ursula literally out here buying people's souls, being gay hardly seems worth talking about.


Nothing wrong with some representation.

What we see now is an ridiculous obsession over LGBT representation for what is essentially 5% (gays) and 0.2% (trans) of the population. The way things are going, you would think that those percentages are closer to 25% and 20%.

Surprisingly enough, before fanatical militants got crazy about about this, 5% and 0.2% was still less than the representation we had in movies and TV shows from the 70s up to the 2010s


[–] ThetaSigma (4625) 13 hours ago
Yeah, that’s always the argument, but I think it’s a fallacy created by people who don’t want to see ANY gay people in movies at all.

I watch a lot of movies. I’ve seen 25 so far this month alone. Out of those only two have had gay characters. Both of those were gay themed movies, and in both there were only two gay characters, the rest of the characters were straight!

So I have to ask what are these movies you are watching that are so dominated by gay characters? Is it gay porn??

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