Your choice for single best film song/ score
If you could award best film song what would your choice be? You only get ONE choice although I'll allow for an entire film score.
Not allowed: Film scores that are composed largely of inserted pop songs. It has to be original music.
For me, it would be Brad Fiedel's Terminator theme. Played with deep percussion and brass its bombastic 3-2 beat has a "going into battle" vibe that instantly quickens my pulse. I have about five different versions in my workout set list because it never fails to amp up my energy.
Slow it down though and play it on strings or synth, and it gets this very mournful, melancholy vibe. I came across a youtube vid of some guy who played it on an acoustic guitar. It would have been perfect as the soundtrack for a Western.
It's such a versatile piece of music.