MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Some guys is richer, happier, has more i...

Some guys is richer, happier, has more items than you.

Or even some family next to you or someone you know.

Top wallpaper. Nice white ceiling, loads of money, confidence and intelligence. Great taste in film and music. Excellent communication skills. Never gets into trouble. Never lost for words. Has NO prejudice whatsoever, even double standards he understands well and not just obvious examples, never loses their mind.

Can show off. Never complains about life's issues. Has a great car etc.

Even if you shouldn't or whatever, does it personally bother you? NOT talking about crimes or someone being rude or bad or anything like THAT, just someone who is richer and more successful than you are, are you OK with it, cheers.



Sir, please. The bathrooms are down the hall.


That’s his business, good for him
Maybe the guy busted his butt and got a bit lucky here and there

If he has a nice fishing boat I’d try to be friends with him😉


I don’t have a fishing boat ☹️


"Things" don't appeal to me tbh. I am envious of anyone with a garden as I live in a flat, but there are plenty of green spaces and I live 5 mins from a nature reserve so I don't really miss out.

As for someone being more successful than me, that depends on your own definition. My personal definition of being successful is to be independent, able to pay my own way and have a little left over for fun days out.

I was homeless and jobless at one point and it really makes you reassess what's important in life.

So no, it doesn't bother me because I actually have everything I wanted for myself (except that garden!)
