horny movies

i was discussing voyeurs with someone the other day, & got into talking about how that's such an atypical movie. most mid-budget and higher movies are absolutely devoid of sex now, and have been for ages. at least, that's how it seems to me.

so i'm putting together a list of my favourite raunchy movies - either movies that have tons of sex (your handmaidens, your body heats...), or just have a scene or two that get my motor running.

i'm a bit stymied so far...

i've only got:

the handmaiden
mullholland drive (obviously)
y tu mama tambien

i'm sure there are billions of others i'm blanking on. tons of foreign stuff that has slipped my mind.

please name them!


I'll add a couple more:

Shame (2011). It's really good. And you get to see a dong too.

Lust, Caution (2007). It's a joint production of France and Hong Kong. Best movie of 2007 if you asked me.


i've seen shame - to me, that's one of those movies that are about sex that actually isn't sexy, if that makes any sense. it's a bit like julie leigh's sleeping beauty which is also 2011 in that way, imo. good movie though, definitely.

fassbender's cock was impressively huge if i remember correctly. unfair! some guys truly have all the luck.

never heard of the other movie, but i'll keep an eye open for it. thanks.


A Clockwork Orange


DS, are you feeling horny?

P.S. Haha, it appears you don't have much problem with women after all, one way or another, or maybe it is complex and complicated? Later - I will think of some more horny and otherwise related movies, haha. :)


Anyone also remember that Mouse T song "I'm Horny" in the late 90s? :)


haha, if we start talking about my problems with women we'll be here all day.

think of some horny movies please!


Only have time to read the titles today. Without reading the main text, here
are my top 5 horny movies:

5. Legend (1986) - Tim Curry at his horniest

4. How to Train Your Dragon (2010) - Not historically accurate, but that's OK

3. Young Man with a Horn (1950) - Self-explanatory

2. Brassed Off (1997) - So many horns

1. Horns (2014) - Possibly the horniest movie of them all!
