The law has never been, isn't and maybe never will be "perfect" and EXCLUSIVELY based on "empathy".
Hi, this is what I have observed and noticed on the internet and in other sources.
As necessary and right it is for the law to exist and for it to exist in the way it does, it seems like or indeed it was that in the past, present and future (although optimistically speaking, I hope it is not always the case) the law alone isn't completely based on empathy, it isn't perfect and it doesn't always operate in the ways it should and for the reasons it should.
And what's more - even with some very obvious flaws and harmful examples, not even everyone complains and is unhappy about it. Some don't even give it a SECOND THOUGHT, as painful as it may be.
Sometimes I wonder, if the laws around the world were run by people like you and me, people with intelligence, compassion, morality, understanding of what is right and wrong, empathy for victims and correct despising of the perpetrators and whose deeds were never solely based on money and personal gain etc, would the world really be a different place? Also, do law makers and law workers EVER empathically AND empathetically speak and wonder like that, or are they all aware deep down inside to their core of their very soul that law is just ROUTINE BUSINESS and not some magical wishful thinking with colours and rainbows exclusively designed to make the world a better place, and have mental and other approaches to be and do so.
Yes, even SOME laws are and WERE downright immoral and offensive. How can say being someone of a different sexual orientation or religious beliefs be a crime let alone one punishable by taking one's life AND YET do THOSE law makers care?
Also, even in some downright intimate crimes, horrible as they ARE in and of itselves, if laws WERE better organized, at least the many aspects of FRUSTRATIONS that we have in the world today in people would be far lessened, and we can then perhaps debate more easily about "what is more important, one's honour or one's life" without throwing any hissing fits.
And please feel free to tell us that us having anuses and even people having sexual intercourse a certain way is NOT any kind of perversion, something "unnatural" or wrong or worthy of some or other distaste out there and NOT have laws that even make certain consensual acts in some parts of the world "wrong" - for main and basic reasons also YES BUT ALSO to avoid "indirect" effects as such.
Maybe even organize prisons in a more politically correct way. And if certain rights violating deeds still happen, act on it straight away and do something to rectify at least the problems as such in future. As ones would or at least SHOULD on the OUTSIDE too. However common some or other problems ARE.
Anyways, food for thought, thanks.