MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > In my long and distant past, I occasiona...

In my long and distant past, I occasionally made immature comments and jokes etc...

... but I was at times a little too childish and curious to see what offense value they may have, I literally did not know about a lot of things here and there, but it was mostly a very long time ago like 20 years and heck, as a kid, as inappropriate as it may have sometimes also been, I made other silly comments here and there. But is it OK to let it go now?

Sometimes, I was also parodying what others may have said and childishly wondered about oh what if life was like this and not like that - hell, on the last point, I STILL WONDER about it that way, as in, other than accepting reality as it is, in all its hard, tough and gritty anti-glory, and with many people just practically stating the obvious on the order of "Don't do it, its bad, simple but yet hard for many to understand due to [insert various socially critical terms here]" etc etc etc" as opposed to, say, wanting calmly, politely and intelligently to explain it all, existence of de-facto offenses and social flaws briefly, put only for the sake of argument, put aside.

Asides from that, English was not my first language, in my country Russia at the young age we were discouraged from talking about certain things in any way (heck, and even recently, in the last 8-10 years or so, however flawed and ineffective if not downright offensive in some eyes, certain as such "laws" were formed, and many public people accepted it) so I just didn't know about certain things and sometimes, I and others were too limited in knowledge or right attitudes even if deep down inside, we kind of knew what was this and that etc.

But is it OK to let it go now and also, you know, not give it anymore weight and emotional importance, thanks.


Your welcome.


idk what u said but i disagree. making immature comments and jokes keeps u young and happy. dont ever grow up and become a boring sad sjw adult. let the little racist, sexist, homophobic kid inside you out every chance u can!! it will keep u from aging and keep u strong mentally!!


I try not to be those things in any way but then again at school I have heard many pupils say those things including very much at me and sometimes I just took a mick like that but I wasn't being literal or too serious but hope its alright now, I mean, it WAS a long time ago and we, as kids, were very much different then.


i am not so much different from how i was as a kid. started smoking mad weed around 14 or so and my brain never developed past that age


Again, I ask: How long have you had these headaches? 🙄


As for headaches, I have them nearly all the time at least once a week, I even bought Vicks and a 4Head gel for my forehead along with Nurofen.


And having said that, even though years ago I partially already have, but if I meet all, any, a few or even one of my colleagues from school that I occasionally ALSO conflicted with (yes I've had moments of various varieties like this, even though at the start and at times it was just me that was picked on) and however much I embarrassed myself or even MAY have at times done or said wrong things out of ignorance, or spite or anything else really, including fact that people around me said those things and to me, I would indeed apologize and explain myself and hope that it all gets sorted out.

Also by contrast, where I come from Russia, although I spent nearly ALL my life in England/UK/Great Britain, some of those things, well, OK offenses aren't tolerated, but people and legal systems may take different views, also, albeit "respectably", however wrongly, I have heard that, unlike Europe and America, some of those different beliefs were also taught and told, fact is environment shapes us.

Hope its alright now.


Feeling bad about something you did in the past just means you have grown, and understand the error in your ways and now you've changed you're behavior. This is a good thing.

Let it go. Let everything go. Forgive yourself, forgive others because they are struggling too.

Edit: I dont want to give the impression that I know The Answers. I dont know what's the fuck is going on. I'm just tripping and stumbling through this thing, trying not to hurt anybody.


No apologies or back pedaling allowed.
It will be dug up, you will be ruined.
You're welcome

- Internet
The Misinformation Stuper Highway


Its alright now 123Guy, I believe its all bygones now and was then too.
