It seems like every time I see a star's child mentioned, it is about them coming out as gay or trans. The only normal Hollywood kids I can think of are Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta Jones' son and daughter.
I am sure that the number of LGBTQ+ Hollywood kids outnumbers the normal Hollywood kids by a huge margin.
is the percentage of LGBTetc children higher, lower or same as regular population?
because, it is not a choice, right? it should be the same.
it is certainly not a product of societal suggestion from those crazy, mixed up, fucked up hollywood parents, right?
and it might very well be the same percentage.... we just hear about those hollywood kids more than we hear about regular folks kids
With this study one would also have to take into consideration that the numbers might skew higher, not because the percentages are that much different, but because the acting community as a whole are more accepting. Not just the acting community, but the arts community.
The polls have shown that from 2012 - 2020 the numbers have gone from 3.5% to 5.6% of the population identify as LGBTQ. The rise has been investigated, and it has been suggested that it's simply because more people are willing to admit something that they wouldn't have felt comfortable doing in years past.
The Gallop polls also show that upwards of 15% of Gen Z identifies as LGBTQ. You can blame parents or schools or whatever, but even 30 years ago when I was doing biology we discussed how sexual orientation is on a spectrum and very few people are actually truly homo or heterosexual. This could very well be that people are not scared to admit it anymore. Kids in school these days don't get bullied to the same extent as they used to for being gay. It's not a big deal when you meet someone in the workplace.
Most of them probably aren't. It's a very small percentage of the population. You only hear about the ones that hit the headlines. Most Hollywood stars try to keep their kids out of the limelight so as not to put them in danger.