Gross things you saw in a horror movie (spoiler thread)
For years and years I haven't been grossed out by anything in horror movies. Every so often though something still makes me squirm. Two recent examples:
i. The Dare on Netflix. There's a scene where the Leather Face character forces a woman to slice another guy's eyeball open... THEN he drops some sort of worm on the eye and we watch it burrow into the eye through the cut.
ii. I recently watched an old Final Destination movie that I hadn't seen before. A girl is doing a high bar gymnastics routine. The high bar is that bar that is set about 10 feet off the ground, and the gymnast spins around it doing various tricks.
In the movie, the girl is startled, she flies off the bar and when she lands her body and legs fold over themselves at horrific and unnatural looking angles. It's clear she broken her back, neck and legs... and blood gushes out of her too although I'm not sure what would have caused that. It happened so fast that I flinched with a 'holy s**t' outburst.
Anyone else?