MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Its my birthday tomorrow, I'll be 35.

Its my birthday tomorrow, I'll be 35.

Wish me all the best please ladies and gentlemen, including something in particular, based on what I was like and everything I have discussed and attempted to discuss, thanks.


I don't understand the concept of announcing one's birthday. I never do, in person or online.

It just strikes me as looking for attention. I don't need it.


ALL of us need ATTENTION.

If children don't get enough of it they can also DIE from a LACK of not having it.

So whether you think you need it or not, my guess would also be there's SOMEONE in your life who PAYS ATTENTION to you.

For anyone else who might be interested:

MAN also shares his birthday with JIMMY CARTER, the former US PRESIDENT who is now 97 yrs old, or more than 3 TIMES as old as MAN is today.

So that also puts into perspective how YOUNG MAN still is today when he's turned 35.


Not quite 3x (mathematician Andy).


Ok. Man is 35.

2 x 35 = 70

70 + 35 = 105

(not 95)

And THANK YOU for the CORRECTION from someone who is OBVIOUSLY NOT a MATHEMATICIAN (which is also why one MAJORED in the ARTS instead of in the SCIENCES).



Ok, for a bonus point, how old would TheMan18 have had to have been for Jimmy Carter to have been 3x older?


105 ???


My apologies, I should have stipulated given his current age. I gave a clue, in that I used the past tense.


I see I've GOOFED again and what you asked for was the AGE of MAN (not Carter)???

So 97 divided by 3 would be age 32.3 ???


No, what I meant was, given that TheMan is currently 35 and Carter is currently 97, there would have been a time when TheMan would have been 3x younger than Carter. What age would they have been?


I give up.

How old woud THEY be???


Massive hint - go back 4 years.


So MAN would be 101???

I've already said he'd need to be 32.


Not quite, you need to go back the other way.


I'm way too confused now to go in any direction.


Ok: -
The Man 35, Carter 97
The Man 34, Carter 96


Have you worked it out yet?


there would have been a time when TheMan would have been 3x younger than Carter. What age would they have been?

No. I gave up. Because one can't work something out when one doesn't understand what the question is.

And if you keep going backwards then MAN will just disappear once he becomes a ZERO and all that will be left is JIMMY.


The correct answer is: -
When TheMan18 was 31, Jimmy Carter was 93, exactly 3x his age.



So the OLDER one gets the LESS amount of TIME there is between you and another person AGE WISE???

How can that be possible???

At age 31 JIMMY is 3 TIMES OLDER than MAN.

But by age 35 JIMMY is LESS than 3 TIMES OLDER than MAN is???

Doesn't seem RIGHT somehow.

If someone is 3 x OLDER than someone else it should stay that way and NOT CHANGE 4 yrs later.


Well, when TheMan was 1, Carter would have been 63, making him 63x older.

When The Man turned 2, Carter would have been 64, making him 32x older.

That’s the beauty of Maths.


Math is way too CONFUSING to be considered to be BEAUTIFUL !!!


I think I am going to summer school!

And I'm 48 and will be doing math nonsense with 15 year olds so it's going to be weird

Thanks a lot Andy😤


ALL of us need ATTENTION.

Kindly speak for yourself.

Yes, children need attention in a nurturing way.

But, I see no need for ADULTS to announce their birthdays to various and sundry people.


Apparently something is bugging you, and one also suspects that it has NOTHING whatsoever to do with MAN or with his announcing his BIRTHDAY today.

Because one also sees NO NEED for someone to come here and say the kind of UNKIND things that you've said on someone's BIRTHDAY.

Also NOTE the way that doing what you've done also DIVERTS ATTENTION away from him and places it onto YOURSELF which, imo, also makes you a 2 FACED HYPOCRITE who doesn't PRACTICE what they PREACH.



Because one also sees NO NEED for someone to come here and say the kind of UNKIND things that you've said on someone's BIRTHDAY.

What's "unkind?" When people post nonsense in a public forum, they have to expect responses. Not everyone is going to think you are wonderful.

You're entitled to your opinion, and I'm entitled to mine.

I won't get into a debate on your psycho-babble.

Or, are you another "snowflake?" 🙄



Have you seen BLADE RUNNER 2049???

Blade Runner 2049 | Human or Replicant - Joi | Warner Bros. Entertainment


How nice for you.😏


NOT REALLY because I was also KILLED by LUV when she STEPPED on my EMITTER because she was JEALOUS of me and the relationship that I had with K.



Good for you 👍


Happy Birthday!




I turned 47 yesterday.

40 was the one birthday that I really got a little depressed about. Life was almost certainly more than half over. I have some health issues so I'm not too likely to live longer than the average lifespan.


Sorry to hear about your health issues Haslet.

How much longer do you expect to be among us here???


Oh, sorry. I should have been more specific. I'm not terminal or anything. I have kidney disease and had to get a transplant. Life expectancy is lower than the average in my case, but you can live quite a while with it.


Glad to hear that you're not terminal and are doing well now.

How long did it take to recover from having had the surgery?

Did you wear a BINDER afterwards?

Did it help to ease the pain???

How long did you take pain pills for???


Recovery was maybe a month to be completely healed. I stayed in the hospital close to a week. My surgery went very well and the kidney was starting to work before I even woke up for the surgery. I was lucky and had a perfect match, so I got to move to the top of the list for that particular organ.

Yes, wore a binder for maybe a week after getting out of the hospital. It takes the pressure off the incision they make to do the surgery and makes it easier to move around. They actually do kidney transplants in the front of the abdomen. It's easier to put it there then the normal location for people's kidneys.

I didn't take the pain meds for too long after getting out of the hospital. I believe they gave me Vicodin. They actually must have severed some nerves when they made the cut because there wasn't much feeling in that part of my belly, so that might have limited the pain somewhat. I wanted to stop taking the Vicodin because I knew it could be addictive. Didn't want to get to like it too much.


Thanks for telling me about what you went through. I purchased a BINDER a couple of days ago, but it's an XLG. Do you think it's important to have one that fits very TIGHTLY and SNUGGLY??? Because the measurements for this one are also too large for my AB AREA. But I've also heard there's some SWELLING of the area after the surgery and wonder if I should keep it for that reason instead of getting the smaller size???


The hospital actually gave me one and they made sure it fit nice and snuggly. You don't want it to be so tight it's painful, but it's got to take the pressure off the incision. I'd say you'd want as tight a fit as possible without causing pain because that's what they did for me, but I'd talk to a professional about that.


Hopefully they'll also give me one to wear as well. The doctor already said it's ok to wear one, but the nurse also didn't say anything else about how to get one or what size to get. I suppose I could also use SAFETY PINS to make it fit more SNUGGLY if they don't have the SMALLER size??? Or else call the store and ask them to order a smaller size???


I would think. If you are having surgery, I'd just do whatever they tell you.


did you have any cake?


Hmm, I am eating one now.


What kind is it???

Does it have some YUMMY CHOCOLATE ICING???



Our regular family local favorite, cream and berries.



Angel food cake with STRAWBERRIES and WHIPPED CREAM???


I'm not that good with cake food descriptions but yeah something like that.


What kind of berries??? BLUEBERRIES???

And what about PRESENTS???

Did you get something nice???


Money, and that's great enough for me, possession wise I don't need much else.


Plus you can also buy some new DVD's or movies to watch with it or maybe you can also subscribe to a streaming service???


Oh I have too much of DVDs around *especially*, time for a break from them.


Strawberries, kiwi, cream, small nuts around the cake.




I somehow can't help but wonder if your birthday was meant to be. I hope this helps. What do you think?
