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Current popular entertainment shows that as a culture, we are suffering from mass psychosis

My family and I were at a restaurant recently where they had an older gentleman playing guitar and singing "Easy Listening" hits of the 1960s-1970s. As a Gen-Xer, this is not at all my music of choice. I do remember my parents' generation liking this kind of music. Songs like "Tie a Yellow Ribbon", "Galveston", "I Can See Clearly Now", "If You Could Read My Mind", etc.

So at first I was like "Oh great... Elevator music." But anyhow, as I sat there eating and listening to this man singing, the realization came to me that these were all melodic, pleasant songs with a gentle, positive message. These songs relaxed you and made you feel at ease. No overt sexuality, no crudity, no violence or despair were heard in the lyrics. These songs expressed positive, human emotion in a rational way.

On the way home, the radio in the car sang a different tune. After hearing the easy listening songs, the current stuff was very jarring: Crass rap and pop, with vulgar, explicitly sexual and materialistic lyrics, Heavy Metal that makes you want to go smash things and kick asses with harsh, growling vocals and buzz-saw guitars, Post-grunge depression that makes you want to slit your wrists. Insipid New-Country about getting drunk... All the modern genres had a negative message that endorses violence, greed, despair and crass sexuality. It was mainly harsh, atonal music that either irritates or aggravates you.

I thought about this quite a bit. I decided to explore and contrast other forms of popular entertainment. Movies for one. I watched several movies from the 50s, 60s and 70s. These older movies were coherent, they took their time to develop plots and characters, they had a beautiful, vivid color palette. The actors and actresses had genuine charisma and appeal. The movies of that era told real, human stories. Watching these movies felt like an experience.

Modern movies are chaotic, rushed and sometimes incoherent by comparison. They rely on CGI, have minimal characterization, and nondescript, interchangeable stars. The settings are bleak and depressing and grim, usually the films have a dingy, ugly color filter. The stories are dull and lack human interest and rely on special effects and jumps from action sequence to action sequence to hold the audience. Most of the modern films are an escape into fantasy or SF or Superheroes instead of stories about real people in plausible situations.

TV as well. Modern shows rely on grotesque violence, offbeat and overt sexuality and weird humor and sordid "Reality Shows" as opposed to the far more civilized and restrained shows of the past.

Even the way most people dress and speak today is crass and ugly compared to the way people did back then. I noticed this at parent night at my kid's school. Back then, people looked civilized, collared shirts, dresses, neat hair, etc. Now, many people look and speak like they are trying to be tattooed, pierced post-apocalyptic mutants or gang-bangers, and these are supposedly responsible parents!

All this, in my eyes, points to a culture-wide deep psychological disturbance in humanity that has developed over the last several decades. It reminds me of those sequences of artworks that show the artist's psychological degeneration as their mental illness progresses. Our culture has become obsessed with negativity, violence, crass sexuality and vulgarity. If you pulled someone out of the 50s, 60s or 70s and suddenly placed them in today's world, it would horrify them. They would think humanity had gone stark, raving mad.

It makes me wonder where we are going to be in another couple of decades if this cultural degeneration continues.


Since People also felt the same way about others during what's referred to as being "THE ROARING 20's," perhaps the problem you've addressed tends to go IN CYCLES rather than continue onwards in a NEVER ENDING DOWNWARD SPIRAL???

ANCIENT ROME was also full of people who liked to party "like it was 1999," or like they did back during the "ROARING 20's."

But later on they also seemed to CALM DOWN a bit after the PARTY was over with.

So perhaps in another couple of decades we'll also be back to being the "WAY WE WERE" again before people began wearing the TATTOO's on their bodies???



All this, in my eyes, points to a culture-wide deep psychological disturbance in humanity that has developed over the last several decades.

And what do you belive this change is symptomatic of? What has caused it?


Perhaps this article has something to say that might be indicative of the kind of change that's taken place:

Role of Culture in Psychology: A Look at Mental
Illness and the Cultural Defense,

It has been projected that people of color-African Americans, Hispanic or Latino Americans, Asian Americans, and Native Americanswho constitute 18% of the U.S. population,4 will increase to 47% by the
year 2050.'

"As cultural diversity steadily increases in the United States,
our scientific understanding of social and psychological functioning and
mental health must be based on knowledge of these varied populations
and their relations with each other."'

The rise of multiculturalism exemplifies "both a challenge and an opportunity for behavioral science to expand its knowledge foundation."7
This article addresses the role of culture in an area that has only recently begun to recognize its importance. Part Two serves as an introduction to cross-cultural psychology, the newest field of psychology, and is
designed to introduce the reader to this emerging field of study that goes
hand in hand with extending cultural awareness across borders.

An analysis of culture and its implications on mental illness are addressed in Part
Three, including cultural beliefs concerning the nature of mental illness
and the diagnoses and expression of symptoms across cultures and subcultures.


So you personally think 'the rise of multiculturalism' is responsible for a purported 'cultural degeneration'?


MULTICULTURALISM or MINIORITY populations have become the SCAPEGOAT, where others ATTACK other people and BLAME them for their own DECLINE (in income or whatever else the case may be), instead of looking INWARD at themselves, and addressing how they themselves are to blame for many of the things that are happening to them.

So no. I don't personally think that's the problem.

But others still behave as if other people are the problem (which is also demonstrated by the way several laws keep getting passed as a way to try to RESTRICT the VOTING RIGHTS of others who elect people they don't like or want in office).


So no. I don't personally think that's the problem.

Well, I'm glad to hear that, at least.


It's a sign of despair over the state of the world we have made for ourselves. I think it's akin to the person who cuts themself and makes themself physically unappealing because they are being abused.


It's a sign of despair over the state of the world we have made for ourselves?

So our art reflects the state of the world? And what it is about the current state of the world that has led to this 'cultural degeneration'? What has changed in this regard since the 1970s, or whenever this phenomenon you have identified began?


Many of the social taboos and restrictions and checks have been removed by various social movements, such as the "If it feels good, do it" ethos of the hippie generation. Elements that were on the fringes of society have now moved into the mainstream; recreational drugs, sexuality without responsibility, use of profanity in day-to-day language, etc.

A child without structure and discipline and limits on their behavior will become dysfunctional and develop psychological issues as a result. I'd bet the same goes for a society without those restraining factors.


If you've ever seen "THE BIG CHILL," then you'd realize how the HIPPIES turned into YUPPIES (who were even MORE conservative and obsessed with MAKING MONEY than their PARENTS had been).

As for children without STRUCTURE or DISCIPLINE, the complaint seems to be the OPPOSITE, where kids have had TOO MUCH of that kind of thing (due to HELICOPTER MOMS who hovered around them to the point where they can't function on their own as adults now).


I was just using the example of a child with no structure to illustrate the effect a lack of structure would also have on a society. And as far as the Hippie/Yuppies, they may have gotten Wall Street jobs, but they sure liked their hippie era drugs and promiscuity enough to bring it along.


This is a sweeping generalization. Who are "they" as opposed to who? "They" liked their hippie era drugs and promiscuity and brought it with them. Who exactly are They? Do you know these people? Are they your garbage men or the guy singing in the restaurant? Are they First Responders and Utility workers? You are making up a subset of people who you want to blame for all kinds of economic ills that have more to do with capitalist greed. Mush easier to lay it all on "the hippies."


So you think the decadence and drug use of the 80s Boomers is a myth?


It's still not entirely clear to me who or what you believe is to blame. The 60s counterculture?

In any case, next question: what would you like to see done about it? How do we 'fix' it?


Here's what's already been suggested further down in a reply back to jonathan (who also thinks SOCIAL MEDIA is to blame):

Today on the news they discussed WB (aka: FB) again, and how Zuckerberg not only EXPLOITS the lives of TEENAGE GIRLS (by driving them to SUICIDE), but he also sees to it that conversations are MOSTLY ARGUMENTATIVE, because DIVISION is also what enables him to MAKE the MOST MONEY.

The WALL ST. JOURNAL is the place where you can find the article that explains this about him and what he's doing to SOCIETY now.

So what we probably need to do is try to TAKE BACK the NARRATIVE again from him rather than continue to let him have CONTROL over it???

But of course that also just leads us right back again to to complaints about CENSORSHIP ...


Was social media to blame in the 1980s, which is when the OP seems to suggest things started to go awry? And how does social media link to your own point about 'the rise of multiculturalism'?


Things have been GOING AWRY for CENTURIES now (which was also demonstrated by the MENTION of the ROARING 20's and how ANCIENT ROME was also just as DECADENT at one time in their HISTORY).

Here's the reply that was given back to the OP that will hopefully also answer your question:

MULTICULTURALISM or MINIORITY populations have become the SCAPEGOAT, where others ATTACK other people and BLAME them for their own DECLINE (in income or whatever else the case may be), instead of looking INWARD at themselves, and addressing how they themselves are to blame for many of the things that are happening to them.

So no. I don't personally think that's the problem.

But others still behave as if other people are the problem (which is also demonstrated by the way several laws keep getting passed as a way to try to RESTRICT the VOTING RIGHTS of others who elect people they don't like or want in office).


Things have been GOING AWRY for CENTURIES now,

Centuries? So when and where did things start to go awry?


Way back in the BOOK of GENESIS when the SNAKE SEDUCED EVE into EATING from that "TREE of KNOWLEDGE" by telling her that doing so would make her "LIKE GOD." 🌳

And sure enough she did become "LIKE HIM" when she also began to produce other creatures like herself IN HER OWN IMAGE. 😉



Well, even though the winky face indicates irony, I really don't have much of a response to that.


Well ... as you may recall, EVE has 2 SONS, who then get into a BIG PISSING CONTEST because their parents favored one of them over the other one.

And then that situation also leads to JEALOUSY and to LOTS of CHAOS.

Which just MULTIPLIES EXPONENTALLY with the passage of TIME and still more CREATURES being created in the IMAGE of the CREATOR(s).

So that's the reason why that point is probably also just as good as any other to say that's when things first went AWRY???

In other words, apparently things have also ALWAYS been that way ever since we were CREATED.


I do believe that the roots of almost all of our current social problems lies in the seeds planted during the 60s counterculture movements.

Personally, I do not see any way to consciously fix the situation. A major war or global catastrophe that didn't actually wipe out civilization might do it, but who wants that?

Unless a future generation comes along and rejects this mindset, I think we will just continue to push the envelope and continue to devolve as a civilization until we are barbarians with high tech gadgets.


Roaring Twenties

The Roaring Twenties refers to the decade of the 1920s in Western society and Western culture. It was a period of economic prosperity with a distinctive cultural edge in the United States and Europe, particularly in major cities such as Berlin, Chicago, London, Los Angeles, New York City, Paris, and Sydney. In France, the decade was known as the "années folles", emphasizing the era's social, artistic and cultural dynamism. Jazz blossomed, the flapper redefined the modern look for British and American women, and Art Deco peaked. In the wake of the military mobilization of World War I, President Warren G. Harding "brought back normalcy" to the politics of the United States. This period saw the large-scale development and use of automobiles, telephones, films, radio, and electrical appliances in the lives of millions in the Western world. Aviation soon became a business. Nations saw rapid industrial and economic growth, accelerated consumer demand, and introduced significant new trends in lifestyle and culture. The media, funded by the new industry of mass-market advertising driving consumer demand, focused on celebrities, especially sports heroes and movie stars, as cities rooted for their home teams and filled the new palatial cinemas and gigantic sports stadiums. In many major democratic states, women won the right to vote.

Wikipedia iconWikipedia

During the ROARING 20's people felt the same way, due to the way the HEMLINES of the DRESSES the females wore rose with them wearing them "ABOVE the ANKLE" all the way up to the KNEE area (which was also SHOCKING to others at that time).

They also wore BOBBED HAIR STYLES as well, which was also seen as being as bad as wearing TATTOO's.

Since HUMANS are composed of DUALISTIC NATURES the problem CAN'T BE FIXED.

The ANCIENT GREEKS also realized this which is why they had 2 GODS:




But NOTE the way TOO MUCH ORDER leads to STAGNATION, and then to the need for CHANGE, which then leads to CHAOS and then back to ORDER again.

It's the same as if you WORKED all of the time and NEVER took a much needed VACATION.

So try to RELAX and REALIZE this is the case, which hopefully should also BRIGHTEN up the PESSIMISTIC kind of a perspective that you seem to have, where you think it's all DOOM and GLOOM from this point forwards.


It was the reaction to the counter-culture that was the negative thing. Remember the counter culture saturated popular music with what the OP was talking about, positive ideas. When the radio stations became corporatized, and the record companies got consolidated and they could control what was played ... i.e. payola, we started to get really ugly themes in music, themes of excess and overt sexuality instead of innuendo, then reggie, rap. A similar thing happened in movies ... movies catered to children always telling them they were smarter than their parents and that there parents were self-centered idiots. Same with the police, or any experts. The ignorance of Trumpism comes right out of this streak that tells people they have enough information to challenge the experts based on their feelings, and not to listen until they understand if they do not agree to ask questions and point out defects in thinking.

The big political fulcrum of these events in political history came out of the political sector with the 1971 Powell Memorandum which called for the most elite wealthy people that run the economy to work together to take over the government.

Broadly, before this call for revolution, American in general increasingly fulfilled the needs of the people and people trusted government, and authority, and our institutions. After this memo the government started working only for the benefit of the richest people in the country - cutting their taxes until they had power equal to or greater than the government, and were insinuated inside the government to stop democracy.

Since 2000 this has been an accelerating trend in all areas of life, because in all areas of the economy the financial industry and the same people have the steering wheel and are steering everything away from citizen input - democracy and control of the direction of government.


I can tell you how to fix it... Watch and listen to the great stuff from the 60/70s.. Not just the easy listening and not just the hits. There's a ton of deep tracks and other genres of music and movies that are so much better.

Spread it on message boards. If the businessmen realize there's a market for past talent by YOUNGER people, then they'll stop saturating the market with garbage.

Fill out surveys.... Burn a CD for a friend... E-mail people lists.

I'm always more than happy to recommend things YOU might like if you mention some things you like.


Also, I wanted to say, our art both reflects and influences our world. The envelope of acceptability is constantly being pushed. Artists influenced by current music and film will make more extreme examples in the future.


I feel almost the opposite to you. From an outsider's perspective, American mainstream pop culture - both in music and cinema - seems more small-c conservative to me than it has at any time since, probably, the 1980s. There seems to me very little that's subversive in it. I think it's mostly horribly bland. So I'm hoping for a backlash at some stage, or at least an interesting counternarrative.

... But, either way, I don't believe it's the downfall of, or degeneration of culture. I just don't see it. But each to their own.


It IS indeed horribly bland, but at the same time, it is presenting very unpleasant subject matter. Probably even worse, as it makes those ugly subjects they present seem unremarkable and commonplace. Now we have insipid pop-divas getting drenched in blood in their videos, we have rappers rapping proudly and explicitly about the lubricity of their sexual organs and getting sodomized by Satan in their videos, we have grunting, growling Metal bands singing about killing everyone and going to Hell. In cinema, we have children's movies glorifying formerly psychopathic villains, comedies about serial killers, every family is presented as twisted with dark secrets, and everything looks grimy and dark and gloomy.


Well, I sure do my best to avoid that kind of popular entertainment and will mostly succeed.
I don't believe that I will touch any of the gritty reboots which you mentioned in another post with a ten-foot pole.

But when it comes to "misunderstood Disney villainess" movies, I have to say I saw "Malificent" when it was new.
Well, it is okay even though I would have changed some details if I had been in charge.


ARTIST these days seem to be making mostly "REMAKES" of the works of other ARTISTS from back in the PAST.


And giving them the "gritty reboot" treatment, which means making them suitably unsavory to appeal to jaded modern audiences.


How so???

What FILM(s) do you have in mind that do that???

If you pulled someone out of the 50s, 60s or 70s and suddenly placed them in today's world, it would horrify them. They would think humanity had gone stark, raving mad.

You do realize don't you how there are several posters here who were BORN in these TIME FRAMES.

So one doesn't need to PULL them out of the TIMES that you've mentioned and PLACE them here when they're also already HERE.



The thing is, when you have lived through the change, you don't notice it. It's like when you see relatives after a year or two and they are amazed at how big your kid is, but you haven't really noticed it. I am talking about taking someone from that era and dropping them cold into 2021. If that were possible, they would think humanity had gone right off the rails.

I was born in the mid-60s myself and I hadn't really given this any thought at all until the old man at the restaurant played those songs that used to be popular music on the radio for mass audiences, and I contrasted it with their modern equivalents.

As for the films, just google the term "Gritty reboot" and you will find dozens of examples.


What you're talking about is called FUTURE SHOCK, and it's something that can still happen even IF one has also lived through changes.

Future Shock - Wikipedia

>>Future Shock is a 1970 book by American futurist Alvin Toffler, written together with his spouse Adelaide Farrell, in which the authors define the term "future shock" as a certain psychological state of individuals and entire societies. The shortest definition for the term in the book is a personal perceptionof "too much change in too short a period of time". The book, which became an international bestseller, has sold over 6 million copies

And this also seems to be the other TERM used that you're making reference to:

Psychopathology is the concern of "the manifestations of psychologically disturbed abnormal behavior on a worldwide basis."2 The study
of psychopathology began in the early twentieth century

"Is psychopathology, as a matter of definition, infrequent in any cultural milieu; or
can the modal characteristics of the members of a culture be realistically
and meaningfully be described by such terms as 'neurotic,' 'paranoid,' or
'hysterical'? '

So what kind of idea did you have in mind for the "MASS PSYCHOSIS" that you make reference to in the OP???

Is society now suffering from MASS NEUROSIS, PARANOIA, OR HYSTERIA???

All of these??? NONE of them???

And one is also interested in what films YOU think are a certain way (not in what others think). If one wanted to know what someone else thinks then one would go ask them for their opinion instead of asking you what you think.


>>we have grunting, growling Metal bands singing about killing everyone and going to Hell. In cinema, we have children's movies glorifying formerly psychopathic villains, comedies about serial killers, every family is presented as twisted with dark secrets, and everything looks grimy and dark and gloomy.

Are Metal bands still around? They seem to have vanished way back in the 90's.

So what are the names of these children's films and comedies that you mention?


I would say that the mental illness society is suffering is an equal combo of all three: mass neurosis, paranoia and hysteria all rolled into one.

on Heavy Metal: My local heavy rock radio station still plays tons of new stuff that sounds like a guy barfing while a chainsaw revs behind him.

Children's films: Disney Villainesses, for one. Cruella Deville, the Wicked Witch... Now just misunderstood victims!

Serial Killer comedies: Dexter, The Voices. Sure there are more. Dysfunctional families: Basically every movie about a family that comes out now features abusive, miserable parents.


Thanks for the examples ... had no idea Cruella is now a misunderstood victim.

So where do you think the mass neurosis, paranoia and hysteria are coming from???

The article is taking about how one culture considers a person MENTALLY ILL who is seen as being perfectly normal in their own culture.

And that also seems to be a part of our problem here in the US is how some of us also see others as being mentally unsound for not sharing the same views as we do.

So how does one overcome or solve that kind of problem???


The way I see it, certain people are very invested, for whatever reasons, in continuing and increasing the degeneration of society through negative influences in media, etc. Could be for political reasons, could be just pure greed, as all this negativity and sensationalism really sells. This results in social polarization, which causes the paranoia. One guy thinks the police are coming to kill him, and the other guy thinks Antifa is coming to kill him.

Social isolation due to technology and fear of public interaction along with the normalization of previously very outre and unacceptable practices cause the neurosis, and hysteria comes due to the sheer overwhelming irrationality of modern life and the feeling that one has little to no control over what becomes of them.

The idea of cultural differences and conflicting ideas of mental health is indeed relevant here. The Left calls the Right senile dinosaurs, and the Right calls the Left lunatics. Everyone hates everyone else and the media encourages it.

I don't really see any way to deliberately overcome or solve these problems. I think either time will produce new generations who are sick of it all, or we will destroy ourselves and be forced into a more simple lifestyle, or maybe we'll just keep on sinking until we are the equivalent of 21st century Romans watching the gladiators butcher each other at the Coliseum, but we'll be streaming it over our iPhones instead of sitting in the stands.


What about the way the country is composed of more than just people on the EXTREME FAR LEFT or people on the EXTREME FAR RIGHT ends of the spectrum???

Why is it people forget about how MOST STATES are PURPLE COLORED instead of being a RED or BLUE COLOR???

Why is it people forget about how MOST PEOPLE don't agree with EXTREMEISM or support those kind of points of view???

Doesn't that also indicate right there that the assumption that the country is heading for HELL in a HANDBASKET makes no sense once one takes into consideration how MOST people don't fall into the EXTREME kind of a category that you've mentioned???



Perhaps, but unless you have very acute insight or you totally isolate yourself from the news, modern music, modern TV, literature and social trends, you are exposed to all the negative influences and paranoia and neuroses that they are pushing. The poisonous cultural influences are pervasive. It's bound to have a bad effect on your psyche, even if it's simply to make you despair over the state of the world.


As you get OLDER, you'll probably have been through enough of these kinds of situations that they'll cease to have as much of an effect upon you as they have when you're younger.

Because after having been though something a few times the effect of going through it tends to wear off and not effect you as much anymore.

NOTE the way it was also MOSTLY younger folks who were there on Jan 6th at the US CAPITAL.

Because by the time one hits OLD AGE they also tend to MELLOW OUT and take things in stride rather then FREAK OUT about something that causes you to be in a state of DESPAIR over the state of things.


Well, the closest cinematic equivalent (since this is a movie chat site) to the way I felt when I compared today's culture with that of 40-50 years ago was the scene at the end of "Soylent Green" where Edward G. Robinson gets euthanized and is allowed to watch films of the way the Earth was when he was young.

Not a FREAK OUT but just a quiet sense of mourning and despair that my son and his children likely will never live in a world where ugliness, negativity, depravity and other unpleasantness is not considered acceptable mainstream entertainment.


my son and his children likely will never live in a world where ugliness, negativity, depravity and other unpleasantness is not considered acceptable

Due to the DUALITY of HUMAN NATURE NO ONE has ever inhabited such a place as you describe.

And since it's HIGHLY UNLIKELY anything will ever change our NATURE, it's also not very likely ANYONE will ever be able to inhabit such as place.

Sir Thomas MOORE also COINED the PHRASE "UTOPIA" (which means NO PLACE) to describe such a place, because there's NEVER been a place like this before that's existed.

Plenty of people have tried to create such a place, but failed, and have NEVER accomplished their mission.

psychopathology can be neither fully described nor explained unless
the social transactions in which the disturbed person participates with
other members of his community are taken into account. '
Social, cultural, and environmental forces all profoundly affect our
mental health.3
" These forces shape who we are and how we function
from day to day. "The culture we belong to, the neighborhood we live in,
the demographic composition of our community, and the opportunities
and frustrations of our work environment", encompassed with powerful
factors such as "whether we are rich or poor, native-born Americans or
immigrants or refugees, and residents of a city or a rural area", all interact
"with our individual biological and psychological characteristics [to]
color our experience, limit or enhance our options, and even affect our
conceptions of mental illness and mental health."'39
B. The Influence of Culture on the Course of Mental Illness
"The norm of one culture is a sign of nervous pathology in the


So you're saying there is really no difference between a society where this is considered acceptable mass-market entertainment:

And a society where this is considered acceptable mass-market entertainment:


No the article is saying what's acceptable in one culture isn't in another one,
And it also says that "Social, cultural, and environmental forces" also shape who we are.

But within our own culture we can't even agree upon what's acceptable and what is not.

And what I've said is there is "NO PLACE" (and never has been such a place) here on EARTH that is as PERFECT as you say you'd like it to be (due to the DUALITY of our NATURES).

And that's the reason why your son and his children will most likely also never live in a world where "ugliness, negativity, depravity" and other unpleasantness doesn't exist "or is not considered acceptable."

The article also uses the example of how a man who believes in the "EVIL EYE" thinks a woman has CURSED him with it, whereas in our culture the man would be considered mentally ill and be institutionalized for having expressed such thoughts.

In the case of our culture, we seem to have DEATH CULTS who have similar beliefs (due to the way that they think taking HORSE & COW meds they buy at a FEED STORE is better for them than getting VACCINATED at a local drug store for the COVID VACCINE).

Because they also consider the GOVERNMENT to be some kind of an EVIL EYE who wants to CURSE them.

So perhaps we should also LOCK them up in an institution the same way as we would the other man from the other culture???

And isn't that one video also about DRUG ABUSE???

So basically the message it's sending is doing DRUGS like COCAINE could also result in having a HALLUCINATION where you'd actually think you're the DEVIL???

In other words, isn't it also a warning about how doing DRUGS can turn your life into a Living NIGHTMARE???

Since I've never seen it before, please also forgive me if that interpretation is incorrect.


I see posts like this all the time, how everything was great, and now everything is shit.
I think it's some kind of psychosis that comes with aging.

It's all in your head. The 60's and 70's were turbulent. Every decade is. And the music and movies of every era reflect that.


I see posts like this all the time, how everything was great, and now everything is shit.

It's all very 'Get off my porch!', isn't it?


Well, you're both probably in your 20s and you have never known a world where popular entertainment was not pushing such a negative world-view. It's normalized to you, and a more peaceful, coherent world seems laughable and obsolete.


Well, you're both probably in your 20s

I wish.

But I am fully aware that my parents hated the films and music I liked when I was in my 20s and thought it was a sign the world was going to hell in a handcart. And I'm aware that my grandparents felt that way about the music and films my parents liked when they were in their 20s and felt the world was going to hell in a handcart.

So - while you might be right that the world is going to hell in a handcart - it might be worth considering that it's just a function of ageing. And you might choose to apply Occam's Razor.


Rather than a "function of aging" which implies a state reminiscent of senility, would you not consider that it is a state of mind acquired through wisdom and experience?


Rather than a "function of aging" which implies a state reminiscent of senility, would you not consider that it is a state of mind acquired through wisdom and experience?

I don't think it implies a state of senility. I'm merely suggesting it's something that happens as people get older and support this with evidence that it has happened within other generations. It's possible that it is acquired through wisdom and experience - which itself would be a function of ageing - but I find that hard to square with the repeated cycle throughout previous generations - unless we're going to accept that middle-aged people who lost their minds over rock n roll and Elvis Presley on Ed Sullivan were being wise.


Elvis and Rock and Roll were the tip of the iceberg. It seems tame to us now, but back then it was a warning sign. We are living now in the age those middle-aged people of the 1950s were afraid Elvis would usher in. After Elvis opened the gates, popular music became more and more extreme and more negatively influential over the years. "You Ain't Nothin' But A Hound Dog" a song that now seems innocent, traces it's lineage directly forward to the extreme music styles of today.


I was born in 1961.
JFK was President.
Top movie - West Side Story
Top song - Runaway, by Dell Shannon


So compare JFK to Joe Biden? Compare the Jets and Sharks to the Crips and Bloods and MS13? Compare Runaway to modern Death Metal music? Is the theory that things are degenerating really all simply an old Fudd's cry of "Get off my porch!"


I really don't know. I just see a pattern of behavior.

I could be totally wrong, and at the head of the line that goes to Hell.

It could be, you had a really pleasant evening. One of those nights that sticks with you. And you want to hold on to it, and you're feeling nostalgic.

I mentioned Kennedy because he was assassinated. That's the worst thing that can happen in American society. It's one of the darkest moments in American history.

The Sharks and the Jets are representative of the same racial problems we're struggling with today. ( and wayward youth, that were the scourge of the times).

On and on.


The evening was indeed pleasant, but much more than that, it was an eye-opening experience. I had not heard that kind of music since I was a child. For years and years I have been listening to harsh rock and grunge and punk, etc.

I don't even really like the old easy listening tunes very much. I have been desensitized and find it drab. But I can still recognize the soothing, peaceful and civilized nature of it compared to the anxiety-inducing music of today. It makes me sad that I have been spoiled for this emotionally healthy kind of music by hostile, aggressive and negative music.

The contrast of the old popular music with modern music was completely, utterly shocking to me, as was the viewing of older movies compared to current ones.

I felt like the proverbial boiling frog who has been sitting obliviously in the water getting hotter and hotter, and then suddenly someone added some cool water to the bowl.


I felt like the proverbial boiling frog who has been sitting obliviously in the water getting hotter and hotter, and then suddenly someone added some cool water to the bowl.



I've addressed these same issues in multiple posts. Slovenly attire and lack of grooming. Loud and obnoxious behavior in public. Lack of manners and courtesy. Increased impatience and demand for instant gratification. Entitlement attitude and the "me... me... me... everything is all about me" mindset.

Too much time is now being spent in front of screens and it has effected attention spans. That's why a movie must now be loaded with CGI, car chases and explosions otherwise it is deemed "boring." People expect to be constantly entertained rather than find their own means entertaining themselves. They need the constant mental stimulation of flashy images and noise to hold their attention. It's similar to addicts building up a resistance to drugs and needing more and stronger fixes to reach their highs.

I blame a lot of this too on social media. Society is more fragmented and polarized, and people have become absorbed into their own little worlds as they stumble around like zombies with their eyes glued to their stupidphones. They are losing empathy and the ability to properly interact with others around them.

Our civilization is regressing and headed for a downfall if we don't turn things around.


Today on the news they discussed WB (aka: FB) again, and how Zuckerberg not only EXPLOITS the lives of TEENAGE GIRLS (by driving them to SUICIDE), but he also sees to it that conversations are MOSTLY ARGUMENTATIVE, because DIVISION is also what enables him to MAKE the MOST MONEY.

The WALL ST. JOURNAL is the place where you can find the article that explains this about him and what he's doing to SOCIETY now.

So what we probably need to do is try to TAKE BACK the NARRATIVE again from him rather than continue to let him have CONTROL over it???

But of course that also just leads us right back again to to complaints about CENSORSHIP ...



FB needs to be nationalized, or broken up and regulated. There needs to be regulation and transparency in this national trust.


I agree.

Yesterday on the news they pointed out how the FOX PROPAGANDA CHANNEL is being SUED now by the company they LIED about (the one who manufactures the VOTING MACHINES).

So if that can happen to them for spreading LIES and MISINFORMATION, it should also happen to ZUCKERBERG as well -- who should also be SUED by the FAMILIES of the GIRLS who have KILLED themselves -- because they couldn't live up to the kind of IDEALISTIC IMAGES that he creates on his WEBSITE.

It was also explained how women have their RIBS removed and get IMPLANTS (as a way to make their body look like a BARBIE DOLL), which also makes teenage girls feel inadequate, when they also have NO IDEA how the IMAGE that they see is a result of SURGERY and other MANIPULATIONS that are used to FILTER out FLAWS, so that the image of the person they see looks much better than they do IN REAL LIFE.

But with all of the MONEY being PAID to LOBBYIST, it's not very likely any laws will get passed or anything else is ever going to change.





You nailed it. All of our top level industries have been financially leveraged to serve the interests of what FDR called Economic Royalists, the group of Libertarian billionaires who over the last 70 years have been searching, learning, deconstructing, planning and operating to take over our government by destroying the social commons of America. From our schools, to our media what used to be a common experience that could not help to bring us together has been deliberately turned into a noisy, dishonest, chaotic, hodgepodge of confusion mean to paralyze and immobilize citizen understanding and actions, and send the message that evil is ok, and the best life has to offer is violence and conflict and that it is better for citizens to shut up because they will just get shouted down, or drowned out by all the garbage in the places that as citizens we look to find meaning and power.


You're a glass half empty guy. Most of today's popular music isn't violent or negative. You will find exactly what you look for in this world. If you want to see doom and gloom there's plenty of that but there is just as much hope and happiness if you look for it.


People complained about 50s and 60s music, 60s movies when the rating system started and TV as the boob tube.


As I said in another comment in this thread, the people back then complained because they were afraid that the music and TV and films they complained about would lead society to the conditions we are actually living under now. The moral decline they anticipated from Elvis et al just took longer to come to full fruition through several generations of performers, each taking it a little bit further down the path.


Maybe so, but I'm glad that we now can watch a man twirl his hips without having a public outrage about it.

And as for the current popular entertainment, I simply don't consume what I don't like.
So again, I manage to avoid most of the vulgarity and the negativity.


We didn't start the fire
