MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Have you ever noticed how much more rapi...

Have you ever noticed how much more rapidly people aged in the past?

Here is a picture showing the actor Lee Marvin at 42 compared with the actor Tom Cruise at 59. I don't think plastic surgery and makeup and hair dye can account for this entirely.

I notice it even in pictures of my father, who died when he was 5 years younger than I am now. If I compare a photo of my dad the year he died to a photo of me today, you would not think we were contemporary in age. You would still assume he was my father.


Back then there were a lot more people living and working on farms. Spending all day in the sun would cause their skin to age more rapidly. Today (in the U.S.) less than two percent of the population works in agriculture.


People did things that made them age faster. Smoking, Drinking, no sunscreen, and less emphasis on eating healthy.


Reading through the replies, interesting answers so far.

I'll add that the clothing, the hair styles, even eyeglasses added their influence that tended to make people more staid looking back then.

When I looked through my parent's high school yearbooks from the 1950s, I wondered how my generation was ever born:
So many of the girls looked so plain and frumpy and destined for spinsterhood, and so many guys looked like corporate dorks in training.

I remember a similar observation from a Seinfeld episode, when asked how so many unattractive people were able to copulate, Jerry's answer was "Alcohol".


Back in the 1980s, I met an eccentric who believed that preservatives in food kept people from aging, and who deliberately ate the foods with the most preservatives and sent for food-preservative chemicals to take as dietary supplements.

Since everything we eat is full of preservatives and other chemicals, and people are aging more slowly... was that person right???


I am positive that dietary changes do indeed have a role in this. Preservatives have a lot of harmful side effects, but conceivably this is a positive one that they would not want the general public to know about.


A great aunt who lived her entire life on a farm (where she grew her own food, milked her own cow, etc.) finally got to the point where she couldn't do that anymore in her 90's.

So we use to take her CANNED GOODS each week end that she could eat, and since she'd never eaten anything with preservatives before, she got stomach cancer and died.

So unless you've grown up eating those kinds of chemicals for your entire life, they can probably kill you.


This is your evidence? A botoxed man who dyes his hair and a rugged man who let's his grey show?


I found this related article while searching for one I read years ago about a man in his 100s that scientists were studying because his diet for decades consisted mostly of crackers and sardines:
