MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How do you get your news?

How do you get your news?

I'm a Facebook scroller and still watch morning tv and evening news broadcasts.

I don't use Twitter for news.

I only read a newspaper if one is laying around.

I like the radio for music but will sometimes catch their hourly news updates.


I'm a news junkie. I try to watch/read/listen national, international, local news as well as news from different communities (ethnic, religious, political) to get different viewpoints. I'll tune into extremist propaganda for a few moments to understand what narrative is being told to their audience

The internet made it easy because I can access almost any global newspaper, radio and channel worldwide along with TV. I never use social media like Facebook for news.

I cycle through about 10-20 different news sources each day.


Exclusively from Carl Kolchak.


Good one! ;) You gotta go with the maverick reporter.


The radio or the newspaper or CNN, or BBC news hour.


Local news on tv. I also lookup breaking stories on newspaper and tv news websites

In the car I listen to NPR

During the evening I watch PBS Newshour and BBC World News


Facebook, YouTube, and Talk Radio from my selected sources.


I put Sky News on every morning just to catch up on events.

I have news pings on my phone which use all different papers and news agencies as the source.

If something interests me then I'll research further.
