foreign languages
world history
american history internationally, from the perspectives of those impacted by it
american racial history, particularly - though that is starting to change.
an appreciation for political histories/contexts/consensuses outside of the us
we are a heavily sequestered & indoctrinated people, but not in the way most might think. we take our preeminence, conventions, nostrums received from our masters, and the associated prerogatives as the most natural thing in the world, without much understanding or appreciating or respecting the world we assume ourselves preeminent concerning.
a notorious example - you ask Americans on the street what were the casualties of the vietnam war - many come up wuth an answer of about 60k Americans, but far fewer will mention the 3 million plus Vietnamese dead.
another - we invaded an extremely large, populous, diverse & strategically important arab nation, deconstructing its entire government & authority & patronage & economic structure at a stroke, led by a man who didn't understand the difference between the sunni & shia sects of islam. the 'planning' committee had virtually no arabic speakers.
in my mind, these anecdotes tell a large part of the story.