MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Films you like that have an imdb rating ...

Films you like that have an imdb rating under a 5.0

What films do you like that are rated under a 5.0 on imdb? Here is my list:

Cuties (2020) imdb:3.2, me:9/10
A Wrinkle in Time (2018) imdb:4.2, me:9/10
Canadian Strain (2019) imdb:4.6,me:8/10
Clara's Ghost (2018) imdb:4.3, me:8/10
Deep Murder (2019) imdb:4.2, me:8/10
Cats (2019) imdb:2.8, me:8/10
Camp Death III in 2D! (2018) imdb:3.8, me:8/10
A Second Chance (2011) imdb:4.7, me:8/10
The Baby Formula (2008) imdb:4.7, me:8/10
Diary of a Nudist (1961) imdb:4.1, me:8/10


'The Jerky Boys' ( 1995 ) IMDB: 4.7, Me: 8/10


Sharknado series.
Human Centipede series.


Sharktopus has a score 3.2. BULLSHIT! Everyone watched that whole thing to the end and they were entertained. Jerkoffs.


Rating 1-10

Jaws 3D 1983.......... 3.7/8
Jason X 2001.... 4.4/8
Valentine 2001......... 4.8/8
Food of the Gods 1976.... 4.6/6
Turbulence 1997... 4.9/7
Grease 2 1982....4.4/ 7
Herbie Fully Loaded 2005....4.8/6
Fantasy Island 2020... 4.9/6
Charlies Angels Full Throttle 2003... 4.9/6


Don’t forget grease 2


Got it😀


Glitter (2001) -2.3 : I don’t really like the movie, I just liked looking at Mariah Carey in 2001

Grease 2 (1982) -4.4 : very young when it came out, like it better than the original; repeatedly on HBO during the mid 80s, along with Daisy Duke (Catherine Bach), Michelle pfeiffer definitely one of my first crushes on screen

Johnny Be Good (1988)- 4.6 : silly, fun, goofy….an awful sports movie, but I don’t expect much from that genre

Zapped (1982)- 4.9 : man, maybe Tarantino was on to something, the 80s had its share of shyt!….still, a fun movie exploring the fantasy of telekinetic powers…


Skateboard or die (2018) - 4.4. with 84 votes. I think me and the person who told me to watch it are the only people to watch it who didn't have a family member in the crew or something.
All I can say is just watch it. It's like the videotape in the ring if someone else watches it the curse is lifted. I watched the whole thing though. I've bailed out of supposedly better movies.


This one's a 5 on IMDB, but I thought Cursed (2005) was pretty entertaining.


I only watched Ishtar once on video but I remember it was OK. Panned by everyone at the time.


Dungeons & Dragons (2000)
Psycho (1998)
Exorcist II: the Heretic (1977)
Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 (2000)
Sword of the Valiant (1984)
McBain (1991)
