MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Films you like that have an imdb rating ...

Films you like that have an imdb rating under a 5.0

What films do you like that are rated under a 5.0 on imdb? Here is my list:

Cuties (2020) imdb:3.2, me:9/10
A Wrinkle in Time (2018) imdb:4.2, me:9/10
Canadian Strain (2019) imdb:4.6,me:8/10
Clara's Ghost (2018) imdb:4.3, me:8/10
Deep Murder (2019) imdb:4.2, me:8/10
Cats (2019) imdb:2.8, me:8/10
Camp Death III in 2D! (2018) imdb:3.8, me:8/10
A Second Chance (2011) imdb:4.7, me:8/10
The Baby Formula (2008) imdb:4.7, me:8/10
Diary of a Nudist (1961) imdb:4.1, me:8/10


Did you really like Cats! that much? I tried to watch the stage production and I couldn't get through it. "Memory" was good and maybe 2-3 other songs and the rest just garbage.

The episode in Kimmy Schmidt where Titus sneaks onstage is 1,000% better.


Yes, I genuinely enjoyed Cats. I went to the movies and saw it on Christmas day.
