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Have you been back to the movies since Covid?

I finally went back on Monday to see The Conjuring 3 and while it was nice just being back, it definitely felt different.

I had read that theaters were doing unique things to bring patrons back, but the ticket was still the same cost as before and a small drink was still $6.00

Also while I knew ahead of time that this movie was available on HBO Max, I think for the theaters to survive moving forward, some movies will need to be released in theaters only.

I just wanted to go back and see if it was still as fun as before, but I couldn't help but think at least a few times that for the same price as a ticket and drink, I could have subscribed to HBO Max for a month.

I really want movie theaters to have a future, but I also know I am nostalgic for them. I still find some value in seeing certain movies in a theater setting, but with streaming instantly available for nearly everything, the theaters will have to try something different.


i haven't set foot in a theatre since 'the invisible man,' which i think was released in february of 2020.

i'll definitely go back as soon as they're open. i watch lots and lots of movies by streaming & am happy to do so, but for me there's something essential that comes with the focus that's imposed by a theatre screening & a big sound system.


Thats funny. That is the last movie I saw before covid.

I hate to admit that I may be a bit adhd or something, because one of the reasons I enjoy the theater is I have nothing else to be distracted by.

No laptop and no phone so I'm dialed in on the movie.


you'll get no shaming from me for that. that's a huge part of the reason i will always be there for a theatre viewing. i constantly am fiddling with my phone or poking around on my laptop when i'm watching a movie at home. i pay attention more often than not, but i know i don't get the complete film the way i do when i have the controlled focus i get from being in a movie house.


I haven't been to a theater in years. There is no movie that I absolutely must see the minute it is released. I can wait until the DVD/Blu-ray is available.

I prefer to watch a film at home without the rude theater patrons. The popcorn is cheaper, too.


This is me, too. Actually, I haven't been to a theater in decades. I couldn't stand the noisy, jabbering audience members, and quit going. I'm not paying good money to listen to someone yammering through the entire movie. I can only imagine how annoying it is now with folks and their cellphones. 😬


I often hear people complain about rude patrons but I can count the # of times I've actually been bothered by other viewers.

The theater experience is definitely expensive though and i can never really justify the price.

As I said in my post originally I think for them to have a fighting chance they MUST strike a deal with Hollywood to carry theater exclusive movies.

Simply playing stuff already streaming will not work.


I’ve been to the theaters plenty of times in the past year. At this same time last year I got to see plenty of classic movies on the big screen such as Ghostbusters, Twister and The Karate Kid. The last few movies I saw were Nobody and Mortal Kombat.


Once in the middle of lockdown when they opened back up for a few weeks and as soon as they reopened a few months ago. Have not been back in many weeks though since all the new stuff looks like garbage.

Since reopening: Nobody, The Courier, Wrath of Man, and Dream Horse.

We always grab seats in row 2 which is the equivalent of the old row 5. It puts us in front of the central cross-theater path and isolates us from phone lights. Rarely anyone there too so it isn't much different for us. We have not yet resumed our grub smuggling practices but we have murdered many nachos and popcorn.

It is great to be back. I wish there were more things to look forward to. there are movies I did not intend to see that I will go see only because they are the only flicks that have a shred of interest for me. I was not going to see Suicide Squad nor Matrix but I probably will at this point since NOTHING else looks good at all in those respective months.
