Just as a scenario... Would governments avoid panic? Would they discontinue the vaccines under the excuse of blood clots? What do you think happens initially?
In the US, 40% are completely vaccinated.. How do you think life would be if 40% of the people died? Obviously we'd have a catastrophic start, but humans truck on.. We'd have to find replacements for certain industries most affected and possibly a new social contract.
What positives would occur as a result? Fantasize away!
Every single country would enter into major civil wars. There would be instant power vacuums to fill everywhere and the power hungry would race/kill to get it. In the midst of the global confusion, China would invade/absorb lots of countries and Muslim countries would combine and probably do the same (them attacking Israel when this happened goes without saying).
The need for food would drop by that same 40% and would actually turn into a food shortage as the new procedures would rubberband from too much to not enough people involved in making & distributing it. Reaching the new parity of supply/demand would be a major crisis.
Less consumer demand for everything would be the long term issue but the sudden excess of unneeded product would practically kill off way more than 40% of businesses for a decade.
The West being a Multi cult hell hole would end up being torn to pieces as all the different groups align on racial and/or religious lines and fight for dominance probably even assisting their brothers from their homelands with intelligence.
Wow. It never ceases to amaze me how many people think that.
Maybe dig into the other narrative and compare them, eh? Try the other news filter for the effort. Compare and contrast.
FYI: Israel and the United States have given millions over and over to the Palestinians (Israel learned not to way before we did) for them to establish infrastructure like schools, hospitals, etc. Every single time, they use the money to dig tunnels under Israel to attack from and on missiles and weapons instead. Israel spent decades trying to help only to have their hand bitten. Meanwhile they teach their children to use guns and to hate Israel. What looks like Apartheid is a nation tired of being attacked at every turn no matter what they do. So they counter-attack. Hamas plants ALL of their military installations among women and children. Even in hospitals. Then they take pictures of what happened after Israel fights back.
Israel NEVER starts it. In all of Israel's history, they have never struck first. Always defending themselves. And even when that is evident right in front of everyone's eyes, Israel is portrayed as the bad guy. I have investigated both sides and I know that Israel is not 100% innocent presently. They have been defending themselves in this manner for so long that their people are becoming radicalized as well. They are starting to lose their "righteous defendant" status by small degrees. Hamas and the Palestinians were never righteous. They have always from the start been violent and completely unwilling to live in peace.
So you'd be OK with American Indians firing 140 missiles into United States elementary schools?
You really aught to read up on the creation of Israel and the state of the Palestinians just before that (try a gov source instead of some radical Left wing source). Hatred of Jews started long before the creation of Israel and played a major part in why the Palestinians did not join the ride to the top as they were welcomed and encouraged to.
Don't assume all Jews support how Palestinians are being treated. Jews I know complained about it to me and blamed the British at a time when I had no interest in the subject. To your chagrin, my opinion was formed by Jewish people. And yes, many I know are liberal.
Your position is extreme and divisive. One can support both Jews and Palestinians. Both need their own countries. There is no reason for Israel to continue its occupation of the Palestinian territories.
I believe you're being unethical and immoral when you support persecuting anyone based on their religion.
Nothing to do with religion on my end. Only missiles fired at civilian targets and the retaliation. It has everything to do with religion with the Palestinians.
Your first paragraph is some odd side conversation you must have been having with someone else.
You are siding with the guys whom hang homosexuals from cranes for the crime of homosexuality. Also the people who spent infrastructure money on weapons instead of a better life (money given to them by ISRAEL). Also the people who were essentially nomads living among rocks before Israel was established.
They have had tons and tons of opportunities to rise up along with Israel. The hand has been held out to them from the start, even continuing after decades and decades of that hand being bitten. They even gave them giant chunks of land in treaties and agreements that the Palestinians never ever adhered to. Every single peace agreement has been Israel giving something in exchange for peace. Every time ... no peace.
It isn't surprising that after so many generations of this routine of violence from them no matter what Israel does that Israelis are losing the desire to try anymore. Now they just fire back hard when fucked with.
As always: If radical Muslims would put their weapons down today, there would be peace tomorrow. If the Israelis put their weapons down today, there would be no Israel tomorrow.
It has to do with land for the Palestinians. It's not that difficult to open your ears and listen to what they have to say. You're obviously unaware that Palestinians don't belong to just one religion.
Many more Palestinians being killed than Israelis. Why don't you know this?
You're stereotyping Muslims. Too much Fox?
Not really. I usually work in an open space with multiple workers. The very first time I heard about Britain, my coworker was talking to someone else about it. They both were Jewish. I questioned him further about it and he explained what had happened. I'm in a very diverse environment where people like to express themselves so I learn plenty.
Germany murdered 6 million Jews. They or Britain should've been forced to give up their own land. The point of Israel was to create a SAFE PLACE for Jews to live. That's not the situation now as you just admitted. The situation can't be maintained as it is.
It should be interesting to see what happens after Netanyahu leaves.
A know-it-all or know-all is a person who constantly presents their input as though they were professionally trained, schooled or have firsthand insight into subjects when it is evident this is not the case.β
"Every single country would enter into major civil wars. There would be instant power vacuums "
Nah , If everyone vaccinated suddenly died society would collapse - including armies.
An Army marches on its stomach.
All the supply chains would stop
Thered be no food on store shelves.
no gas
no electricity
no gas (the other kind)
people would be stabbing each other over scavenged tins of catfood within a week.
the first property of a vaccine candidate is the ability to provoke, reliably, an immune response. any vaccine will inject a finite amount of particles which will be sequestered by antibodies within hours/days. the mRNA vaccine fragments are down to a few parts per million in about 3 days. all of which imply, if a vaccine is going to kill you, it will kill you quick.
how does such a lethal concoction ever get thru lab/animal/human testing onto the population ?
iow, i reject the premise :)
suggestion: onset of a novel pandemic with a pathogen of much higher lethality than covid.
First world countries would be the hardest hit since we have the majority of vaccinated people. Big chunks of Africa, Asia, and South America would probably be unaffected, so first world countries would pretty much open up their borders for all immigration. It would completely reshape the world. Would make for an interesting movie.
I was just thinking of other things, the mental changes. Maybe kids would be more creative, instead of getting all their angst out via phone. They might learn the language better, and that good behavior could be copied. It's definitely fun to think about the many different alternatives, especially considering it's fictional, thus being able to create any scenarios. One of them was a new variant that is so strong it kills a majority of the people, although the youngest people are spared because of they are less likely to die of COVID.
History tells us that after the PLAGUE WIPES OUT about 33% or 1/3rd of the population in EUROPE things IMPROVED for the WORKING CLASS, because then they could DEMAND HIGHER WAGES from the RICH (who no longer had a large enough JOB pool to choose from to be able to get people to work for them for UNLIVEABLE WAGES anymore).
So MOST LIKELY the missing 40% would be a GOOD THING for MOST of SOCIETY in the US (where less than 1% of the RICH FOLKS have about 99% or MOST all of the WEALTH). Because the WORKING CLASS would then be able to get more of the MONEY PIE from them by DEMANDING HIGHER PAY.
However, the FACT is it would also be the other way around, with MOST of those who are NOT VACCINATED being the ones who would DIE.
Which also means LIFE would be much BETTER for the VACCINATED once the UNVACCINATED are GONE and then they can DEMAND HIGHER WAGES for their JOBS without having to COMPETE with as many other people being around to work for LESS PAY.
Of course then FOLKS who want WALLS BUILT now (like the KOCH BROTHERS) will also immediately become PRO IMMIGRATION as a way to try and KEEP their MONEY. Because they'll also want IMMIGRANTS as a way to try and keep enough competition among the work force so they don't have to pay as much once the UNVACCINATED DIE off and clear the way for others to DEMAND HIGHER PAY.
Here's another link that also explains how LIFE IMPROVED for other reasons (such as SURVIORS having better genes to pass on than those who didn't survive):
>>The Black Death, a plague that first devastated Europe in the 1300s, had a silver lining. After the ravages of the disease, surviving Europeans lived longer, a new study finds.
In other words, PANDEMICS can also have GOOD RESULTS and not be ALL BAD.
How the Black Death Improved the Lives of Medieval Peasants
>>It decimated the population, killing roughly half of all people living. After the ravages of the plague were finished, however, medieval peasants found their lives and working conditions improved. One of the most famous pandemics in Europeβs history raged across the continent and around the world from 1347-51.
>>To maintain their estates and ways of living the lords needed peasants to farm their lands, and so, faced with a labour shortage, the lords were forced to pay peasants more for their work and enter into agreements that were more beneficial to the peasants. Peasants suddenly had more agency and more control over their working lives. They could dictate the terms of their contracts. They could simply leave their position if their lord treated them poorly or was unwilling to pay them more. They were able to acquire more wealth and freedom as the importance of their labour was increasingly recognized in the face of its loss.
On the news You can also already hear about this kind of a thing happening where employees are having trouble finding people to work for them anymore in lousy paying jobs.
So look out for these kind of LAWS that got passed after the PLAGUE to next appear:
>>Many and various attempts were made by local governments and officials to block this upward movement. An Ordinance from Castile in 1351 condemns those who βwander about idle and do not want to workβ as well as those βdemand such great prices and salaries and wages.β It orders all able to do so to work for a set, pre-plague price. Another from Sienna condemns those who βextort and receive great sums and salaries for the daily labor that they do every dayβ and sets a fixed price of six gold florins a year.
>>Court records show that peasants and labourers frequently demanded more pay for their labour, left before the end of a contract, and abandoned one position if they were offered more money in another. They were charged for these offenses, but they kept doing them.
>>As working conditions and salaries improved, so did the lifestyles of the peasants. Goods and activities that had only been available to those with money were suddenly being taken up by peasants and other members of the lower classes. They used their newfound wealth to buy fancier clothes, eat nicer food, and take up leisure activities
Time will tell what the end of our current pandemic will bring. The Black Death shows that pandemics can bring positive social changes. Hopefully, COVID-19 will bring some too.
HISTORY REVEALS that the PLAGUE which WIPED OUT 50 % of the POPULATION in EUROPE made POOR people RICHER due to the way they could DEMAND HIGHER WAGES:
>>Court records show that peasants and labourers frequently demanded more pay for their labour, left before the end of a contract, and abandoned one position if they were offered more money in another. They were charged for these offenses, but they kept doing them.
>>As working conditions and salaries improved, so did the lifestyles of the peasants. Goods and activities that had only been available to those with money were suddenly being taken up by peasants and other members of the lower classes. They used their newfound wealth to buy fancier clothes, eat nicer food, and take up leisure activities
>>Time will tell what the end of our current pandemic will bring. The Black Death shows that pandemics can bring positive social changes. Hopefully, COVID-19 will bring some too.
THE GIST of it is this:
PANDEMICS are GOOD for those without MONEY and BAD for those who have it.
How the Black Death Improved the Lives of Medieval Peasants
So the REAL ISSUE is how YOU are TOO LAZY to read it and not about how long it is.
Which also means you're TROLLING what's been said-- by FLINGING forth a FALLACY called the ARGUMENTUM AD HOMINEN (against the MAN)--instead of talking about the SUBJECT matter on this TOPIC.
And If you don't like OR approve of the POSTING STYLE, Instead of acting like a TROLL, why not just USE the IGNORE OPTION that's available to you???
Because you also seem to think INSULTING someone also makes you SUPERIOR in some way to them.
History tells us that after the PLAGUE WIPES OUT about 33% or 1/3rd of the population in EUROPE things IMPROVED for the WORKING CLASS, because then they could DEMAND HIGHER WAGES from the RICH (who no longer had a large enough JOB pool to choose from to be able to get people to work for them for UNLIVEABLE WAGES anymore).
So MOST LIKELY the missing 40% would be a GOOD THING for MOST of SOCIETY in the US (where less than 1% of the RICH FOLKS have about 99% or MOST all of the WEALTH). Because the WORKING CLASS would then be able to get more of the MONEY PIE from them by DEMANDING HIGHER PAY.
However, the FACT is it would also be the other way around, with MOST of those who are NOT VACCINATED being the ones who would DIE.
If you don't like OR approve of the POSTING STYLE, Instead of acting like a TROLL, why not just USE the IGNORE OPTION that's available to you???
Since a QUESTION was put forth, No one is being FORCED to IGNORE anyone.
The OPTION was simply pointed out to them as a way that they can use it so that won't see what's been said anymore.
Whether or not they chose to use it is up to them.
And since this poster also keeps TROLLING topics where they ATTACK my posting style (instead of talking about the TOPIC itself the same way as you've also done), that also makes THEM the A$$.
Because I also came here to TALK about the TOPIC, not to TALK about MYSELF the way that you and this other poster have done, which is also an EXTREMELY RUDE thing to do to the person who began the topic.
But one also won't wait for an APOLOGY from you to them, because that's also NOT something that TROLLS ever seem willing to offer anyone.
So is anyone else interested in actually DISCUSSING the TOPIC or how the WORKING CLASS ends up being BETTER OFF once (hypothetically speaking) 40% of the POPULATION is gone???
>>What positives would occur
This other poster has their panties all twisted up in a WAD because of the "POSITIVE things" that were said (which also completely contradicts their other GLOOMY and GOOFY CONSPIRACY theories).
>>Every single country would enter into major civil wars. There would be instant power vacuums to fill everywhere and the power hungry would race/kill to get it.
This isn't what happens in EUROPE after the PLAGE. What happens is LIFE IMPROVED for the MAJORITY of people the same way as it would again. We also saw proof of this when the AIR got CLEANER in many places after COVID attacked and TRAVEL stopped and then you had much less POLLUTION as a result of that.
Thanks, tcrum. That's very kind. When a post is worth responding to, I always try to answer in good faith. Heaven knows there's more than enough snark in the world and I'd rather not add to it. :)