Evidence indicates that the SPACE--TIME FABRIC of this UNIVERSE we inhabit came into existence approximately 13 BILLION years ago.
But what about PRIOR to that time???
Did TIME exist before that???
Will TIME still exist after the end of the UNIVERSE???
Some experts also suspect that it will FREEZE or FIZZEL OUT like a FIRE WORK does (due to the way that it's also been COOLING DOWN since it was created and due to the way it also keeps EXPANDING faster and faster all of the time).
I don't think humans are capable of fully grasping something that is eternal, if such a thing exists. I can accept that something goes on forever, like a repeating decimal, or Pi. But no beginning? My mind cannot grasp such a thing.
Do you think it's possible that some ADVANCED RACE of BEINGS could have CREATED US??? In other words, could the UNIVERSE that we inhabit be some kind of a SUPER ADVANCED SIMULATION (sort of like the MATRIX)???
And if so, then is it also possible that those who created us could also chose to END US as well (like the ARCHITECT also chose to end ZION 5 times before version #6 of NEO was created)???
The scene from "ANIMAL HOUSE" reminds me of how PETER FONDA and JACK got HIGH in "EASY RIDER" smoking POT and then JACK starts talking about the same kind of stuff after that.
"...then is it also possible that those who created us could also chose to END US as well...?"
Our Creator had pondered this at one time.
Genesis Chapter 6:
5 The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
6 And the Lord was sorry that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart.
7 So the Lord said, “I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the ground, man and beast and creeping things and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them.”
8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.
Fortunately this led to the covenant with Noah in Genesis Chapter 9:
11 I establish my covenant with you, that never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of a flood, and never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth.”
The problem with this is how SOPHIA (GOD's mother) is the one who CREATED him without the assistance of her husband (the same way as GOD created HUMANS without the assistance of his wife).
So SOPHIE sets this DEFECTED DEMIURGE off in a place by himself where he incorrectly assumes that he's THE ONLY GOD, and then proceeds to create us HUMANS. So then SOPHIE takes mercy upon us and BREATHS the SPARK of LIFE into us (which the DEMIURGE couldn't do because he was only a HALF GOD).
Anyhow, SOPHIE is also suppose to be the GODDESS who will END this WORLD.
In On the Origin of the World, Sophia is depicted as the ultimate destroyer of this material universe, Yaldabaoth and all his Heavens:
She [Sophia] will cast them down into the abyss. They [the Archons] will be obliterated because of their wickedness. For they will come to be like volcanoes and consume one another until they perish at the hand of the prime parent. When he has destroyed them, he will turn against himself and destroy himself until he ceases to exist. And their heavens will fall one upon the next and their forces will be consumed by fire. Their eternal realms, too, will be overturned. And his heaven will fall and break in two. His [...] will fall down upon the [...] support them; they will fall into the abyss, and the abyss will be overturned. The light will [...] the darkness and obliterate it: it will be like something that never was.
I was thinking we're SIMULATIONS created by our FUTURE SELVES as a way to keep them ENTERTAINED. There's a film called "THE THIRTEETH FLOOR," for example, where characters from the 1990's create a 1930 SIMULATED WORLD, and then they also discover that they themselves were also SIMULATIONS that had been created by characters from the year 2024.
And the characters in each WORLD were also created in the IMAGE of their creator (meaning they looked just like those who created them).
We can't really handle infinity, it breaks our math. So we aren't good at describing situations of infinite density like the singularity. Time, as we know it, depends on mass and acceleration. This is why our models come close to the moment of the great inflation, but struggle with the very event itself. It becomes an infinite moment.
Causality dictates, that there must have been something "before", but we cannot really know and we can't put it into a timely perspective as we're missing any insights. Our main source of information, cosmic radiation, has a starting point we can't look beyond.
Entropy will increase up to a point where energy levels and distances are below/beyond recognition. Technically, as long as there's some minimal mass somewhere (including energy), time exists. The last thing to observe "our" time will be some kind of minimal radiation, spread out over an indefinite area. Does it really end? Well, it approaches an ending.
This theory was pretty popular in the 20th century and it has a beauty to it.
But at the moment, it looks like infinite expansion and de-radiation - the big freeze.
If you would have capitalized FRIEND in the first sentence, I think I would have understood what you are saying in your post. But you didn't so I can't make heads or tails of that gibberish!
The FERMI LAB had a COLLIDER where they use to do the same kind of thing that they now do with the LHC.
But the LHC (LARGE HADRON COLLIDER) pretty much put the FERMI LAB out of business because it's a MUCH BIGGER and better COLLIDER than the one is at FERMILAB.
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the worlds largest and most powerful particle accelerator. It first started up on 10 September 2008, and remains the latest addition to CERNs accelerator complex. The LHC consists of a 27-kilometre ring of superconducting magnets with a number of accelerating structures to boost the energy of the particles
And that also happened right after the FRIEND got his PHD in PARTICLE PHYSICS (after which he also had a hard time finding another job).
Through the Wormhole S03 - Ep05 What is Nothing HD Watch
His section of it is also only about 10 MIN in length
He thinks the UNIVERSE will COOL DOWN and CONSUME us that way, sort of like the way WATER exist in 3 STATES: STEAM, LIQUID, ICE.
The UNIVERSE will COOL DOWN AGAIN and enter an ICE STATE ( at which time EVERYTHING in it will FIZZEL OUT or BREAK APART the same way as powder does if one blows on it).
So in a matter of seconds we'd cease to exist (pretty much the same way as we would if a GAMMA RAY were suddenly to HIT US and DESTROY US).
Particle physics in general digs into the basics of mass and gravity, this takes us closer to the great inflation and current models come pretty close to the moment.
Everything beyond is only based on models, where some theories are hard to prove or disprove because the early stages were very different - that's why we need such massive experiments.
Max Tegmark might be right, that such events are like phase transitions. We have no precedents or other universes to look at. At least, it doesn't look likely to happen in a Thanos snap style. From what can be observed today, something like a slow delution looks like the most probable (very) far future.
A Thanos-Style Finger Snap May Lead to Marvel’s Infinity Warps Mash-Ups. The reason for Marvel's Infinity Warps character mash-ups could have a connection to Thanos' winning play in Avengers: Infinity War. With Infinity Countdown still underway at Marvel Comics, not much is known regarding its follow-up event, Infinity Wars, aside from a mysterious character named Requiem becoming involved in the chase for the six Infinity Stones.
A Thanos-Style Finger Snap May Lead to Marvel’s Infinity ...
Some versions of the "big rip" theory impose a certain event at the end, something that could be considered the last universal moment, happening everywhere at once - like the snap of Thanos' fingers in the movie. Simultaneously entering a different "aggregation level" would be on a comparable scale.
This is what I was referring to (it's a movie board after all ;) ).
The big freeze theory doesn't provide such a spectacle. Theoretically, an evenly distributed maximal entropy is reachable.
Personally, I'd bet on natural chaos. It takes a lot of conditions to be met for a process to fully complete in nature. There are surely effects out there, on scales we cannot yet comprehend - or never will. If even distribution was a universal thing, anti-matter would have annihilated us a long time ago.
The simplest case is where an aggregation level lies on an InfoProvider, which is suitable for planning. Aggregation levels can also be created on InfoProviders that are suitable for planning, as they contain a basic InfoProvider that is suitable for planning: You can create several aggregation levels for one InfoProvider.
Simple Aggregation Level
A basic InfoProvider is based on a simple aggregation level.
Complex Aggregation Level
A complex aggregation level is based on InfoProvider containing at least one basic InfoProvider suitable for planning, but no simple aggregation level.
You want to copy current data from an actual basic InfoCube to a plan basic InfoCube with a planning function of type Copy. To do this, you use an aggregation level based on an InfoProvider that includes the plan and actual InfoProviders.
This "aggregation level" stuff is over my head, but the BIG FREEZE example Max provides is suppose to happen INSTANTLY (the same way as we'd also cease to exist INSTANTLY if a GAMMA RAY BURST suddenly hit us).
So how do you account for MAXIMAL ENTROPY taking place in NATURE in the case of a GRB???
When a theory includes exceeding the speed of light (applies to all things happening universally everywhere simultaneously), it becomes a curiosity to me. I'm surely biased, but I read them like Sci-Fi. The big bang theory is the only exception I make :)
Gamma ray bursts occur all the time, somewhere. Imagine it like the scenes in movies, where a thief tries to evade the laser beams circling around the precious object. The probability for one to hit us is on an astronomical scale - making geological disasters like a super-volcano more likely.
It's possible at any time to get hit by one and it would impose a huge problem to our atmosphere, regardless of the side it hits. There are some factors playing in our hands, like extreme relative speeds and the relative flatness of the universe compared to the angles in which such bursts appear to occur.
The universe would continue to exist anyway, with or without us. Time would go on.
Maximal entropy is on a universal scale, when time actually ends. It's about the end of the universe when things like planets, suns, even elements, everything more complex than a common kind of particle had ceased to exist long before.
In the end, there still is "something", but nothing happens any more and there's no potential to make anything happen. Everything has fallen apart to an extremely thin and common particle soup. This is why it's called the "big freeze", like at 0 Kelvin, absolutely nothing happens.
We don't have to directly worry about it. If it does, it will happen in a very distant future. Maybe it doesn't happen at all, there's so much left to explore, it's only how the current understanding of physics predicts its own deconstruction.
Having reached maximal entropy once, "time" is over. Even if something started over again, it would be inherently impossible to tell the duration of nothingness in between.
But what about COSMIC INFLATION??? Surely that can't be a SCI FI situation??? And it also took place or else the TEMPERATURE in the UNIVERSE wouldn't be so UNIFORM now (which has also been confirmed by the WMAP).
And yes YELLOWSTONE going off again (for the 3rd or 4th time) is probably more likely to WIPE many of US OUT than a GRB hitting us. PLUS we're also going COLLIDE with the ANDROMEDA GALAXY (at which time our entire SOLAR SYSTEM could get FLUNG out into SPACE where we'd become an UNINHABITALE ROGUE planet roaming aimlessly around).
Brian Cox also had a program about ENTROPY and he said that the only thing that would be left towards the end would be BLACK HOLES.
But even those wouldn't be left IF MAX TEGMARK is right about his THEORY where a BIG BLOB would CONSUME EVERYTHING in the UNIVERSE. He never said if it would also GOBBLE UP the FABRIC of SPACE-TIME as well, but doesn't that demonstration also give one that kind of an impression???
That even SPACE-TIME would cease to EXIST as well???
The great inflation gets a pass, because it's a one-time event and for now, there's no better theory around - not saying that some of the current models won't be subject to changes over time, of course they will. If the singularity happened as supposed, we'll have to accept that our perception of time does not apply to anything before.
As for disasters - Gliese 710 would be another predictable problem - or the moon slowly leaving/destabilizing earth - our sun's supernova - they will happen, but won't be the first problem humanity will encounter in a near future. Even a magnetic polar shift is going to happen at any time _geologically_ soon, meaning in 20k years, a lot more, not exactly never or maybe tomorrow.
The Brian Cox prediction is not wrong, just following another definition of "the end". Life in the known universe is likely to be consumed by black holes, but time as it's defined by physics would not yet cease to exist. There's still a lot of reactivity going on, a lot of energy around.
As long as something is going on (or has the potential to do so), it takes time to progress - it defines time by progressing.
That even SPACE-TIME would cease to EXIST as well???
Yes, this is when time in general ceases to exist. Space-time would still exist up to this moment - by definition, but it would be stripped of its effects. At this moment, space would be a flattened layer, equally slightly radiated (simplified). The definition of space becomes a more statistical one - it's practically a 2D disc.
With time goes space-time, but the dependency on space becomes a constant anyway.
It's really about the last moment the Standard Model of physics predicts for itself. Pretty morbid when I think about it. When there is nothing left to tell now apart from the moment before because they are all the same, forever - or not forever, there is no way to know, because time has gone.
Space would continue to exist, other aspects of the Standard Model could still apply, but remain perfectly balanced (powers) or are simply not applicable (thermodynamics).
We cannot tell for how long. Nobody can.
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-Gliese 710 would be another predictable problem - or the moon slowly leaving/destabilizing earth - our sun's supernova - they will happen
Ok. Which SOLAR SYSTEM do you inhabit?
Because THIS ONE where we live on PLANET EARTH doesn't have a SUN that's going to go SUPERNOVA !!!
Because it's too SMALL to do that. Instead it's going to turn into a RED GIANT, GOBBLE US UP, and then end up being a WHITE DWARF after that.
Also not familiar with this Gliese 710 situation, but our MOON also won't leave us before our SUN SWELLS UP to cause us any destabilization issues where we'd WOBBLE around on our AXIS.
Because it also only drifts about a INCH away from us each year.
Ok, this was simplified, the swelling up to a red giant will have the same effects to planets in range, so the difference in wording doesn't matter. Let's use the longer wording: It will run out of fuel.
At its peak, the sun's diameter will more or less reach Earth's course (somewhere between Venus' and Mars' orbit, it's still an estimation).
And yes, at the current speed and acceleration, moon will have left a stabilizing position long before, Earth will already wobble a lot when this happens.
At present, the Moon gets 3.8 cm further away from Earth every year, and it was much closer to Earth in prehistoric times.
But the Moon’s outward spiral is dwindling as its distance from Earth decreases and its tidal forces get weaker. This alone should be enough to prevent our satellite from ever leaving orbit around Earth completely without intervention from some outside force. Another factor to consider is that the Moon’s satellite’s tidal pull slows down Earth’s rotation by 2 milliseconds per century. Given enough time, will eventually slow it so that Earth takes a month to rotate (however long a month may be by that time). At this point, Earth will be fixed with one side facing towards the Moon, just as the Moon is already fixed with one side facing towards Earth. At this point, Earth’s tidal bulges will become ‘frozen’ is place, and incapable of influencing either Earth or Moon any longer.
How long will it take for the Moon to move away from the Earth?
In about 50 billion years, the Moon will stop moving away from us and settle into a nice, stable orbit. At this point, the Moon will take about 47 days to go around the Earth (currently, it takes ...
A Rocky Relationship: Is the Moon Leaving the Earth?
📌 Also NOTE how the SUN is due to SWELL UP and GOBBLE BOTH the EARTH and the MOON UP in about 5 BILLION YEARS.
What will happen to the Sun in 5.4 billion years?
>>In 5.4 billion years from now, the sun will enter what is known as the red giant phase of its evolution
So why on EARTH someone says the MOON will settle into a STABLE ORBIT in 50 MILLION years makes no sense.
Ok. It also acknowledges this FACT in the link:
>>there are a number of individuals who believe that the Moon is leaving for good (hopefully, you never believed these slanderous lies, but a lot of people do).
>>Individuals frequently talk about a permanent breakup. And this, I am glad to say, is utter nonsense.
>>As is true of many rocky relationships, the Earth and Moon only need a bit of time and space to work things out.
>>…of course, the Sun is going to turn into a Red Giant in about 5 billion years, and many scientists believe that it will consume our planet in the process. So the Earth and Moon will be obliterated long before they achieve stability…and the human race will probably be extinct.
So that's 2 STRIKES against you now !!!
(The SUN going SUPERNOVA and the MOON leaving when its not)
This is Moon's perspective, not Earths. Moon's stabilizing qualities to our angle vanish long before its probable settlement. Earth will encounter extreme winds and most possibly become uninhabitable because of this.
Still, we're on a billions of years scale - not nearly to the end of time - the topic - and nothing to worry about now.
Don't know what you mean with your strikes, my point was that it basically has nothing to do with the topic. They're just "local" disasters, but don't affect time. Don't blame me for trying to simplify things for you by listing examples you might understand. If you want the long version - it's just the current state of science, read it up.
Since the MOON is composed of matter that comes from the EARTH ...
(matter which got blown off of the PLANET when another MARS sized PROTO PLANET hit it --way back when lots of other PROTO PLANETS were still roaming around inside of our SOLAR SYSTEM during it's formation) ...
that means THE MOON has the SAME PERSPECTIVE as the EARTH.
And EARTH also won't become UNINHABITABLE for us HUMANS either:
the previously mentioned ‘wobble’ that the moon stabilizes will start to become much more noticeable as the moon has a mitigated gravitational effect on Earth due to a larger distance from it. This will yield a measurable change in seasons with much greater temperature swings and longer exposure to extreme conditions such as warm weather during the summer when facing the Sun or freezing conditions in winter when turning away from the sun.
Thanks to technology and our relatively high resilience, humans need not worry for compensation is easily possible. However, many species will be finding themselves unable to alter their lifestyle fast enough to survive in changing conditions.
Again, this is just from one point of view, taken out of context. The global ecosystem is much more fragile, it will eventually be a part of a chain of events that would lead to uninhability before our sun's "don't call it supernova, it just causes the same level of devastation but is a conveniently short word".
Please excuse that I might be missing the absolutely best wording, English is my 4th language after all and vocabulary is the hardest thing not to mix up. Usually, scientific things are standardized and easier to talk about, but at the beginning and end of time, we're in its fringe territories (and my astrophysics class was at a German speaking technical university, decades ago).
That's very impressive that you know 4 languages!!!
Here's the GIST of it:
Our SUN is going to GRADUALLY SWELL UP into a RED GIANT and EXPAND OUTWARDS, prior to it's SHRINKING back down again into a WHITE DWARF.
And when it SWELLS UP enough and the PLANET gets HOT enough the MOUNTAINS will also MELT.
And at that time NOTHING organic is going to be left alive.
And ORGANIC LIFE forms will also have become EXTINCT long before the MOUNTAINS reach their MELTING STAGE.
That's also why we're busy building the SUN SHADE or STAR SHADE now so that we can hopefully try to find other PLANETS like this one that we can MIGRATE to some day.
Maybe when we COLLIDE and MERGE with the ANDROMEDA GALAXY and become MILKOMEDA we'll find one then (if our SOLAR SYSTEM doesn't get FLUNG out into SPACE during the MERGER)???
Because IF we don't find another PLANET to MIGRATE to then that will also be THE END of TIME for us HUMANS (no matter how much longer SPACE-TIME still continues to EXIST after our demise).
Yes, there are bad things going to happen, but they won't affect time (locally, huge moved masses will slow it down, but time in general stays applicable). We can still theorize of things going on later. We still can apply time to simulations and models. So, time still exists, even if all of these disasters happen.
At the moment of maximal entropy, it ceases to exist. We are unable to even think about anything depending on time after this point (without ending in a paradox).
Still, this is only the most current variation of the most probable theory. There are some newer theories about dark matter worth looking at. Some could shake up common understandings again, basically a good thing.
The very end of time, a slightly positively loaded particle disc with no reactivity at all, seems to be a common denominator.
As for the Andromeda merger - don't be too worried about solar systems. As a whole, galaxies are not that dense. The night sky would be awesome to look at and the possibility of gravitational interference exists, but our solar system is far away enough from the center for an expected collision. Imagine it more like the re-arrangement of molecules in two inert gas clouds.
Right now, we are able to talk about the time after humanity's existence. We still can simulate what's going on later. We can think about later events, calculate due dates - only because time continues to exist after us. The way, we observe and define time, doesn't depend on a spectator being present.
Our understanding of the singularity in the beginning and the general direction where seemingly everything is going to in the end is key to our boss-level, if it was a game.
In contrast, we cannot theorize about anything beyond maximal entropy in a timely manner. It's after the end of time.
At the very least, I'd expect humanity to reach a degree of understanding, so that our current thoughts become funny anecdotes to them.
As for other intelligent species (warning, popular scientific theories ahead, not proven in any way):
I think it's the Drake equation (don't beat me to it), implying that there has to be more intelligent life out there. Recent discoveries of planets in other solar systems make it more and more likely, that we weren't/aren't/will not be the only ones.
And it's the Fermi paradox (again, no beating please) explaining why we won't reach each other.
As a fan of Sci-fi alien encounters, a bit of a bummer. Still, both sound reasonable to me, from our current state of knowledge.
I really hope that we will take it to the next step, up to an interplanetary species, even beyond the limits of our current math.
In the end, will humanity (or its space-offspring) be able to witness anything of all this?
Probably not, but would we be who we are if we wouldn't try it anyway?
What I had in mind is the other idea asking if a TREE falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it does it really make a sound. So if no intelligent form of life is there to observe TIME would time really matter anymore.
As for the theory of what happens after ENTROPHY, I've also already put forth my FOUNTAIN THEORY (which in essence is very similar to NIETZSCHE's ETERNAL RETURN idea).
The DRAKE equation rings a bell, but since they also suspect we're the only PLANET with a MOON our size that keeps us STABILIZED on our AXIS, that also makes it MUCH LESS LIKELY other planets would have as much life as the DRAKE EQUATION suggests. Because the PROTO PLANET hitting the EARTH at just the right angle isn't likely to have happened to other inhabitable planets.
PLUS you also need the DINOSAURS to go extinct so that mammals could survive, etc. etc. etc. Therefore I'm not that much of a FAN of the Drake Equation (which also doesn't take FLUKES that have happened here into consideration).
But like the case is with you, one also hopes that we can manage to find another PLANET to migrate to anyhow someday (even though we'd probably also just pollute it the same way we have this one).
Also got the chance to look up Gliese710 and found even more BAD NEWS for us at this link which says in addition to GLIESE there aree 7 or 8 other PLANETS like it that could DESTROY us:
And that's not everything. Gliese 710 is not the only star that�s coming our way. During the next million years, at least eight stars will come closer to us than our current closest neighbor, Proxima Centauri at 4,3 light years. One of them, a red dwarf called Barnard�s Star, will arrive in only 10,000 years time. After that, a massive twin star system called Alpha Cen A/B will come knocking at our door. Calculations show the system is massive enough to give the Oort Cloud a good stir. Better keep those hard hats within reach, folks!
And how about this? There�s always the remote possibility Gl-710 or one of the other incoming stars is surrounded by planets. And that some of these planets are inhabited worlds. As you can read elsewhere on this site, the chances that this life is intelligent are vanishingly small. But for arguments sake: suppose it is. What would it do if it found us on their way? What would you do?
As every science fiction freak can tell you: it�s probably not a good idea to be a stand in the way for some kind of Klingon civilization.
As you can see, if we want to survive, then maybe we'd also better hope that we are the only other intelligent life form in the universe???
Anomalies are already part of the factor concerning habitable planets in the equation, so this doesn't change a thing. We are lucky for more reasons, like having a protector like Jupiter. However you turn such variables, all huge multipliers stay the same. Just fill in the parameters as you like and check the result.
In general, it's not that unlikely for stuff to be collected at la-grange points, forming trojans and later on falling back to the main planet of an orbit. It's not how our moon was formed (it was one of the theories, but doesn't fit the distribution of heavy elements), but could lead to similar moons - in simulations. Also, having more than one moon could have positive effects too.
Megafauna and megaflora depend on high oxygen levels. They wouldn't start a space program anyway. Like fish would never start experimenting with electromagnetism. Intelligent life doesn't have to be a mammal.
YES we are definitely VERY LUCKY to have JUPITER (the COSMIC HOOVER) who VACCUMS UP COMETS and other STUFF before they can make it further into our SOLAR SYSTEM and DESTROY us again (like they did in the case of the DINOSAURS about 65 MILLION YEARS ago). Hoover is/was the name of the VACCUM CLEANERS that we use to use to CLEAN our carpets with inside of our homes).
The DISTRIBUTION of HEAVEY ELEMENTS is also due to our being a POPULATION STAR that was produced by 2 other GENERATIONS of STARS before us (which went SUPERNOVA).
Currently we have 3 GENERATIONS of STARS which are called:
And yes intelligent life doesn't have to be a MAMMAL, but one still hopes that if it exist it might be or else it might also want to make a MEAL of us HUMANS (the same way as we eat other mammals or species)???
Or they might also chose to PREY UPON US and COLLECT our BONES as A TROPHEY (such as the case is in the PREDATOR films)??? And that's also what certain humans use to do when they visited AFRICA and killed other animals to use as a TROPHEY to show others when they got back home again).
So perhaps we HUMANS could also end up with our HEADS decorating a WALL (like we see the heads of DEER doing in certain places).
Earth's core is also heavier than it statistically deserves. Unfortunately, we're limited by the speed of light and looking at solar systems very far away. We'll always see their past, they'll always see ours.
I'm not afraid of a Predator-ish scenario, the "War of the Worlds" factor would protect us. Even if we could establish contact, contamination of each other's biosphere would be something to avoid. Of all possible meals they could encounter, I doubt humans being the healthiest.
On the other hand, imagine the aliens being tasty mushrooms. Intelligent, but at the same time, the delicious delight the galaxy was waiting for.
We'd eat them. For sure.
Perhaps the COVID VIRUS was sent here by some ALIENS who want to get rid of us so they can inhabit the PLANET themselves???
Ever notice how this VIRUS seems to behave as if it had a BRAIN???
It's as if we're AT WAR with it, and each time we figure out a way to get rid of it, it comes up with another way to overcome what we've done to protect ourselves from it (such as MUTATE into other STRAINS that the VACCINES won't protect us from).
Or what if the COVID VIRUS is some microscopic ALIENS who are already FEASTING on our bodies and making meals of us???
More exoplanet-hunting spacecraft are coming online in the next few years. The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) launched successfully in April 2018 to study nearby stars. NASA's James Webb Space Telescope, expected to launch in 2020, will examine planets for the chemical makeup of their atmospheres. The European Space Agency's PLATO (PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars) is expected to launch in 2026. And larger ground-based observatories are also being envisioned, such as the European Extremely Large Telescope that should see first light around 2024.
One challenge is these exoplanets are so far away that it is next to impossible for us to send a probe out to look at them.
While SETI's Frank Drake and others suggested there could be 10,000 civilizations seeking communications in the galaxy, a 2011 study later published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggested that Earth could be a rare bird among planets.
It took at least 3.5 billion years for intelligent life to evolve, the theory by Princeton University researchers David Spiegel and Edwin Turner said, which indicates it takes a lot of time and luck for this to happen.
Other explanations for the Fermi paradox include extraterrestrials "spying" on Earth, ignoring it altogether, visiting it before civilization arose, or visiting it in a way that we can't detect.
Earth was an early bloomer. Even though the study excluded intelligent life, the study suggests that our planet's birth came very early in the universe's history. When Earth was formed about 4.6 billion years ago, the study said, only "8 percent of the potentially habitable planets that will ever form in the universe existed." In other words, most of the material available to form habitable planets is still around — giving lots of time for alien civilizations to form.
Or perhaps life may be too fragile to survive for long. A 2016 study suggests that the early part of a rocky planet's history can be very conducive to life, as life could emerge after about 500 million years after the planet cools down and water is available. However, after that point the planet's climate could easily wipe life out. Look at Venus (which has a runaway greenhouse effect) or Mars (which lost most of its atmosphere to space). The study was led by Aditya Chopra, who was then with the Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra.
In 2017, Space.com republished a RealClearScience article with 12 reasons why we cannot find aliens, ranging from intelligent life self-destructing to nobody being willing to transmit their whereabouts.
i find it interesting that some people like to 'roll their own' explanations entirely apart from what is currently known of science.
regarding END - i've heard it speculated that dark energy might change its character when the universe reaches a critical diffusion - in which case, the terminal condition we infer (cold & dead) might not be its destiny, after all.
that said, cold & dead is the odds-on fate of the universe. so... party hardy !
I've started wearing my leggings INSIDE OUT so I can see the SEAMS and they don't get TWISTED.
Fortunately there's also no one else around when I go out to do my job.
One time I also had my T-SHIRT twisted around at out at the check out counter at the GROCERY STORE because I woke up and ran to it and got there just before CLOSING TIME.
Then the check out clerks and bag girl and I also had a GOOD LAUGH about it as I quickly twisted it around to the back of me where the TAG should have been.
Sometimes Getting dressed can definitely be a major pain in the butt (especially when you're still HALF ASLEEP at the time).
How could there be a time prior to the time when time itself existed? But the universe has always been here in the sense that there's a continuum and space-time is nonlinear. I.e. all of history exists at the same "time" in effect. But the universe goes in cycles, so theoretically the only thing prior to the big bang would be another universe that had a big bang, etc. Maybe it's a big bang-big crunch cycle. The eternal return. Just like people are reincarnated the universe is.
We're really still in the infant stage of understanding physics and physics are hard evidence of an intelligent universe that was designed by an intelligent designer to reproduce intelligence. Hence life exists here, and all over the rest of the universe. Consciousness is universal; we're just too limited to realize that. That why we have all these 1st millenium religions in the 3rd millenium. Only a small percentage of us have gone beyond the dogma. But the atheist dogma is the most narrow, limited, and irrational of all.
What if there's some kind of a DEVICE where we FLOW in and out of some kind of a FOUNTAIN STRUCTURE???
That might also account for the way that they say we're SPEEDING UP now to where objects (like GALAXIES) are moving away from each other.
Because as long as we're in the BOWL part of the FOUNTAIN area things would move more slowly, and it's only after falling over the EDGE of it that things SPEED UP as they rush back towards the other part of the FOUNTAIN that will SPEW OUT the matter again in a REPEATING CYCLE.
Too heavy to grasp, in my book. I sometimes wonder about the universe. Is it really infinite? Or is there an end somewhere, and if so, then what the heck is beyond it?? It's just too much for my brain to absorb, so I avoid even thinking about it. Dealing with today is enough, right?
For the beginning of time you can read about Planck Time. The end of time I think is related to when the universe reaches thermal equilibrium and entropy no longer increases.
maybe time will stop when the universe reaches equilibrium, because one could argue that time simply measures concurrent changes in physical states. Or maybe time won’t stop. We won’t get to find out though.
recent results from ESA’s Planck mission yield Neff = 3.04±0.18 for the effective number of relativistic degrees of freedom, and the sum of neutrino masses is constrained to Σmν < 0.17 eV. These values, derived from Planck’s data of temperature and polarization CMB anisotropies in combination with data from baryonic acoustic oscillation experiments, are consistent with standard cosmological and particle-physics predictions in the neutrino sector (Planck Collaboration 2015a). Although these values do not completely rule out a sterile neutrino, especially if thermalized at a different background temperature, its existence is disfavoured by the Planck data (figure 1).
satellite experiments are probing the cosmic microwave background (CMB) to investigate the universe’s birefringence, which would be a clear signature of Lorentz invariance and, therefore, CPT violation. So far, the CMB experiments WMAP, QUAD and BICEP1 have found a value of α – the rotation angle of the photon-polarization plane – consistent with zero. Results from Planck on the full set of observations are expected later this year.
Recent full mission data from Planck clearly disfavour natural inflation compared with models that predict a smaller tensor-to-scalar ratio, such as the Higgs inflationary model (Planck Collaboration 2015b). However, the question remains open, and subject to new information coming from the LHC’s future runs and from new cosmological missions.
AMS now has results based on more than 6 × 1010 cosmic-ray events.
It may seem that the universe is playing hide-and-seek with cosmologists and particle physicists alike as they probe both ends of the distance scale. However, the two research communities have a new smart move up their sleeves to unveil its secrets – collaboration.
Bringing together the two ends of the scales probed by the LHC and by Planck will soon bear its fruits.
Watch this space!
Does any of that stuff make any sense to you???
The OP already answered half the question by stating space-time began 13 billion years ago with the Big Bang. Space-time will end when the universe does.
I'm not convinced there's only one universe. Maybe there are billions that are born and die yet to be discovered.
There's also the belief that one can exist outside of space-time in spiritual aka: consciousness form.
Evidence indicates that the SPACE--TIME FABRIC of this UNIVERSE we inhabit came into existence approximately 13 BILLION years ago.
But what about PRIOR to that time???
Did TIME exist before that???
Will TIME still exist after the end of the UNIVERSE???
Are you talking to me Keelai???
Because I am the Original POSTER. 😉😉😉
And IF we were CREATED by some kind of an ADVANCED BEING and inhabit some kind of a SIMULATION (like the MATRIX), would that also mean we EXIST OUTSIDE of that other SPACE-TIME???
Or do SIMULATIONS also still exist inside of the SPACE-TIME in which they've been created???
And what does it say about our CONSCIOUSNESS if it's also something that's been created by an ADVANCED BEING???
Would that also mean we have FALSE MEMORIES (like the REPLICANTS do in BLADE RUNNER)???
I always found the "beginning" of everything being considered The Big Bang as lacking since it never explains what caused it, where it's composition came from or what existed before it.
Scientists don't know the answers to your questions. Religious leaders attempt to answer it.
I like to read books by scientists who at least attempt to answer your questions. My favorite is "Beyond Biocentrism: Rethinking Time, Space, Consciousness, and the Illusion of Death" by Robert Lanza.
In this theory it is thought that the Big Bang is the result of two branes touching each other producing the laws of nature and constants we see around us.
An advantage with this approach is that it can be tested with experiments to determine if the strength of gravity for example gets stronger at sub millimetre scales.
Membrane (String) Theory: the different universes are 3-dimensional objects in a 4-dimensional universe, and they’re stacked on top of each other, like the pages in a newspaper.
Still another way to visualize it is to IMAGINE several SHEETS that are hanging up to dry on a CLOTHES line that would represent a BRANE.
And if a BREEZE BLOWS a couple of them together -- so that they BRIEFLY BRUSH UP against one another -- then that would also create a BIG BANG (like the one that creates OUR UNIVERSE).
So the BRANE(s) that created us would come from this other MULTIVERSE location where several other MULTIVERSES exist.
And Here's a LINK that explains where the MULTIVERSE comes from:
Roger Ashford, A lifetime studying all aspects of physics
... the proposed “Inflationary Multiverse” ... is a consequence of the theory of eternal inflation.
Here, bubble universes pop into existence in the rapidly inflating spacetime of the multiverse.
As to where the Inflationary Multiverse came from, there are two different possibilties:
(1) eternal inflation is future-eternal only, and the multiverse had a beginning, in which case it is anybody’s guess as to how that happened and
(2) the multiverse is eternal in both directions, in which case it did not have a beginning.
And here's another IDEA (my own idea), that perhaps the BRANES that created our UNIVERSE could also have been CREATED by other BRANES, the same way as OUR SUN was also CREATED by OTHER STARS that went SUPERNOVA (which is why our SUN is also a 3RD GENERATION STAR who was FIRST BIRTHED by 2 other GENERATIONS of STARS before it's birth).
In other words, our SUN also has a PARENT and a GRANDPARENT (which is also why we have 3 CATEGORIES of STARS which are called POPULATION I, II, and III STARS).
So my guess would be we've probably also got at least 3 or more CATEGORIES of BRANES as well or a POPULATION of them that consists of POPULATION I, II, and III BRANES. Or maybe even more of them so that we'd have POPULATIONS of 4, 5, 6 etc. BRANES.
The question still isn't answered. One or a zillion, where did the universe or universes come from?
Personally, I find the multiverse theory as a cop-out by scientists who follow materialist dogma. They know the universe created randomly is improbable. But, their excuse is if there were an infinite number of universes, then one like ours would emerge. Like the saying goes, if you gave a monkey a typewriter and an infinite amount of time, would it produce a complete work of Shakespeare? Realistically, no.
I've just EDITED and ANSWERED this question in the last message, but since you were too FAST in asking it before one could ANSWER it, here it is again for you:
So the BRANE(s) that created us would come from this other MULTIVERSE location where several other MULTIVERSES exist.
And Here's a LINK that explains where the MULTIVERSE comes from:
Roger Ashford, A lifetime studying all aspects of physics
... the proposed “Inflationary Multiverse” ... is a consequence of the theory of eternal inflation.
Here, bubble universes pop into existence in the rapidly inflating spacetime of the multiverse.
As to where the Inflationary Multiverse came from, there are two different possibilties:
(1) eternal inflation is future-eternal only, and the multiverse had a beginning, in which case it is anybody’s guess as to how that happened and
(2) the multiverse is eternal in both directions, in which case it did not have a beginning.
And here's another IDEA (my own idea), that perhaps the BRANES that created our UNIVERSE could also have been CREATED by other BRANES, the same way as OUR SUN was also CREATED by OTHER STARS that went SUPERNOVA (which is why our SUN is also a 3RD GENERATION STAR who was FIRST BIRTHED by 2 other GENERATIONS of STARS before it's birth).
In other words, our SUN also has a PARENT and a GRANDPARENT (which is also why we have 3 CATEGORIES of STARS which are called POPULATION I, II, and III STARS).
So my guess would be we've probably also got at least 3 or more CATEGORIES of BRANES as well or a POPULATION of them that consists of POPULATION I, II, and III BRANES. Or maybe even more of them so that we'd have POPULATIONS of 4, 5, 6 etc. BRANES.
And YES one also understands the reason why you're so SKEPTICAL of the MULTIVERSE theory, but if we were to tell the POPE back in the time of GALILEO about how OUR SUN was created by other POPULATION STARS, we'd probably also have had our LIVES THREATENED by him and then also have been put under PERMANENT HOUSE ARREST as well.
Someone just made up the multiverse hypothesis out of the blue with no science supporting it. Ditto with string theory.
I like edgy science. I would've liked Galileo because he could support his theories with actual science which I would've found compelling at that time.
Materialism is a huge step backwards and multiverse hypothesis is a part of materialism.
Presently, there are scientists who are being ostracized by other scientists because they reject mainstream dogma.
Ashford's not a scientist.
"... a “multiverse” in which literally every imaginable outcome occurs.
“The theory is completely indecisive,” says Steinhardt. “It can only say that the observable Universe might be like this or that or any other possibility you can imagine, depending on where we happen to be in the multiverse. Nothing is ruled out that is physically conceivable.”
Steinhardt, who was one of the original architects of inflationary theory, ultimately got fed up with the lack of predictiveness and untestability.
“Do we really need to imagine that there exist an infinite number of messy universes that we have never seen and never will see in order to explain the one simple and remarkably smooth Universe we actually observe?” he asks. “I say no. We have to look for a better idea.”" https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200117-what-if-the-universe-has-no-end
Did you get a message in your bell that indicates the message was posted to you??? Because it also doesn't look like the question was directed to you (due to the way it's located inside of it's own grey box). This format can be very confusing trying to figure out who's talking to who.
Anyhow, since EVERY THEORY that we now accept as FACT also started out the same way -- with those who had DOUBTS about whether or not it had any VALIDITY or not -- that's why it makes sense to me to not RULE OUT the possibility that someone's theory has MERIT.
Of course if it's something silly (like saying the MOON is made of BLUE CHEESE), one isn't going to believe that's the case, but if it's something that sounds half way reasonable enough then why not at least take it into consideration enough to explore it a little bit???
Otherwise you can also run the risk of having a CLOSED OFF MIND like the POPE had who refused to accept what GALILEO had to say (thus probably also keeping us from progressing scientifically to the point where we're at today).
So YES, I do think we need to IMAGINE the possibility that there could be other MULTIVERSES or more than just ONE UNIVERSE. Because for all we know another more ADVANCED RACE of beings might also figure out how to get here inside of our DIMENSION one day.
Don't have time to check out the link you posted now, but will try to do so later ....
Multiverse theory which means an infinite number of universes with different laws of physics, multiple universes and multiple dimensions are three different things.
I only take issue with the first which is a copout. Even Hawking turned against it.
WMAP measures small variations in the temperature of the cosmic microwave background radiation. These variations are minute: one part of the sky has a temperature of 2.7251° Kelvin (degrees above absolute zero), while another part of the sky has a temperature of 2.7249° Kelvin. In 1992, NASA's Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) satellite detected these tiny temperature differences on large angular scales. WMAP measures anisotropy* with much finer detail and greater sensitivity than COBE did.
These measurements reveal the size, matter content, age, geometry and fate of the universe. They also reveal the primordial structure that grew to form galaxies and will test ideas about the origins of these primordial structures.
There was an illustration once where they busted a balloon filled with a bright colored paint which splatters all over 4 people. Then they have those 4 people walk in 4 different directions (North/East/South/West) from the center of a city. Then they explain how one second later they find the 4 of them are about 10 miles away from the CENTER of the CITY (we know this due to the BRIGHT COLORED PAINT that they have splattered all over them), but we also know that's not possible for them to be there where they are because NO ONE can WALK that far that fast.
So that's a demonstration of COSMIC INFLATION. You've got STUFF that ends up in places where it shouldn't be -- because we have a SPEED LIMIT called the SPEED of LIGHT. And to get to the place this stuff ends up being means it had to EXCEED that SPEED LIMIT to get there (the same way as some other MAGICAL STUFF would have taken place for those other 4 people who were WALKING to suddenly end up 10 MILES away from the CENTER of the CITY where they began just one second later).
Anyhow, if that article is saying it doesn't exist or didn't happen, then I also disagree with the idea that COSMIC INFLATION never happened.
Many competing Big Bang alternative stem from deep dissatisfaction with the idea of cosmological inflation.
I never liked inflation from the beginning,
The inflationary paradigm has failed,
I always regarded inflation as a very artificial theory,
And that article has also FAILED to convince me that these claims put forth about COSMIC INFLATION not existing have MERIT.
Here's a 10 min PBS VIDEO about COSMIC INFLATION where it explains at about the 6:30 TIME MARK how it's taken us 13.8 BILLION YEARS to expand as much as the UNIVERSE did in about 32 SECONDS (back during the time when the INFLATION took place):
We're discussing different things. There are multiple multiverse theories. I don't have a problem with The Big Bang or cosmic inflation.
The multiverse theory I disagree with is the one in which there are infinite versions of everyone and a new reality is constantly being created. The creation of our universe is too perfectly aligned in order for it to be random so scientists came up with the theory of infinite universes. Now there could be 100 billion universes where life is not supported and the law of physics is different, but at the same time allow for the many coincidences involved in our "unique" universe's creation. That's what I meant earlier when I mentioned monkeys typing Shakespeare. Monkeys typing for a billion years won't create a classical work of literature.
Astrophysicist Bernard Carr: "If you don't want God, you'd better have a multiverse".
If we're only talking about multiple, but a finite number of universes, in a similar way that there are multiple galaxies, stars and planets, then I don't have an issue with their existence. But, I believe they have the same laws of physics as our own and are born and die since so much is cyclical.
It sounds like what you mean is PARALLEL UNIVERSES??? Where each time we decide to do something (like TURN RIGHT or TURN LEFT) then another copy of us would get created and would take the other direction that was different from the one we chose to take???
So then there would also be other versions of ourselves where we'd lost WW2 and the Germans would be in control of us, etc. etc. etc. which is definitely a pretty incredible theory to try and comprehend. But apparently it would also mean that each time we lost the lottery another different version of us would also win it.
As for the other idea about other MULTIVERSES with different laws of PHYSICS, those wouldn't be UNIVERSES (because UNI also implies that there's only ONE such place - which is also the reason why one is confused by what you've said).
So that takes us back again to what it says in the
we’ve discussed the possibility of different realities above… but what about different universes? Are they the same thing?
Now… obviously, there are only two overarching theories to this philosophical question… either we’re in the only universe there is, or we’re not (there are universes besides this one).
…And the one universe theory is pretty simple… our single universe exists, and it likely stretches on infinitely.
Now, this theory does have one interesting quirk… since there are only so many ways particles can be arranged, in an infinite universe, the particles must repeat at some point, meaning billions of light years away, there’s another Earth, and another you. source…But on the other hand, you have MULTIVERSE theories, like these:
different universes exist, but so far, we can only observe this one. The other universes may be too many light years away to see, or they may have different laws of physics that prevent us from seeing them, or they may even be inside black holes.
MEMBRANE (String) Theory:
the different universes are 3-dimensional objects in a 4-dimensional
universe, and they’re stacked on top of each other, like the pages in a newspaper.
each thing that could ever happen has in fact happened, and the universe ‘splits’ into another universe (or alternate timeline) each time an action takes place.
…Now I get it:
These theories are incredibly complicated. Some scientists actually spend their whole lives trying to understand these concepts. But this video can help explain each theory above with helpful illustrations.
I also have another theory as well that I call the
which is about how our PLANET might be like a PETRI DISH in a LAB SETTING -- where the EARTHLINGS who do the best job of maintaining their PLANET will be rewarded with IMMORTALITY. And that probably also means that we EARTHLINGS here on this planet who keep POLLUTING it won't receive that kind of a REWARD.
Would my theory also fall into the BUBBLE THEORY CATEGORY???
And I also have the other "FOUNTAIN THEORY" as well where EVERYTHING (all of the MATTER) will keep falling down into the FOUNTAIN STRUCTURE again just to get SHOT back out again in a NON STOP REPETITIOUS REPEATING CYCLE.
I've heard it described as Parallel Universe, Many Worlds Theory and Quantum Multiverse. The concept makes a great movie, but it's horrible science.
I don't believe multiple universes would have different physics any more than different galaxies do. "UNI" would need to be changed, but the word "multiverse" refers to specific theories. Variverse is catchy. Manyverse? Muchoverse?
If we're a SIMULATION -- which has been created by our FUTURE SELVES -- as a way to AMUSE themselves (like the case was in a film called The THIRTEENTH FLOOR), then perhaps we're both GODS (creators) and amusers.
Because in the movie characters from the 1990's created SIMULATED characters inside of a 1930 WORLD, only to discover that they themselves had also been created by others from the year 2024, (who had also created them in their OWN IMAGE ... the same way as those from the 90's world also created those in the 30's world in their own image).
So perhaps we're also here to AMUSE our FUTURE SELVES (who might also be the GODS or the CREATORS who made us)???
That might also explain the reason why certain things like COSMIC INFLATION or DARK MATTER and ENERGY don't seem to make much sense.