MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How long do you think it will take befor...

How long do you think it will take before we kill ourselves off as a SPECIES???

And how do you think we'll do it???

And If you don't think that will happen, then why not?

What do you think we'll do to find a way stay alive??


June 12, 2033


Why did you chose 2033 that date???

Here's part of an article that suggests we've got about 48 more years:

Mammalian species typically last around 1 million years before going extinct. You could argue that our species' intelligence gives us a survival edge over say, a mastodon or a rabbit, which could make us more likely to beat those odds.

But as Gott points out, our Neanderthal ancestors were around for only 300,000 years, while Homo erectus survived for about 1.6 million. They were smarter than the animals around them, but from a longevity standpoint they were completely unremarkable. Why should we be any different? Why should we be special?

there is a 50 percent chance that we are in the last half now and that its future duration is less than 48 years.”


i see absolutely zero logic in that article.
its a whole load of statistical bullshit.
Our species is unprecidented in technology , food chain , planet killing ability
You can in no way deduce anything about our longevity by examining other species durations.
and to have a sytem that vague ( and shit) to come up with a figure that accurate (48 years) is laughable.

It may not be too far off ,in my opinion , but that is pure blind luck on their part - or a deliberate tweaking of their stats for shock value)


I see the reason why you find what it has to say to be a load of BS.

Because it is pretty convoluted and difficult to follow.

But the TIME FRAME also correlates pretty well with what others have to say about how GREENHOUSE GASES will have HEATED up the planet in another 50 years to the point where nothing (no FOOD) will be able to GROW on it anymore.

And without FOOD to eat, that probably also means BYE BYE HUMANS.

We have the ability to grow FOOD inside of INDOOR AREAS, but it's not very likely we could grow enough of it that way to FEED all of the 9 BILLION inhabitants we'll have by that time.

And They also say that we won't even have enough LAND area to feed 9 BILLION people (even IF we find a way to STOP the planet from HEATING UP).

The area of productive land required to provide for one Australian is over 7 hectares per person. The US figure is closer to 12 hectares. However, the amount of productive land per person on the planet is about 1.3 hectares and by the time we reach 9 billion it will be close to 0.8 hectares.

But we still also keep MULTIPLYING and OVER REPRODUCING ourselves anyway (as if doing so isn't also an INSANE thing to do on our part).



Westerners know this and are only having 2 or 3 kids max. Asia is less.

The middle east and Africa however........


> there is a 50 percent chance that we are in the last half now and that its future duration is less than 48 years.

joi2040 took that out of context. Here's the full quote.

β€œif our location within the history of human space travel is not special, there is a 50 percent chance that we are in the last half now and that its future duration is less than 48 years.”

The "it" in "its future duration" was human space travel, not human existence. I actually agree with that, but for quite different reasons.

> its a whole load of statistical bullshit [...] to have a sytem that vague

My academic training is as a research psychologist, a field that uses a lot of statistics. I'm not active in the field anymore, but I've done peer-reviewed, published scientific research, and I know statistics. And this is quite bizarre. Let's examine this method. The steps are:

1) Disregard all other known, a priori data, and focus on the time interval only;

2) Assume, without any justification, that the time variable is governed by a linear distribution -- perhaps the most naive and fallacious mathematical assumption imaginable under the circumstances, but once you've taken step 1 you have little other choice;

3) Sacrifice precision so far and make your predictions so vague that you've got a 95% chance, nearly guaranteed, of being correct -- Nostradamus could have taken a few lessons from this dude!; and,

4) When your prediction inevitably turns out to be correct, claim you've accomplished something.

OK, sounds fun! I can play that game too!

I predict that over the next year, starting April 3, 2021 and ending April 2, 2022, the number of days in which my county will get precipitation will be between 9 and 356.

Heck, I'll go further. I predict that the same will happen in every county in this state! Not just my county, but all of the 120 counties in the state of Kentucky will get between 9 and 356 days of rain/snow/whatever over the next year.

That's my prediction. And if I'm right, I expect to be invited to the next conference of the American Meteorological Society to present my findings, and to be published in its journals!

Yeesh! On the whole, this reminds me of the horseshit Carl Sagan and others like him used to do with the Drake equation, making up numbers out of thin air to plug into it then making dire, "authoritative" predictions about humanity's future.

> You can in no way deduce anything about our longevity by examining other species durations.

Agreed, and I'll go further. Using the 200,000 year span, quoted in the article, for humanity's length of existence for this purpose is flawed reasoning; mentally, Homo sapiens circa 100,000 BC had far more in common with Pan troglodytes (chimpanzees) than with modern humans. But I've gone on for too long already.


My academic training is as a research psychologist, a field that uses a lot of statistics.

Ok MR. STATS. One already admitted the article was CONVOLUTED and wasn't very logical, but what about these other STATS that you've OVERLOOKED and didn't address:


But the TIME FRAME also correlates pretty well with what others have to say about how GREENHOUSE GASES will have HEATED up the planet in another 50 years to the point where nothing (no FOOD) will be able to GROW on it anymore.

And without FOOD to eat, that probably also means BYE BYE HUMANS.

We have the ability to grow FOOD inside of INDOOR AREAS, but it's not very likely we could grow enough of it that way to FEED all of the 9 BILLION inhabitants we'll have by that time.

And They also say that we won't even have enough LAND area to feed 9 BILLION people (even IF we find a way to STOP the planet from HEATING UP).

The area of productive land required to provide for one Australian is over 7 hectares per person. The US figure is closer to 12 hectares. However, the amount of productive land per person on the planet is about 1.3 hectares and by the time we reach 9 billion it will be close to 0.8 hectares.

How do we deal with these FACTS Mr. STATS???



Research in the 1970s by John Jeavons and the Ecology Action Organisation found that 4000 square feet (about 370 square metres) of growing space was enough land to sustain one person on a vegetarian diet for a year,

Thats a third of one hectare , so it can be done if we change our habits.
That means 36 frugal vegetarians can live off the same land a single american grows hamburgers in.

Also , this branch of this thread has devolved into lots of cross purposed posts.
If you say global warming will make farming impossible and a significant portion of the population will die - then fair enough . I dont think anyones refuting that , as yet.

The problem is the long winded crazy stat twisting article , which we probably all only skimmed , and took umbridge at various parts.
Which bit of that article was your point?


Thanks for the info about how a veggie could make it by living on less land. I was also wondering how much a hectare of land would be.

I also only SKIMMED it as well (which is why the BULL -- aka: MR. STATS -- caught me "posting out of context."

There was no point really at that point, cas I was just searching for anything that I could find on how much TIME others thought we had left.


August 29th, 1997


Michael Jackson's 39th birthday.




Here's another article that says we've got about 100 yrs left:

Humans will go extinct within 100 years

Just before his death in 2010 at the age of 95, Professor Frank Fenner left a chilling warning for future generations, saying the end is on the horizon for humanity.

Dr Fenner became a prominent figure in the scientific community when his work throughout the 21st century led to the eradication of smallpox – a milestone in modern human history.

After helping to wipe out one thing, he then predicted that another will soon disappear – humans.

The Australian scientist believes climate change and overpopulation will be the main catalysts in humans downfall, and he says it could happen by the end of the current century.

Of course most of us reading this probably also won't last that long anyhow.




Good thing John's already undergoing military training with his mom at that point.


Who is JOHN?

Do you mean this JOHN:

Research in the 1970s by John Jeavons

It's very difficult with this format to keep conversations straight and realize which poster is talking to or responding back to another one.

Because IF this is the JOHN that you mean, one also has to wonder if he's STILL ALIVE much less involved in some kind of MILITARY TRAINING with his MOM.


John Connor


Who was discussing TERMINATOR???


August 29th 1997.


Judgement day.


Ok. Thanks for clearing up that matter.

Do you have any idea why the other poster mentioned the 2033 date???

June 6, 2033???

According to the message of another poster (down below this message today is also the day that we're suppose to go extinct.


About 4 days from now.


It's also nice to see how most of us seem to have a sense of HUMOR about it.



Only 2 more days!!! Are you ready?!


So it all ends for us on EASTER???

Interesting !!!


I don't know about extinction but I think there is a crunch coming. Perhaps towards the end of this century or some time in the next. You would think that the dam has to break at some point.


Here's an article that suggests how we might be able to SURVIVE:

In an opinion article for Scientific American, Loeb said there are lots of options for protecting humanity against the initial threat posed by a brightening sun, including those being looked at to limit the impact of global warming. Later on, he said we would need to create a "gigantic structure" that could be moved to an optimal orbital distance.

"Since modern humans needed merely 100,000 years to adapt from living in the savannahs and forests of Africa to squeezing into a tiny apartment in Manhattan one can reasonably expect them to transition from Manhattan to living in space over a time span that is ten thousand times longer," he wrote.

"After reading this morning's newspaper, I am inclined to believe that our civilization will disappear as a result of self-inflicted wounds long before the sun will pose its predictable threat," he wrote. "Why do I believe that? Because the dead silence we hear so far from the numerous habitable exoplanets we've discovered may indicate that advanced civilizations have much shorter lives than their host stars."

So apparently he's suggesting building some kind of a GIGANTIC SPACE STATION to live on???


Beats me. This sort of theorizing is over my head.


We already have the ISS (INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION) up there in SPACE, but there's also the PROBLEM of it not having any GRAVITY on it (which also results in a LOSS of BONE and MUSCLE MASS and other HEALTH ISSUES if one remains there too long on it).

So if we don't want to turn back into WORMS again, then we'd also need to find a way to have some ARTIFICIAL FORM of GRAVITY on this other GIGANTIC STRUCTURE.


Turn back into worms again ? My memory must be failing me...


It's a quote from "THUS SPOKE ZARATHUSTRA:"

As APE is to MAN, so shall MAN be to the OVERMAN.

1. APE
2. MAN

And much in you is still WORM as well.

It's a reference to our EVOLUTION.

How we're suppose to have worked out way up to being pretty much HAIRLESS APES with BIGGER BRAINS.

So if we lose our BONE and MUSCLE MASS on the SPACE STATION, then we'd probably DEVOLVE back to a WORM LIKE state again.




I didn't like that book. I did enjoy the sequel "Zarathustra Spoke Thusly" though.


The books improved as they went along, IMO. I thought the final book in the trilogy, "Zaraspoketra Squat-Thrusted," was the best.


Or the erotic fan fiction β€œZarathustra spoke lustily”.


Which parts of it didn't you like Moon???

The part of it where that ONE GOD declares how he's the ONLY GOD -- and then all of the other OLDER GODS (who were sitting around in their ROCKING CHAIRS) DIE by LAUGHING at him was pretty FUNNY !!!

β€œZarathustra spoke lustily”.

Or what about that other part of it where he points out how that same GOD got himself a SON in a SNEAKY way (by his not having a WIFE)???

Then ZARATHUSTRA also concludes how at the DOOR to his FAITH STANDS ADULTRY (thus also making him a GOD who was probably just LUST filled as ZEUS was before him who also went around producing offspring with other women instead of only with his wife)???.



Elon Musk will safe us.


Forgive me if I don’t put my hope for salvation in the hands of a guy who names his kid X Γ† A-12. Space rockets notwithstanding.


Don't worry, it's all part of the plan.


Heh heh, Stygianati.


We wil stop reproducing and walk hand in hand into extinction.


What about people that don't have hands?!


Not long,
when the oil gets short society will collapse - its used in everthing
doesent matter how many electric cars there are.


Yeah PEAK OIL was suppose to have been reached back in the 70's and it's suppose to have been DOWNHILL ever since then.

Then they tried FRACKING, but that kept POLLUTING people's water and causing EARTH QUAKES.

Then the SAUDI's also lowered the price of their OIL which put the FRACKERS out of business.

Wind FARMS and SOLAR might help to keep us from a collapse if we can ever convert to using them.


the American peak was correctly predicted by Hubbert to be 70s
World peak was meant to be around 2005 , but fracking and shale have delayed it a bit

Wind and Solar are great , but they vcan never create the power we use now - we'd have to cur power usage by ... i dunno 75 %

...and then you're still left with the problems of without oil
how do you make tires? or plastic
or Fertilzer ... without which there wouldnt be enough land to support the current overpopulation.

These are massive problems - and we will crumble when the first little ripple arrives.


We are smart enough to discover means of making these products, or substitutes, without oil, if necessary. We didn't used to have plastic, so we can certainly survive without it.

With the cost of oil so low, and the supply still plentiful, there is no motivation, financial or otherwise, to make a serious effort at making products without oil. When oil prices go up, and supply goes down, we'll do it.

The worries of the 1970s were all about overpopulation, mass starvation, and running out of water. None of that happened in 50 years as predicted by the naysayers and doomsday crowd. Believe in innovation.


We havent exactly covered ourselves in glory in that 50 years , we've burnt most of the oil , polluted the planet , doubled the population and made next to no preparations for moving on from oil
..and you still dont want to prepare until the price goes up?

True about thr plastic, we lived without it , we coated wires in cloth , but theres also a million inventions since then that may depend on it , or may not , as you say we could innovate - makie wooden cases for our PCs or whtever.

One thing most people dont get is that you cant "innovate" energy out of thin air. CANT. Impossible.
And we are currently used to pissing away energy at an unbeleivable rate.


Wouldn't places like the SUN BELT areas be able to transfer energy to the GRIDS of other areas that don't have as much SUN???

And if we insulated homes better or even build them partially underground that could also cut back on the need for energy.

As for tires, we could also go back to living in cities again and using STREET CARS again.

When the planet warms up another 3 degrees that would also mean FOOD can't grow anymore, which would probably also solve the overpopulation problem.

And that's also suppose to happen by the end of this century.


All true , living local and using street cars would be a giant step forward.
Moving 50 people , by electricity , in one box , without needing battireies! - awsome

I'm not convinced massive sun farms in sunny places can provide power for everywhere , not the amounts we currently use .


Found this link:

The amount of energy used in Irish homes has decreased by 32 per cent since 1990 despite a 50 per cent increase in the average floor area of residential properties. Renewable energy last year accounted for 21% of the amount used in the electricity sector, 5.7% of the amount used for heat and 4.9 per cent of that used in transport.

By 2050 almost all of global energy needs can be met with renewable energy share: 41 percent by 2030 and 82 percent by 2050. That would be the global electricity supply- energy used in buildings and industry, would come from renewable energy sources. The transport sector, in particular aviation and shipping, would be the last sector to become fossil fuel free.

Already many countries throughout the world are committing to a future that will be powered by renewables. For example:

– Germany, currently generates 25 percent of its electricity from renewables and is aiming for 80 percent by 2050
– Spain’s top source of electricity in 2013 was wind power, ahead of nuclear, coal and gas. Renewables supplied 42 percent of mainland Spain’s electricity in the same year
– In 2012 China’s wind power generation increased more than generation from coal
– The Philippines produces 29 percent of its electricity with renewables, targeting 40 percent by 2020
– Denmark is aiming to produce 100 percent of its heat and power with renewable energy by 2035 and all energy by 2050.


This is another reason why I believe in God. If not for Him, we would have DESTROYED ourselves completely by now.


Isn't GOD suppose to have tried to DESTROY us by causing a WORLDWIDE FLOOD???

And how do you know he's not the one who invented the COVID VIRUS???


The flood was one thing and the virus is another. I can't really speak on the virus but Genesis chapters 6-9 explain the flood and why it turned out the way it did.


And SCIENTIST can also explain to you the reasons why there's no SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE that a WORLD WIDE FLOOD ever took place here on this planet.

PLUS the HEBREWS who wrote the BOOK of GENESIS were also the SLAVES of the SUMERIANS who wrote the ORIGINAL FLOOD STORY in GILGAMESH.

Sumerian creation myth - Wikipedia

And that also means the HEBREWS stole the FLOOD STORY from them (which you can also tell simply by reading the other account of it to see how similar it is to the HEBREW version of it).


Well bugger bugger bitch bum I don't care !


You don't care about IMMORTALITY or being IMMORTAL???


But before that happens the WILD MAN character in the GILGAMESH story was also running around in the WILDERNESS with the ANIMALS and had to be TAMED and CIVILIZED by a woman (the same way as ADAM was in GENESIS).



The snake eats the Tree yes and that's where the phrase "spitting chips" comes from. Not a lot of people know that.

And yes the Sumerians were Woke ! And Eve was underage and Adam was a pedo !


What about his first wife LILTH who divorced him because he wanted her to be SUBMISSIVE to him???

And how can EVE be UNDERAGED when she's also made from ADAM's RIB???

Wouldn't that make her the SAME AGE as Adam???


Nah, Lilith was too old for him that's why. And duh ! Eve was born yesterday evening !


But EVE was also the FIRST ONE to EAT from the TREE of KNOWLEGE (thus also making her MORE MATURE and more KNOWLEDGEABLE than Adam).




Only for as long as it took for Eve to stuff the apple into Adam's gob. Then he became a genius like her. He never would've come up with the idea of blaming God for making Eve in the first place otherwise ! Unfortunately no-one likes a smart-arse and that's why God threw them out of the Garden !!!


Yes the COWARD says EVE MADE HIM DO IT ...

then EVE says SNAKE MADE her do it ...

So they both GOT BOOTED.

But to remain there inside of the WOMB like GARDEN (where the temperature was controlled and nourish provided without the need to work for it) would also NOT be a NATURAL STATE to remain in for them either.

Because it would be the same as to FOREVER REMAIN inside of the WOMB of one's MOTHER and never be BORN.

So for that reason the EXPLUSION was FORTUNATE as opposed to it's being UNFORTUNATE.

And we also know they were both RIPE and READY to be SHOVED OUT of that PROTECTIVE NEST as well due to the way they were AWARE of their NUDITY.

In other words, it's basically also a story about GROWING UP and taking responsibility for oneself (due to the way they also need to TOIL in the SOIL for their food after that).



Your starting to sound like Jordan Peterson. Reading too much into things and making stuff up. So just stop it !


Never heard of this JORDAN person before, but one is also NOT MAKING THINGS UP.

And I'm also NOT the one who WROTE the BOOK of GENESIS either.

The SUMERIANS did, and then their SLAVES (the HEBREWS) stole that story from them and created their own VERSION of it (thus also making THEM the one's that you need to tell to STOP IT).


You are such a liar ! And if you're so smart what happened to the Nephilim ?



It's perfectly OBVIOUS how the HEBREW STORY is a BLANTENT RIP OFF of that other FLOOD STORY.

I'm not sure what happened to the ANGELS who were having sex with the PRETTY EARTH FEMALES, but since 1/3 rd of them are suppose to have REBELLED and were EXPELLED from HEAVEN for doing so, perhaps that's what happened to them???

And wasn't the FLOOD also suppose to have gotten rid of the OFFSPRING that were created from ANGELS mating with HUMANS???

Cotton Mather believed that fossilized leg bones and teeth discovered near Albany, New York in 1705 were the remains of nephilim who perished in a great flood. However, paleontologists have identified these as mastodon remains. Nov 9 2019

Nephilim - Wikipedia


Genesis chapters 6-9 explain the flood and why it turned out the way it did.

6 When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. 3 Then the Lord said, β€œMy Spirit will not contend with[a] humans forever, for they are mortal[b]; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.”

4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those daysβ€”and also afterwardβ€”when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.

5 The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. 6 The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. 7 So the Lord said, β€œI will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have createdβ€”and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the groundβ€”for I regret that I have made them.” 8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.

Noah and the Flood
9 This is the account of Noah and his family.

Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God. 10 Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth.

There's also another problem which is how the GRANDSONS of NOAH also RAPED him when he got DRUNK and PASSED OUT and was laying their butt naked. So apparently saving NOAH and his family was a waste of time if God's goal was to rid the EARTH of evil or wicked people.


There's also another problem which is how the GRANDSONS of NOAH also RAPED him when he got DRUNK and PASSED OUT and was laying their butt naked. So apparently saving NOAH and his family was a waste of time if God's goal was to rid the EARTH of evil or wicked people.

Ooh you made that bit up !!!


NO I DIDN'T. Go check it out if you don't BELIEVE ME !!!

Except it was his SON (not his grandson) who did it.

Incest in the Bible - Wikipedia

In Genesis 9:20–27, Ham saw his father Noah 's nakedness. The Talmud suggests that Ham may have sodomized Noah (Babylonian Talmud Sanhedrin 70a). In more recent times, some scholars have suggested that
Ham may have had intercourse with his father's wife. Abraham's brother Nahor married his niece Milcah, the daughter of his other brother Haran.

24 And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him.

25 And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.


All it says is that Ham saw his father Noah naked. It doesn't say he buggered him. That is a stretch !


"HE WOKE from his WINE and KNEW what his YOUNGER SON had done to him" is NOT a STRETCH due to the way that he also CURSED HIM for what he'd done to him in the very next verse!!!

24 And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him.

25 And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.

In Genesis 9:20–27, Ham saw his father Noah 's nakedness. The Talmud suggests that Ham may have sodomized Noah

Why else would he be ANGRY ENOUGH to CURSE his SON???


Anger was obviously much bigger in those days. Hell God threw Adam and Eve out of the Garden for a minor misdemeanour and then for trying to weasel out of it with lame excuses. Ate the wrong type of fruit ! Who gives a fuck !?


Eating from the TREE of KNOWLEDGE of GOOD and EVIL isn't just about EATING FRUIT.

The story is about their MATURATION.

Note the way the first reaction they have after they eat from the TREE is SHAME about their being NUDE.

That's a signal to let GOD KNOW it's time for them to be ON THEIR OWN.

It's the same way as the MOTHER BIRD also SHOVES her young out of the NEST once they're RIPE enough so that they can go build their OWN NEST and make other baby birds inside of them.

The FALL was a FORTUNATE thing due to the way that it's NOT NATURAL to remain forever there inside of the NEST.

Because the GARDEN was also a WOMB like existence. And it would also NOT be NATURAL to forever remain inside of the WOMB of one's MOTHER either.



As proposed, the Early Holocene Black Sea flood scenario describes events that would have profoundly affected prehistoric settlement in eastern Europe and adjacent parts of Asia and possibly was the basis of oral history concerning Noah's flood.

Some archaeologists support this theory as an explanation for the lack of Neolithic sites in northern Turkey.


And this DATA also pretty much PROVES the reason why that CLAIM has NO VALIDITY to it:

In 2011, a summary of this controversy was presented by Valentina Yanko-Hombah,[24] concluding that "there is no underwater archaeological evidence to support any catastrophic submergence of prehistoric Black Sea settlements during the Late Pleistocene or Early Holocene intervals".

A 2012 study based on process length variation of the dinoflagellate cyst Lingulodinium machaerophorum shows no evidence for catastrophic flooding

A 2015 study reviewed the evidence accumulated and acknowledged a "fast transgression" lasting between 10 and 200 years.[26]

