MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > It finally happened! Now it's the turn o...

It finally happened! Now it's the turn of classical music to be the new politically incorrect content! πŸ˜‚

It's not only about movies. The University of Oxford considers that classical music is a symbol of white supremacy and it's taking away from music curriculums.

I guess they'll replace it with hip-hop.

β€’ Professors set to reform music courses to move away from the classic repertoire
β€’ Staff argued curriculum focuses on 'white European music from slave period'
β€’ It is thought that music writing will also be reformed to be more inclusive

Soon in your Beethoven CDs!! It's gonna be fun when tracks start with a warning about classical music toxicity and lack of inclusivity! πŸ˜‚


Have they already cried about Wagner?


No one owns art.


Hate filled bigots hell bent on destruction.

In another word:::::::::::::::






Cancel Culture just gets dumber and dumber!

"When history looks back on this time, it will be held up as an example of a depraved sociopolitical purge
driven by hysteria and lunacy."

Senator Marco Rubio


Senator Marco Rubio is wrong. Winners write history, and wokes are winning.


But they will not win in the long run.



They will overplay their hand. Always do.


Oh ffs! This is just ridiculous πŸ™„


It's not ridiculous. It's the consequence of a deep belief that whites are the source of all evil. Once you establish something is The Evil and you accept that, that behaviour that looks ridiculous becomes absolutely logical.

People behave logically, and that includes wokes too. You just need to put in their mental shoes to find that accepting the starting hypothesis, it leads to the logical consequence.

That's why wokeness is so dangerous: it's not some crazy lunacy. It's a coherent system of beliefs. Toxic, but coherent.


But classical music (and music long before ) is the basis of all music that we have today.

They should teach about how the musical styles adapted and changed and branched out into the countless genres that we know today.

It also implies that anyone who is not white can't have a love of classical music which is a crazy way to think. In fact, that itself is racist πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ


In addition to all of that crap why not throw in Ebonics to.


Pianos are clearly racist. There's more white keys than black and they're bigger, too. Also they're in the front, white only area, segregated from the black ones.


And this song must be banned, because it misleads people into thinking differently! --

An interesting side note -- did you know that back in the old days (Beethoven, Mozart, etc), the key colors were reversed from what they are today? The keys that are white on today's pianos were black and vice versa. Nobody is quite sure why the colors were swapped later, but the general belief is that it's because it makes the keys easier to see.


No. It's was racism and homophobia.


Damned white supremacist piano keys!


Pianos need to be canceled and banned!!


I'm still waiting for them to declare snow as racist because it's always white, and we all gotta move to hot climates because that's where all the "non-racist black and brown" people live.


Or, we shouldn't use white paper because that's racist, but we can't use other colors like yellow pads because that would be cultural appropriation!


Just wait until they ban the song "Jesus Loves the Little Children."


Soon they'll ban 2001: A Space Odyssey. It only has one black character, the monolith, which has no lines and never moves. Racist!


If they ban all Star Trek series except for Shitscovery, I'll march down to CBS headquarters and decapitate Alex Kurtzman myself!
