MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Should the vaccine be mandatory?

Should the vaccine be mandatory?

There is no logical reason to oppose vaccinations, and the sooner we vaccinate everyone the sooner this nightmare can be over. I cannot understand why there are still people out there refusing to do their part to end the COVID-19 pandemic.


I have a new vaccine I just created out in the garage. Take it or you are an anti-vaxxer, murderous, Nixon-voting, hater of totalitarianism!

1. You wear a mask when by yourself in a car.
2. You triple mask it.
3. You shout at strangers.
4. You never vote against higher taxes.
5. You go to bed unhappy.
6. You wake up unhappy.
7. You monitor and report your neighbors for code violations.

How'd I do? 100%?


No, thats why we live in the "free world".



what if only 20% of the population decide to get vaccinated?



the anti-vaxxers think the cure is worse than the disease. if this attitude continues to grow we could see the return of viruses that we thought were wiped out. this is already happening in local areas where there is a significant percentage of the population not vaccinated.



i realize that some of the anti-vaxxers are left leaning. i have met some of them who think that natural methods are effective against viruses. they are not. vaccine passports may become a thing especially in this time of globalization. i don't have a problem with it. would you want someone coming to the US with an active case of tuberculosis?


Every few days there is one of these 'rona vax threads...

You've clearly not read much of the actual research (not from journalists), as there are many logical reasons to oppose the 'rona vaccine being mandatory. One basic one is the vaccine is not sterilising, i.e. it doesn't stop contagion, so your entire premise is wrong.

Please, before spreading your solution to the "Trolley Problem" that is 'rona measures, have the humility to recognise that you clearly don't have all the answers and, more importantly, realise that this is a movie forum. None of us here have the lever. We don't control the trolley, neither do you. Trying to solve the trolley problem and convincing everyone is a mental trap.


the vaccine is not sterilising, i.e. it doesn't stop contagion

'Very promising' data shows vaccines may stop Covid transmission

strategy hinges on the effect vaccine could have on reducing transmission.

Last week, new data from Israel, where nearly 60 percent of the country's 9 million residents have received at least one dose of a vaccine, suggested that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is 94 percent effective at preventing asymptomatic infections.

A separate study conducted by researchers at Cambridge University, in the United Kingdom, found that a single dose of the Pfizer vaccine can reduce asymptomatic infections by 75 percent. The results, which have yet to be peer-reviewed, came from an analysis of around 4,400 tests conducted on vaccinated health care workers in Cambridge over a two-week period in January.

In Johnson & Johnson's trials, the company's vaccine was found to be 74 percent effective against asymptomatic infections. And according to a report released in December by the Food and Drug Administration, early data suggested that Moderna's vaccine may also protect against asymptomatic infections, but the company has said more research is needed.


So your solution to the Trolley problem is to insist there is no trolley and deny that you have any impact at all. That sounds more like a sociopath's response, you're really saying you don't care who lives or dies, none of it matters and it's best to ignore the lever and ignore the fat man.


No. There is no lever... No one has it. Not me, certainly not you, not governments, not anyone...

'rona is a disease... Act accordingly... AIDS is a disease... Act accordingly... Flu is a disease... Act accordingly... None of them benefit from the mental trap of pretending that any of us can solve the trolley problem or that we have the imaginary lever...

Millions of people still get aids, a disease that requires one to be injected or cum inside of... I'm not afraid of AIDS... I'm not afraid of 'rona...

How is playing trolley problems going to solve anything? (i.e. the question in your original post)

The moment you try to convince anyone of your solution to any of these trolley problems, you're playing a mental game that cannot be solved... i.e. you cannot convince humanity to agree with you and act accordingly at the same time, regardless of your solution.

The equilibrium will be reached naturally, just as it has done with AIDS, with flu, with the cold, or with any other disease that we cannot sterilise fully. We cannot sterilise 'rona fully. Even the vaqs makers recognise this. So whether you take the vax for yourself or not, that's up to you (I know some who have, some who won't). Don't pretend that it has anything to do with solving the Trolley Problem. It's not solvable. You have no lever. No-one has.


If you're going to reference a classic moral dilemma problem and then claim there is no dilemma I'd say you're just trying to avoid morality a la Libertarianism. Do you even understand the problem you're referencing, of course not. What do you think happens when you pull the lever, everyone gets saved? WRONG. Pulling the lever saves lives at the expense of other lives, do you pull the lever if the lives are equal, if one side is greater than the other, or would you sacrifice the fatman and personally kill him to save everyone? THAT is the trolley problem.

Furthermore, your inability to understand basic health science doesn't change basic health science.

No virus can be fully sterillised, but when was the last time you heard about someone with polio? Vaccines have been proven to establish herd immunity and thereby eliminate a virus by constantly suppressing it and making it impossible for it to survive.

The reason the flu is still with us is because of anti-vaxxers who refuse to get their yearly injections. Vaccines work, libertarianism doesn't.


So, the lever didn't work for AIDS and didn't work for flu, but will work for 'rona, because you are posting about it...

And I'm the delusional one.

Keep trying to solve the Trolley Problem, go the the front of the forum, convince everyone of your solution and put it into practice globally... I'm sure you'll be able to do it... You'll convince everyone of your solution, Africans, Americans, Euros, everyone will follow your solution. I believe in you. I really do.

You just have to post about it a bit more. Solve it harder... You Terez have had the lever after all. You are Neo, the ONE...


Vaccines aren't a trolley lever, they're a proven scientific fact. We just need to round up all the people who refuse to get vaccinated and ship them off to Antarctica. πŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ’‰GET IT or GET OUTπŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ’‰


Yeah, sound entirely plausible... Thank you for your sCIenTifiC solution...


At the very least, it should be manditory to enter certain places that are potentially crowded.

Like proof of vaccination cards or Id's should be required for concerts, sport events, indoor restaurants, Movie theatres, airports, theme parks and even schools. That way, Folks who refuse vaccination won't be pinned down to a chair with a needle forced in their arms! They will just be rejected and turned away from many of the things they're dying to do again, and they're gonna have to face and accept that consequence.


Like proof of vaccination cards or Id's

Would yellow stars on their coats do?


A tattoo above the palm, as a final solution?
