What would it take to drive you insane?
Serious question. As someone who's teetering on the brink of madness, I'm curious what things in your own life would it take to literally drive you innsane? Serious responses only plz
shareSerious question. As someone who's teetering on the brink of madness, I'm curious what things in your own life would it take to literally drive you innsane? Serious responses only plz
shareIf between now and the 20th Donald Trump managed to pull off his armed revolt of the goofballs and they actually won ... that would do it.
shareReading about the October revolution in Russia, it was exactly that. A bunch of nuts with a intellectual Stalin as their leader overthrew the Tsarist dynasty.
The main difference was that Stalin's gang was much smaller, and the Russian army was turned apathetic about the change in leadership from being on the front line in WWI. Most of the Russian population didn't know what was going on.
Actually Tsarist Russia ceased to exist in Feb/March, 1917,(depending on which calendar you use.) When the Tsar abdicated the Provisional Government was headed by Alexander Karensky, who was a moderate revolutionary. Unfortunately, he was overthrown by the Bolsheviks in October, headed by Lenin and Trotsky. Stalin didn't come to power until after Lenin died in the 1920's.
shareLenin. Stalin was no intellectual.
shareStalin was smart, but he was a thug. When Lenin died he was even considered by the Bolsheviks to be too extreme and they feared him. It took it him 5 years to become the absolute ruler of the USSR and another 10 to purge all of his political opponents.
sharehe wasn't well educated or well read. he was ruthless and had street smarts. he should have been a gangster not a world leader.
shareSorry, but that isn't true. He was a good student and well read.
"Stalin was set apart by being three years older than most of the other first year students, although a number of his fellow students had also attended the Gori Church School. At Tiflis, Stalin was again an academically successful pupil, gaining high grades in his subjects."
But I do agree, he should not have been the leader of the Soviet Union. Millions died because of him.
A world full of bruxes would drive me insane.
shareFor me personally, I don't know exactly what I'd have to lose or experience to go mad, but I don't think it would take that much, honestly. Homelessness, probably. I don't think it's an accident that so many homeless people have mental issues.
shareworking / putting up with the same annoying employee day in and day out with the higher up bosses ignoring the fact that anything is wrong.
shareIf someone verbally bullied me enough I would probably lose it and assault them.
shareMy state of mind is too strong to go insane. No amount of calamity will make me lose my faculties. It would take psychoactive drugs plus hypnotism plus torture plus seeing indescribable entities from the pages of HP Lovecraft's works.
shareAn H.P. Lovecraft shout out, well done!
That man remains one of the very best American short horror fiction writers of all time👍
Robert E. Howard was maybe an equal but it's a slim field
Aye! Not everyone can "write in the mythos" but some do it very well. Worth checking out: Alan Moore's Neonomicon. Yes, it is a graphic novel but it is an excellent Lovecraftian tale.