This is a tough list for me, for two reasons. The usual one, of course, any top-10 is hard (what do you leave out!?) but also, I'm not much of a horror fan, and I haven't seen some essential viewing for any true lover of the genre (like Halloween, Scream, or Texas Chainsaw Massacre). Nevertheless, here's my top ten.
1. Alien - no question, for me, Alien is queen. It's an essay on fear and what makes people afraid from the subliminal to the visceral, and it turns that essay into a genuinely scary mashup of sci-fi, horror, and thriller.
2. Shaun of the Dead - just because I'm laughing doesn't mean it's not a near-perfect zombie movie.
3. Nosferatu - original or remake, either are brilliant, and yes, I am cheating by lumping two in here. I mostly think of the original, though.
4. The Shining - complex, mysterious, and brilliant
5. Jaws - Great thriller with good performances
6. Pan's Labyrinth - Maybe this isn't a "real" horror movie, but whether it's dark fae beings or the brutality and evil of man, it's pretty horrifying to me.
7. Colour from Space - I found parts of this moving...upsetting. It's deeply nihilistic and underrated.
8. The Exorcist - which manages to get into its characters' lives as much as the gruesomeness of the subject matter. Take notes, horror-makers: it's not just about guts, it's about heart.
9. Psycho - how could I not include one of the seminal films?
10. Get Out - perfect blend of story and theme, and it was chilling as all...well, getout.
I left some really great films off the list, and if I think about it for two seconds, I'd re-arrange the order like mad, but that's it, roughly, more or less. (Nosferatu should maybe be number one or two, shouldn't it?)
I wish I could have included more (The Descent, 28 Days Later, The Ninth Gate, Evil Dead II, Cabin in the Woods...etc.)