What did you watch this week my homies? (01/03-01/09)
We now have a curfer at 8Pm for the next 1 month so that means... more time to watch movies!!!
My week:
Tin cup (1996 TV): I love golf and my wife loves romcom. The last movie we saw together was A perfect world. This movie just happen to play on the cable so we had to watch it and we enjoyed it. I wanted to see it since a few years and I knew I wouldn’t be disappointed. Plus, his favorite weapon was his iron 7 and that’s my favourite too! My rating: 7/10
Doctor Sleep (2019 DVD): I know, this movie is connected to The shining, I’m not stupid but, I saw connections with another movie also; Trainspotting! McGregor dealing with a disgusting toilet with a ceiling camera view, a dead baby nightmare and him getting wasted much. Heck, he even worked on a train! Anywho, I would lie if I’d say that I was not captivated by the story and I loved the cinematography. I couldn’t finish it in one session and the next evening I was excited to put it back on so that’s a very good sign. This movie is actually frickin bonkers guy. There’s a few important parts that barely made any sense but like I said, this movie is psycho and I loved it. I’ll even go as far as to say it would make a good series. MOVIE BREAKDOWN:
Story: 8/10
Cinematography: 9/10
Direction: 8.5/10
Acting: 8/10
Score: 8/10
Overall: 8/10
Astérix chez les Bretons (“Asterix in Britain”1986 TV): Every year during the holiday season, the Quebec channel plays those Asterix movies and every year the Quebec people watch them. I ain’t no exception. This movie is infinitely watchable, I giggled about 88 times and laughed over 15 times in 80 minutes. I think every good human being on earth should have the satisfaction of watching this at least once so here is the IMDb page: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0090667/ and here is the movie on YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FTgjgyuivfk.
It’s in french but maybe there’s one with subtitles.
Oh and here is my rating: 10/10
Shortbus (DVD): Right of the first seconds we are having to deal with explicit sex, which is an issue already and mainly homosexual scenes so it was even harder for me to watch. Not even 15 minutes in, a guy licks his own sick and has an orgasm in his own mouth. The place where I draw the line is about 3 corner before that street but you know what, I ffwed and pulled through because of all the critics and reviews I read. Finally, I did come across a few rather poorly written characters who had semi-interesting conversations. The best thing about this movie was the soundtrack since I spent about 50% of the time not watching. My rating: 3/10