MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Ever puked when you were drunk?

Ever puked when you were drunk?

If so roughly how many times have you? And when was the last time you did?




I notice that you mentioned Australia. Maybe the 'you and tim74 are the same' rumour is true - it's all making sense now.




enough times to learn when its inevitable and get to a sink/toilet,
or to not get that drunk .




Growing up you didint stop drinking until you puked.

I'm trying to get into the mentality of having 1-3 drinks.

Because when i go out , I always have the idea that you have to drink constantly the entire time


This brings back memories, albeit embarrassing, but funny memories. The first time, I remember, I was in my mid to late 20's. I was having to spew into a bucket. My sis-n-law was holding my head up, by my hair and failing miserably to keep the hair out of the way, and she almost drops my head into the bucket 😆. Later, the smokers are on the front porch, it was quite windy, and my (then) husband's zippo burnt half my upper lip, when trying to lit my cig 😆. I, then, almost knock a bro-n-law off the porch, which seemed 10 feet off the ground, and somehow, drunk as I was, I pull him back 😆. The one I almost knocked off the porch and I are the only 2 that had hangovers. Mine lasted 3 days and felt like I was going to die 😆.... The other time I remember was when my (then) husband made daquiris, which made my cousin and I sick. Idk if I spewed because my cousin got sick or because of the daquiris. He threw up in the small trash can and I almost threw up on his head 😆. There was a permanent red ring in the carpet that never came out and the carpet had to be scrapped 😆. I never again drank any daquiris he made 😆.


When I started drinking at 16*, my stomach would get upset right away half the time. Sometimes I would puke after 1 or 2 beers. Discovered cigarettes calmed my stomach and presto, 20 years of tobacco use. My relationship with puking continued though. Partied a lot. Usually puked the following morning if I mixed drinks. As teens, we had difficulty getting beer as often as we wanted so we sorta went for broke whenever we could. We'd get as much beer as we could afford and that meant drinking it all or at least until everyone was unconscious. This brought puking more often than not. I could fill volumes with stories of varying merit.

* mmmm, actually an early age 15


Here is one now:

Halloween of 85. The regular liquor stores that we could score from had tightened up so the four of us managed to collect beers from father's fridges etc in an amount that equaled 4 beers each. A mix of Lowenbrau and Top Hat IIRC. This was a woefully inadequate quantity. We had 2 each and then watched Reanimator in a theater (the theater at the Puente Hills Mall which is where they filmed that part of Back to the Future).
Then we ate at Fudruckers. Coming out of Fudruckers, we had a mere 2 beers left each sitting in my car ( I was always the driver because I drove best while buzzed). A full stomach threatened to reduce what little buzz was due to me by right. In a fit of nascent alcoholism, I declared that I would maximize the effectiveness of my paltry remaining booze by puking my just-devoured burger and fries, bulimia style. My friends were astonished at my pledge and gathered close there in the Fudruckers parking lot to witness my depravity. I raped my throat with my finger, sputtering and gagging, until finally under protest my gut gave up its treasures. Thin clumps of fresh meal-paste dropped out of my wide mouth like dog shit. It formed a pile instead of a puddle. Cuss words of amazement from my pals accompanied the sordid deed. Then BOING, up I sprang, ready to get the full impact of a whole 2 beers! I might have enhanced my head-change by 15%! What a genius I was.

Had a great time and it's a fond memory ... but Christ, that is low. heh




I remember 2 times I puked when drunk(both times involved girls) I think that why I remember them

when I was 17, My friend and I went over to a small party and It was my first major experience with hard liquor(Before that I was a beer man only), I ended up drinking quite a bit of hard liquor, and my friend and I ended up leaving the party with 2 girls and went back to my house(Luckily I lived in the country and took all back roads to get back to my house) and Literally the entire way home I was in the back seat with the door open while we were driving with half my body hanging out of the car throwing up while one of the girls held on to me waste/belt so I didnt fall out of the car....

The next time I remember puking was a few months later, I had a party at my house, and I remember being in my room, and I was making out with a girl for a few seconds before excusing myself to go use the restroom where I started throwing up literally for the next hour, I ended up passing out in the bathroom(actually in my bathtub) but I remember the next day being so thankful I didnt throw up on her, or horrifically throw up while making out with her, I was just so happy I felt it coming on and made it to the bathroom just it time...

I;ve probably puked a few more times while being drunk but dont remember, I actually havent drank in 15 years though


Jeez! SO glad I don't drink!!
