MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > You ever accidentally call a black guy “...

You ever accidentally call a black guy “bro” or “brutha” in a friendly way?

I use those terms all the time when talking to my friends and white strangers, every once in a while I let it slip when talking to a black guy and instantly feel stupid. It’s never been awkward but I’m sure they notice it.


I call my Black friends "Bro" or "Brother" all the time. We're very close. Nothing wrong with it.


I don't talk to black people.




They are hard to understand. You are missing out on nothing.




Now I have to watch those movies again


I just say what's up Holm Slice....




Your stupid bro. About time someone tells you.

Your dumb, stupid and pointless. Barely entertaining anymore.


It’s “you’re” you fucking moron. Go run into a knife.


Are you cheering for my death you sicko?


Learn how to fuckin spell Jesus


Are you using the name of the Lord in vain, just after cheering for my death? You evil prick.

*Top definition. prick. Worse than a douche and jerk combined. A guy who thinks they know everything but in reality they're stupid


No surprise that you believe in magic sky fairies. Jesus wasn’t god, there is no god. Sorry to break the news to you.


I sure won't rely on the guy with the worst personality and worst opinions on this site but thanks.

Now go back to your nonsensical life.


No. Like some others who have answered, I don't use those expressions as "friend." I do have one brother but he and I haven't been on speaking terms in quite a while, so I don't address anyone that way.


Whatever, you racist slave owning bigot who loves Gone With The Wind, Blazing Saddles, Cops, Aunt Jemima syrup, and The Washington Redskins!

I demand from now on you give your paychecks to solely black charities as reparations for your behavior, as well as for your ancestors, who’s behavior you had nothing to do with!

The only way you will be forgiven is to live out your remaining days in poverty thinking about the ways you have kept black Americans down with your disgusting privilege of trying to work hard to have a good life for yourself and your family. You selfish bastard!

Go now, white devil, and regret these words you have used to describe the black man! Only THEY are allowed to say these words! Words are no longer something that can be ignored or brushed off, they can cripple (excuse me...disable...excuse me...handicap, excuse me, uh, um, trying to find the most sensitive word here...) HURT people mentally and destroy our society!


The overly-offended, ultra sensitive, and insanely illogical “progressive” society of the USA in 2020.



I used to call my friend Herb "bro" all the time. He passed away three years ago.

