i cant swallow that salt
This is exactly the type of movie you cant do that with.
Heist movies are *about* meticulous planning!
You're supposed to think things like:
"oh wow, that's cool , they looped the tape so the guards are seeing a recoding , not live footage" (or whatever)
You're not supposed to think:
"What sort of stupid retarded plan is this?? , your entire plan will either end with you dead , in jail , or at best exactly where you are now!
This movie is as stupid as the part in "Monty Pythons Quest for the holy grail" where they go to great lengths to manufacture a giant wooden horse (Troy stylee) ,trick the enemy , and then forget to get into the horse!
[edit] dont get me wrong "the plan" as in how they executed the shenanigans might have been ok , but that means nothing if "the plan" as in the end game , the goal, the premise
the raison de etre is so pointless!