MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Happy Woke Halloween 2020! πŸ˜„

Happy Woke Halloween 2020! πŸ˜„

I was checking how was the Halloween Horror Crop 2020, in the hope of finding some non-woke nice horror flick to watch this weekend.

First, we have the diversity witches. Pass.
Then, a movie about black immigrants in an little English town where something dark awaits. C'mon, what do you expect in a town filled with (evil) white British males??. Ok, pass.
Then, a masked evil (white male) psychopath chasing a poor innocent female. Pass.
Then, a movie about evil white males kidnapping poor innocent blacks to enslave them in some kind of farm because, you know, whites males are evil. Pass.
Then, a movie about diverse American tourists tortured by Russian white males. For some reason, Russians seem to share with nazis the podium of absolute white male evilness in the woke mind. Pass? I dunno, I'm running out of options.

Then I found a recent movie about a Goblin (chasing a poor innocent female, of course). Well, who knows? That could be like those classic 'Troll' movies, or the 'Ghoolies' ones. The bad guy is a green creature. There's no fucking way this movie is gonna be about an evil white male... isn't it?


Let me copy the plot: "A young woman fights to protect her son from her abusive new (white male) husband and a ferocious creature lurking in the shadows."

So... have a happy woke Halloween 2020! πŸ˜„


Have you considered that it's because most of these films are still being made by white men, that white men are the killers?

It's not to say that horror movies written or directed by women don't have male antagonists as well, but a lot of them do have females. Like American Mary, Ginger Snaps (female writer), The Babadook, The Invitation (female antagonists as well as male), Jennifer's Body, Raw, Prevenge, Trouble Every Day, Always Shine.

Jordan Peele is batting 50/50 on the race of his antagonists as well. Perhaps we just need a more diverse group of people making horror movies.

Or is that woke in itself?


Impressive mental gymnastics but the reason why the characters being spoken about in this thread are white or not white is due to race baiting and Woke propaganda.

It is very different to what you are mentioning here which would be non white or non male writers etc making films where the villain or victims happen to be non white.


See, this is where I get frustrated. Horror movies are rarely oscar bait. Parasite won because the academy was checking boxes, not the filmmaker. Horror follows different rules and tropes.

Not every movie has an agenda just because you choose to see one.


Horror follows different rules and tropes.

Not anymore.

Horror movies used to have more freedom because Hollywood used to think they were way below mainstream and artistic movies and they didn't deserve to be pad much attention. Perhaps because of it, there was a boom in low-budget horror movies during 2010-2015. Creators that wanted some freedom were taking refuge in the horror genre.

Not anymore.

Last five years, Woke Hollywood has been finally taking control of that niche.


Again, Parasite won last year.

I don't know what horror movies you watch, but there are a lot out there that don't check all your woke boxes, which by the way, are bullshit. Low budget, independent, horror have been around long before 2010.

I listed a bunch of movies that don't tick your boxes, but then I'm told it's mental gymnastics by artisan?

Horror follows tropes. Horror has been one of the most formulaic genres out there. So now that you have more than just Craven brazenly subverting these tropes, it's just a bunch of woke shit.

You made a list of plots without mentioning which movies you are talking about, so I can't even counter and point out sub plots or anything else, so because I don't even know what movies you mean that are so "woke"

I can guess the craft, and that's it.


1. Parasite is not a Hollywood movie. It's not even a western movie. It's a Korean movie. I'm talking about Hollywood and UK movies.

2. I have already explained that some movies checking the same boxes is irrelevant. When you have all kind of different tropes in movies, some movie will fit these boxes, many others won't. That's not an agenda, that's randomness.

If you roll a dice, sometimes you'll get a one. That's randomness. If 90% of times you get a one, something is wrong.

The agenda appears when most movies check the very same boxes and follow systematically the same trope "white males are evil, non-white/females are good".


You are the one who is arguing that all new horror movies are "woke".

I'm very well aware that parasite isn't a western movie.

I pointed out a bunch of movies that didn't have white males as evil, but you just ignored that.

I also pointed out in response to a different comment that horror movies follow the fairy tale/david & goliath formula, and that as much as you seem to want to be the victim, white males are still the ones in the positions of power in this world. Horror movies are about rooting for the underdog overcoming.

I am still waiting to hear which horror movies are "woke"


I know that you already said that horror movies use to portray people with power as villains, so according to you that would explain they're white. And I already answered to that, so I copy-paste the answer I already gave to you in this very same thread to that very same argument:

In modern Hollywood, people in power are systematically represented using a "diverse" cast.

Judges? Half of times it's a middle aged black woman. If the judge happens to be an evil villain, though, 99.9% of chances they'll cast a white male actor.

It has become so obligatory than you can even predict the twists. You have a non-white male in power in a movie who is allegedly a good person, well, that's fine. However, if that person in power is an old white male, you can be almost sure that there will be a plot twist and he'll end up being a villain.


And I am still asking you to name the movies that are woke.

I don't see a lot of judges in horror movies, so I thought your point was about something else.


Hard not to see the agenda's at play in modern film and TV shows. Unless you choose NOT to see them.


I think you choose to see it in EVERYTHING.

I'm not saying that there has not been a push for diversity, and more female lead movies. There are ones that are forced. I'm not arguing that. What I am arguing is that not every single fucking movie that has a white male antagonist is that way because of some agenda. Just because there is a person who is not white in a roll it doesn't mean that they are there just because some box is being ticked.

I've asked for actual titles and neither you or kuku have been willing to provide any so that I can either agree or counter. I've provided many examples of movies that I don't think are woke. (whatever that actually means) Perhaps you could do the same?


Nope, I seed it when it is there.

Titles in regards to what? I mentioned a title in my first post on this thread that is very Woke and race baiting.
There are plenty more too. But I have the feeling that no matter what I say you will just refute it and come up with some kind of twist to deny it all.


So one title?

You obviously don't want to discuss anything, you just want to shout that you are so non woke...


I still don't know what you are even asking?


I'm asking you which recent horror movies are woke.


"Get Out"
"Lovecraft Country"
"His House"

I even found these article which talks about film makers using film to crap on about agenda's.


Don't forget Antebellum and Black Christmas, that are so woke that they look more like involuntary parodies.


Ah yes there are plenty. I don't go much for modern films so I don't really keep up.

I posted the links to the articles as a while back I had one idiot on here try and tell me that Woke doesn't even exist let alone a common agenda in films and TV.


I think it's a process of audience flight. When a genre converges (it's invaded by wokes), audience flies and moves to a different genre. Then woke creators move to that genre chasing the audience that it's flying from them. Of course, that's supported by mainstream media, that promotes those movies.

After a while, audience flies again. I think that's what's gonna happen with horror during the next 5 years. I feel curious about where the audience will go. I don't think there's woke-free genres left. Old movies? Asian movies, perhaps?

I know that Hollywood is trying to have some control over Japanese and Korean cinema (preemptive measure in case audience flies there?). The Oscar to Parasite was part of that. And American execs have been trying to take control of Anime for the last 2-3 years. They're finding a lot of hostility, though. A Japanese company (Sony) bought back the rights of Anime streaming in western countries about a week ago for $1B.


They have pretty much ruined every genre now, hard to find a TV show that isn't Woke and preaches SJW nonsense in some way. Sometimes characters just straight make speeches rather than deliver relevant lines.

I think with old films they either remake them with a Woke approved cast or if the film is too big - ie Gone with the Wind they just demand it be cancelled.

I really can't see Asian audiences going for Woke films. It doesn't help that the West is in decline and non Western audiences can see these films for the destructive propaganda they contain.

It is about propaganda anyway. The people who make these films and TV shows don't care about entertainment or art, quality etc They just want to infect as many minds as they possibly can.

In regards to "Audience Flight" I think it has slowly been happening. People have more choice now entertainment wise. Look at the ratings for awards shows for example, people have had enough.

2020 has been a shit year world wide. I can see a shift from propaganda films, music and celebrities to a more pure entertainment preference. When of course people want to watch films and TV at all.

Hollyweird are going to have to start winning people back soon.


I don't think they're gonna win people back. It's not business, it's a system of beliefs. It's like telling a Christian channel that they should start to win Muslims back.

The most likely option is that they will continue serving a reduced market. If they don't make enough money, they're probably gonna get subsidies.

And what will happen with all those people that don't want that content? Well, I think the answer is: nothing.

When a non-politically correct company has tried to enter a field dominated by woke companies, it has been either bought and converged, shut-down or heavily jammed. From being denied basic banking services to being directly closed by the deep state (that happened for example to Gab and 8Chan). I don't think there will be an alternative to woke media. Not in western countries, at least.


They might get subsidies from the Democrats but fat chance from the Republicans which they love to attack so much. I think they know that and it makes them even more desperate and frantic in their attacks which in turn puts more people off them.

I think eventually, we might see a Renaissance. As these Woke films keep failing people will work out that their is a market for pure entertainment films and shows. No politics.

This awakening won't be to push conservative beliefs or any sort of political agenda. It will be purely about business. By that stage it won't matter what the Woke ones want because in the end money talks.

Also interesting to note that I don't think Woke people watch the films and shows that are made for them either.





Well, actually... that's true. Of course, the key element in "change" is change TO WHAT.

This wokeness diverse massive immigration age has brought a heavy decline in Western countries. For first time in centuries, the next generation is gonna be poorer than the previous one.

That's not all: for first time in centuries, the next generation is gonna be less intelligent than the previous one
Β«We were gaining three IQ points per decade for many, many years. Now, that's going backward.Β»

Western countries followed a trend of increasing progress, prosperity and IQ. That has changed. "Woke" is the term used by those scared of that change, and being scared of that change is a logical and intelligent behavior. Only people who are blinded by their (woke) faith welcome that change.


Perhaps capitalism, reaganomics, and wealth distribution have as much to do with that as immigration.



Western countries were prospering both during classic liberalism periods (post-WW2) and during highly capitalist periods (XIXth century, for example). That's not the key factor. And the decline is happening in both North-America and Europe, you can't use Reagan as a excuse for the French decline, for example.

What has changed, what's NEW, it's wokeness and massive non-western immigration. That's the change. And the consequence is that the trend of increasing prosperity, progress and IQ has reversed.


If you want, I can send you some papers about the effects income inequality have on society.

I'm also not saying that migration is not having an effect at all, but there are many issues that are contributing to the decline of western society.


I have seen papers like that before. You have them dime the dozen. With all due respect, they barely worth the paper you use to print them.

They always use the same pattern: they study a correlation between social problems and economic inequality in some modern western society and conclude that economic inequality creates social problems.

Of course, none of these studies explain how western societies were cohesive and thriving even when there was extreme inequality (XIXth century) or poverty (Europe after the WW2). They don't explain how you can have social problems in a country like Libia the moment the strong man (Gadaffi) dies, even though the country had an incredibly generous welfare until then.

The model fails the moment you apply it to something which is not the usual cherry picked study. But who cares? They serve the official academy narrative so they get published and funded. In modern social sciences, you only risk to be defunded if your study threats the official narrative.


The "every is veeery complex" don't negate what I said. In South American societies, you have a high number of complex problems. At the end of the day, though, all those complex problem can be summed up to a single cause: south american culture.


Holy shit you are racist.


Why? Argue your statement.

Otherwise your statement could be translated as "You disagree with me, so I'm using some negative label to demonize you. This way, I can dismiss your arguments by simply putting some label on you".


At the end of the day, though, all those complex problem can be summed up to a single cause: south american culture.

First of all what is South American Culture?

Secondly, you cannot deny that the problems in South America have not been exacerbated by American interference. The CIA and American companies have been involved in coups that have overthrown left wing governments in South American to stop the spread of communism which has led to mass poverty, corruption, and oppression. For what? Protection of American business interests? But no, blame everything on the different cultures of many different countries.

Are all their problems because of the US. No. But to say that it's just on their cultures. Yeah. That's a racist comment.


i actually think the OP has a bit of a point about regular white guys being the currently reigning cinematic whipping boy, but...

Dracula - central european white ghoul
Wolfman - white guy/grey wolf
the fly - white guy/fly
mr. hyde - white guy
hitchcock villains - white guys all
silence of the lambs - white guys
slasher movies - almost always a white guy

so.... this white guy trend is surely not a new one


so.... this white guy trend is surely not a new one

Sure. Villains used to be white... and so were the good guys.

The problem appears when good guys and villains belong systematically to two different ethnic groups or genders. For example, when by default the good guys are black, and the evil (or pathetic) guys are white.

And what's more stupid is that this is produced by the companies that were built by whites. Chinese movies use to portray Chinese as good and Japanese as evil villains. That's not healthy. But it'd be even way worse if Japanese movies used to do exactly the same in some kind of self-inflicted vilification. The crazy thing here is that it's white industries the ones that are systematically demonizing whites.


i see it as a cultural implementation of the chomsky rule. which has a lot going for it, in right proportion.


It was never racial though. I will give another example, "I Spit on Your Grave" a revenge type film, a woman is gang raped and she ends up hunting down her attackers. You could call that a Feminist film, a Woke film but to me (and I have only seen the 70's original), it is just a revenge film where the one taking revenge happens to be female. It never felt like a Woman vs Man film if that makes sense?

Same as a film called "Shooter" where a white guy takes revenge on a Senator, who happens to be black. It isn't racial, his skin colour has nothing to do with it.

It is more than just the race of the characters is the propaganda and agendas.


Theres so much we can do if we choose to take on our problems and not each other.


I live in America, I am around 50 years of age.

As I checked out at the grocery store, a young woman asked "Do you celebrate Halloween?" I don't think I have ever been ask that before.

I was thinking to myself, well it's not really a celebration, it's mostly for kids...but...I answered yes.

Was this just a the new PC youth or instructions from her boss..I didn't ask.


She may have been curious or trying to work out if it was ok to say "Happy Halloween" it is odd. A few years ago a work colleague and I were in a store and the clerk started talking about football. Ummm wrong two Aussie's mate!

He was Indian and shocked when we told him we don't care about football. I think it is difficult now as people aren't as homogenized with their interests as they used to be. You don't have those go to subjects anymore. I was even thinking about how difficult it would be to cater for a work function, vegan, non dairy, vegetarian, Halal, gluten free, diabetic diet etc

Back in my day you would just have a plate of ham sandwiches and everyone was happy!


I didn't know they had Halloween in Australia or Britain, I thought it was just a American thing.


We know what it is but it is not like in America. Some kids have tried doing the trick or treating thing here but they don't get far.


Maybe he is bit crazy but this OP guy has a point
