MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > genuinely decent people from Hollywood?

genuinely decent people from Hollywood?

With all the news now about how Hollywood is full of creeps, perverts, sleazeballs, abusers, womanizers, narcissists, egomaniacs, and overall selfish scumbags. Who strikes you as a genuinely decent dude (or gal) from tinsel town?

Now keep in mind, I'm not saying these people are necessarily flawless per say, nor am I saying they should be held up on a pedestal. This is just to list a couple people that you believe to be largely free of the aforementioned sins that commonly plague big league Hollywood players.

Here's mine:

Hugh Jackman
Steve Buscemi
Francis Ford Coppola
Robert Downey Jr.
Kevin Smith

P.S. please don't just pick ones that appear "nice", pick ones that have done something that would make you believe that they are a legitimately decent bloke

Any thoughts?


It just boils down to one simple equation.

Celebrities and outrage = $$$


Most of the time though, they are true on some level. Depending on the allegations of course, it doesn't necessarily always determine the quality of their overall character.


Overblown,over-hyped by the press to get eyeballs

People accuse and sue because they can get bags of money.

People write ridiculous tell all's that spill dirt to sell books...most is bunk.


Only a small amount of celebrity seekers do this.
People like you want to make it a pandemic, a broad generalization to demonize a whole group of people.
Shameful !


Keanu Reeves


He's the first that came to my mind. Awesome guy.


yep Keanu


Tom Hanks.

What's wrong with being nice? He drove his car without any bodyguards to a local diner in a neighboring state of mine.


Are you sure your not high right now?

You accuse Spielberg of molesting children without ANY evidence. LOL!!

But Robert Downey Jr?

This is from a legitimate newspaper, founded in 1821:

Not some gobbly guk

In 1996 Downey was put on probation after an arrest for driving in Malibu with heroin, cocaine and a concealed .357 Magnum. While awaiting trial, he made matters worse with the 'Goldilocks' incident when he wandered into a neighbour's house, stripped to his underwear, folded his clothes on to a chair and passed out on an 11-year-old's bed, only to be discovered by an astonished mother who wondered if her son had gone to sleep early. The tape of her 911 call was put on the internet, with Downey's heavy snoring audible in the background. Four days after being arrested, he bolted through a detox centre bathroom window wearing a Hawaiian shirt and a pair of slippers.

911 call:

Here's a mugshot:

Money Quote: "...stripped to his underwear, folded his clothes on to a chair and passed out on an 11-year-old's bed".

Yeah, he's real awesome.


Are you fucking illiterate or something? Read what I said again carefully, son.

And last I checked, 1996 was over 20 fucking years ago. When was the last time he was known to do drugs?


troll or sock account...



Please don't assume everyone out there is just like you. That's very self-centered thinking, my dear boy.




You misspelled retarded.


Money Quote: "...stripped to his underwear, folded his clothes on to a chair and passed out on an 11-year-old's bed".


If he was a bad guy, he wouldn't have folded his clothes. He'd have just thrown them crumpled anywhere.


Your somebody else here.

Oh well...have fun :)


I don't have "somebody else" here. Did you mean to write "YOU'RE somebody else here"?

It seems like you really are illiterate. I'm sorry for making fun of your learning disability.


Your so much fun...what a character.

Is this like an identity thing?


Do you walk out like this into society and have a job and stuff?

Like a big haired Ronald McDonald character.

Keep posting.

It's hilarious.


"Do you walk out like this into society and have a job and stuff?"

Of course. Not everyone can live on mental disability welfare checks like you.

"Like a big haired Ronald McDonald character."

Ronald McDonald himself is a character, as part of the McDonald's franchise. If you want to compare me to someone like that, you could say "you're like a McDonald's character" or "you're like a clown". For your information, I expect to get my ESL check in the mail by next week.

"It's hilarious."

It's not. Picking on the mentally retarded is never funny.


I kick you to the sewer clown.

You gave me lots of laughs.


Okay. Let me think about that. Hmmmm......well......there's uh.......Jon Voight.......and then.......okay other than him I got nothin'.



My initial thought was why did you ask me who was the nicest person and then only pick men yourself.

For balance:

Dolly Parton
Sarah Paulson
Margot Robbie
Cate Blanchett


this is not a serious thread!

but here's a funny bit of cosmic synchronicity...

as soon as i read your thread title, i thought to myself 'i've always heard that vince gilligan is one of the nicest, coolest guys in hollywood.' i've read & seen a few people over the years say that he's cool & calm & easy-going & completely modest & down to earth.

and right after having that thought, i hit play on netflix to watch the next episode of community (i've been going through the series over the past few weeks).

& it was an episode guest starring vince gilligan! i almost fell out of my chair when i recognized his voice (i used to listen to his breaking bad podcast, so i knew it).

i love it when the universe lines up for a brief moment like that. i don't know why, but it felt supremely satisfying.


I have friend who has worked with Gary Sinise on a few causes related to military veterans. He tells me Sinise is one of the nicest and most considerate individual he’s ever met.


Because the US spends ungodly amounts of $$ on the military but does not take care of the vets, that they need to stick their hands out and plead, "Help us." They shouldn't have to do this, and anyone who gets on this bandwagon is cashing in rather than asking the government why they aren't stepping up after they have asked these kids to do their dirty work.


Yeah, you tell ‘em carnal....
