MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I feel conflicted about tattoos

I feel conflicted about tattoos

On one hand I'm all for personal freedom and creative expression. If someone wants to get tattoos, that's their right. That's their decision. But at the same time it baffles me how some people just nonchalantly put anything on them. I have more respect for people who get tattoos that have personal meaning or significance. But it seems like some people just get tattoos for the sake of getting one. I just don't get it. This is your one and only body. How could one take that lightly?

Don't even get me started on face tattoos. Just...nope.


I don't like them especially on women. They just look terrible. Even worse when it is just random pictures scattered around that wouldn't even qualify as decent art work.


I view tattoos as a fake rebelliousness. As a teen, most want to get piercings and tattoos and it bafflingly occupies their conversations. But I agree that most tattoos are poorly thought out, poorly placed, and honestly even poorly done. I wouldn't say I hate tattoos because I have seen some that I liked, but I can say I don't understand why people care so much.


I'm not at all conflicted on tattoos.

I think they're ugly on other people, and I'm FAR too committment-phobic to get one myself. No conflicts there!


I got a tattoo at Spring Break in the 90’s and it doesn’t bother me but I kind of wish I hadn’t.


I have a small, unique and personal tattoo on the upper part of my left arm. Unless I’m swimming, nobody would ever know it’s there.

I agree, I’m not a fan of too many, too big, too obvious, hands, face, neck, no meaning.


i'm definitely against them for myself. if i'd gotten a tattoo when i was 25, it would probably be some goofy goth band i was digging at the time or some political piffle that i don't believe anymore. so i'm grateful 25 year old me never got one.

but on women, i find them very very very very sexy. holy cow. and if you throw in a punky haircut & a snot ring, she'll be everything i've ever wanted.


Tattoos are pointless. I'm still waiting for someone to explain the appeal of spending big money to mar your body.

Your body is a brand-new expensive sports car. Getting a tattoo is taking the keys and scuffing the paint job.


I also don't buy into the whole "It's forever" bullshit. For one thing tatts turn blue that is when the go from bad to really ugly. Secondly, we all die eventually. They aren't forever and of course skin sags as we age too, going to be some weird Salvador Dali tatts in the nursing homes!


Other people can do what they want. Tattoos on women detract from their appearance. I don't care for nose, lip, or tongue rings either. Ironically a lot of body (not face) piercings on women turn me on, especially rings on the back to make a corset.
