MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What did you watch this week lads? (09/0...

What did you watch this week lads? (09/06-09/12)

We’re all here? Splendid, let’s proceed. This week I watched:

Spectre (2015 DVD): This movie was ahead of its time; James Bond gets nano technology micro chips injected in the veins in order to be tracked (smart blood). AKA Bond got the COVID-19 vaccin!! 🤣That being said, this is a drop for Mendes and last week I mentioned Skyfall’s flaws and illogical moments; well this one takes the cake. I dig that James must always get the girl and erase all threats but there is only so much nonsense one can take. A person expecting realism would suffer from the “spun eye balls stuck in the socket” disease. 🙄🙄😵 Also, I did not really care for the daughter/lover part. Still, there is some decent action, many fun Bond references and the main story was alright with Waltz as the cool but very bad brother. My rating: 5.5/10

Bride of Chucky (1998 DVD): The first hour is alright. Not as fun and clever as the first three entries but entertaining enough on all sides. It’s the last 20 minutes that were really bad. Except maybe the last scene (birth). I did not enjoy Chucky’s one liners as much as I used to and he really looks stupid with a gun. I mean, a killer doll with a gun, c’mon, that’s just dumb. My rating: 5.5/10

Threads (1984 Tubi): Another precursor movie of what was to come, in some ways. About
30 minutes in I hear “essential services only” and “stay home” so I was like 🤦‍♂️. Lots of blaring sounds, loud noises and dark images. I see what they went for here and I think they succeeded nicely. In the second half I struggled with keeping up with who was who and if I had seen that character before but I don’t think that was really necessary to appreciate the desolation and madness. My rating: 7/10


Hey there! It's been a crazy week. I got in a lot of arguments online and got called a lot of nasty name this week, but on the bright side NFL football is back!

Spectre 8/10
Bride of Chucky 7/10
Haven't seen Threads yet

What I watched:
Sex Madness (1938) 5/10
Be My Valentine (2013) 7/10
The Child (1977) 7/10
The Invisible Guest (2016) 7/10
Tell Your Children (1938) 5/10
Dark August (1976) 6/10
Tom, Dick and Harriet (2013) 7/10
Don’t Look In The Cellar (2008) 7/10
Zack and Miri Make a Porno (2008) 8/10
Relic (2020) 7/10
Fade to Black (1980) 8/10
Cuties (2020) 9/10
The Babysitter: Killer Queen (2020) 7/10
Greyhound (2020) 7/10
Big City Blues (1932) 6/10
The Phantom Tollbooth (1970) 7/10
Gun Crazy (1950) 8/10


Who called you nasty names? I want names! I got a knuckle sandwich for all of em!

Zack and Miri: failed to reach my expectations but not bad. 6/10


It was mostly people on Facebook calling me names but there are a couple people here who called me names because I liked the movie Cuties. You should check out the Cuties board if you haven’t already.


haha, nice!

Your a sicko!!! But I already knew that so.... as you were.


Just one this week.

Red Sun (1971) starring Charles Bronson and Toshiro Mifune.

Interesting concept, let's have a western and add a samurai. Since a samurai is always stoic, Bronson had to play the more colorful character. This role would have been better suited for Lee Marvin, who has more range.

It is your standard revenge story with Mifune and Bronson teaming up. Missed opportunity for some good dialogue had the film had a better writer(s), but as said, colorful is not Bronson's strong suit.

A fan of Bronson should find it interesting however, as he shows more personality than most films.

The only film in history I believe that has a battle scene with a samurai and American Indians.

A enjoyable but standard western 6/10.


Haven't seen it but samurai and American Indians sound like fun!


Midsommar. A very strange movie from a very strange director/writer.



I tought I would fall in love eternally with this one but only found it really good. 7.5/10


I give it a 7, Billy Bob.



That reminds me of Tom Green'S character Billy Bob. One of the greats.


Not familiar with that character, Billy Bob. Not a big Tom Green fan.



Catch Me If You Can (2002) - Have Leonardo Di Caprio or Tom Hanks ever been in a bad film? An enjoyable romp - 7.5/10.

Yesterday (2019) - Standard Richard Curtis romantic comedy with a twist (and shout) - 7/10


I agree with your rating and question on Catch me if you can. Lots of peeps seems to call this a masterpiece though and that I don't agree. 7.5/10

I think some critics got me cold on Yesterday but I'll have to see it someday.


Yesterday is a feel good film that'll cheer you up on a rainy day.


Why Horror? (2014) 6/10 I appreciate what he was trying to do with this documentary, but even when they got into the science parts of it, I just didn't feel there were any answers. It was more just a guy and his family talking about his love of horror movies

Return to Oz (1985) 7.5/10 It's been a few years since I've seen it. I still really enjoyed how creepy it is.

Dogtooth (2009) 7/10 This had been in my list for years, and I'd been putting off watching it because I think I needed to be in the proper mood to watch it. It's weird, disturbing, and uncomfortable. I'm not sure I'd recommend it, but it was well done.

Piranha (1978) 6.5/10 I do enjoy this movie for it's silliness. I tend to watch it every couple of years for fun.

Der Baader Meinhof Komplex (2008) 7.5/10 I had a mixed reaction to this film. It was well done, but I also thought there was too much going on. I thought it was still relevant, if not a little bleak. I usually avoid the based on true story movies as they change so much, but I did watch it in the mindset of it all being fiction, and I think that helped. Great action.


I have put off watching Dogtooth for years also.


Havent seen yours. Dogtooth is somewhat on my list.


2nd Season of What We Do in the Shadows. Great stuff. Not quite as clever as the first season, but still lots of fun.

And a flick called Hotel Artemis which started with lots of potential but ended up squandering it's clever notions and was a total waste of time. A bunch of miscreants hole up in a hospital for criminals on the lam during a riot and it promises to be a hard boiled bottle thriller. But instead it just becomes a bunch of nonsense.

I also rewatched The Holiday, a not quite romcom with Kate Winslet, Jack Black, Cameron Diaz and Jude Law. I did not like this movie back in 2006, but time and nostalgia has been very kind to this picture.


I think season 2 had it's moments. I did like the episode with Mark Hamill. Not just because of him, but the premise was so ridiculous. I do agree it was not quite as good, but I'm still looking forward to season 3.


I love the movie but havent seen the show.

Hotel artemis: the script reminds me of a scene in a movie but can't remember which one.


The Lodge (2019) - A different spin on The Sixth Sense. Not a bad little "horror." 6.5/10

Swallow (2019) - I thought the scene with her father at the end was just so strange and out of place. Unsatisfying movie. 6/10

Relic (2020) - The movie is one big metaphor. It is scary in places and the ending is out there. 6/10

Deception (1946) - Not one of Bette Davis' best movie. All the deception was unnecessary and the movie was boring. 6.5/10

The Horseman (2008) - A very violent Australian movie. A father goes on a killing rampage to avenge his dead daughter. The lead in this takes a beating like Rambo. 6.5/10


The lodge: same. 6.5/10



-Final Destination (2000)
Such a great, little supernatural thriller. So much better than the sequels which were just about shock value and gore.

TV Shows

-The Bold and the Beautiful - marathon of very old episodes

-666 Park Avenue - "The Elysian Fields" and "Lazarus - Part 1"
This show started out okay, like a combination of Rosemary's Baby, The Shining and The Twilight Zone with a creepy and mysterious atmosphere. But soon it lost its way and halfway it just turned bizarre with extremely crappy CGI. The ending was rushed and lame.

-Pacific Palisades - Episode 23
The show was entertaining enough, but it's obvious that after a few episodes they got kind of nervous about the ratings and decided to go into an even more soapy direction, which didn't always work. This ending was also very rushed and pretty lame.

-University Hospital - Episode 1-3
And another short lived 90s soap I used to watch.


FD: YEs! 7.5/10
