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Why Christianity is BS!

For the last two thousands years, as science has become more prominent, the need for miracles, the supernatural and magic has disappeared. We don't need the supernatural as an explanation for anything at all-absolutely nothing. There is no magic in the formation of a dew drop, an embryo, a crystal, a snow-flake, or a budding plant. No magic in the formation of volcanoes, planets, tides, thunder-storms, waves, stars, solar-systems, tornadoes, DNA, cells or the Big Bang itself. Horses don't talk, pigs are not possessed by demons, dead people do not zombie, walk around, and float off into the sky, and baby dinosaurs didn't live on the Ark to survive a Great Flood. There is no magic in consciousness, human behavior or mental illness, and epileptics are not demon-possessed. No miracles; no magic; no supernatural; no god! Everything is natural.

I've got a challenge for all of you Bible-believing, miracle-believing Christians out there. A whole bunch of you, hundreds and thousands should gather in a mega-church along with an amputee. The Christians should pray with all of your hearts and souls, and I mean "praise Jesus" and "in the name of Jesus" prayers; y'all can even speak in tongues, but you've got to believe that your Lord will come through for you and pull off a miracle, a big one. Y'all pray that the amputee's legs grow back. I'll be there, because if I see a miracle, I'll become a Bible believing Christian. I'll be there passing out Mountain Dews to the parched. We'll stay there for days and even weeks as we pray. And we will watch as his legs do not grow back. Just think if a small, or a big, miracle was ever confirmed. Just think!


You criticised Christianity for proselytising and yet you are out here doing the same thing.


Was he asking you to join his Church? I don't agree with what he said and I'm a Christian. But I don't understand where did you get that he was proselytising. You give Christians a bad name.



Why do you put dots on top and on the bottom of your post?



Those dots.


He is sharing his anti-Christian belief in a public forum but is insulted when a Christian does the same thing. That seems slightly hypocritical to me.


You´re a Christian are you? I guess you just reject Jesus´ teachings.

Matt 28:18-20.Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.

John 15:22 "If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin. Now, however, they have no excuse for their sin."


I met Jesus personally. I was born again. How can I reject His teaching?


You give Christians a bad name.

I´ll take that as a compliment. If you aren´t giving Christians a bad name, you are probably preaching the wrong gospel.

John 15:18-19 "If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. 19 If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. "


I am in Jesus and Jesus is in me. All the time. How can I preach the wrong gospel?


You are supposedly Christian but attacking a fellow brother in Christ for no apparent reason.


I was in no way attacking anyone. I rebuke Christians who are giving people bad impressions. Wasn't Jesus the one who eat together with sinners?

We live for Jesus, not for fellow brothers in Christ. Are we somekind of a gang or mobsters? We, Christians, should accept and pray for the sinners, for we are as sinful. We are not here to shoo them away. We are not more holy than them.

It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.

Pray, my son. Meet Jesus personally in your prayers. Then you will understand, for He surely explain things better than me.


Can you give a specific reason for rebuking me? Instead of "bad impressions". Sounds very subjective.


You already knew it. Open your heart.

Pray, that's all I can say.

Edit: There were some other posters giving bad impressions of Christians (to my own subjectivity.) But somehow Jesus compelled me to reply to yours. I believe it's not for no reason.


So helpful. Jesus also exposed the Pharisees as hypocrites, but apparently we are not to do the same because of, "bad impressions". While, Ephesians 5:11 says to expose evil deeds.


And Jesus put it on my heart to reply to you. God bless.


We live for Jesus, not for fellow brothers in Christ

I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment.

We are not more holy than them.

I highly disagree.

1 John 3:9-10 "No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God's[b] seed abides in him; and he cannot keep on sinning, because he has been born of God. 10 By this it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother.

Galatians 5:19-23 "Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, 20 idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, 21 envy,[d] drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do[e] such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law."


The Pharisees, they were experts on The Sciptures, but they don't look up to God instead they constantly look down on others. Jesus was not like them. Indeed, the the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Even to our brothers, the atheists.

They won't be atheists forever, I believe Jesus will touch their hearts when the time is right, according to Him, not mine.


The Holy Spirit is only in those who have been born again and indeed have the Spirit of Christ . Romans 8:9.
"They won´t be atheists forever". How do you know? You sound like a universalist. Its not for you to decide if they will or won´t be. Matt 7:13 Indeed says "wide is the gate and broad is the road to destruction and many enter through it."


Yeah, kind of, but I'm right. Did you see my "pray for an amputee challenge?" Do you reckon any Christians swill take up the challenge, or do they all already know that their god is lame as sh-t?


You're not even doing a good job trolling..


I´m a cessationist. For the atheist, this means I believe that the in-church miracles that occurred in Acts, ceased to happen after the early church had been formed and the New Testament written. I don´t believe God has given any Christian individual power to perform miracles in his name. If any false convert is claiming that, they should be in hospitals, healing sick kids. That said, I believe miracles can and do happen through prayer, all depending on God´s will but God´s will is ultimately and primarily, not to heal sick people in this life but to give sinners (who repent from their sin), eternal life. God bless.


Cool! Nice reply. Thank you.


Sure, no problem.


Christianity appears to have a catastrophic foundational flaw: Jesus is at once god and died for man's sins. Even if you want to argue he died in the flesh, being eternal he never truly died. As such, "dying for our sins" becomes farce.


That's a great point.


You're going to be so upset when you find out that the Amish were right all along, lol.


There are many things in life that are bullshit. There are some in Christianity. There are some in any other religion. There are even some sciences that are BS.

Have you ever met a genuinely good guy? Was it important that he's a Christian or not? That's all that matter, right? Of course there are a lot of evil people Christians. But then there are also badguy atheists. In the end, it doesn't even matter if miracles are real or not. Or a floating white bearded old man in the sky. Think about it for a moment.


I see your point, but it kind of matters that people who are doing real science not accept miracles as explanations. we'd never get beyond "well god must have did it."


But somehow we did get beyond that. As humans, we did send people to the moon, didn't we? And we were mostly Christians back then in the 50s.

I was an atheist too. I rejected everything related to religions. I pursue a life of 100% scientific, unrefutable facts only, no faith needed kind of way.

I met hurdles, of course, but I marched on. The more I went full science, the more I realize many parts of the so called science may not as faith-free as I would like.

Some of them are just as bullshity as religions. Say, psychology is scientific, but so many stuffs in it was just written by one or two guys in their own expertice. Basically "saints." We can't possibly tested out all of the theories ourselves. Some of them need 'well, it said so in the books.'

There are too many areas in life which we need a shortcut, a quick distilled, processed, information ready to use. Just like we use Windows or Office in our computers instead of coding our own programs even when there are open souce versions of Windows and Office that we can freely see for ourselves. All the codes, and everything. If we put ourselves learning those, we surely can built our own systems and programs. No need for Microsoft to provide us.

Some do, but most of us simply can't. We can't all be experts on every facets of life. From computers to psyche to food science to quantum mechanics. At some point, even scientists must use faith.

And so I did. More and more time I used faith instead of unrefutable facts. And then more faith than sciences. In fact, it is scientific that human normally needs somekind of religion. Maybe it's not Christianity for you, but it is for me.

If I may suggest, read Richard Dawkin's books, The God Delusion and The Selfish Gene. (Btw, I love his works.) These books are good reads for atheists and Christians alike.


Thank you for the thoughtful, cool post.


"There are many things in life that are bullshit. There are some in Christianity." "There are a lot of evil people Christians".

A Christian would never refer to things in Christianity as "bullshit". And a Christian would never call other Christians "evil". If you are referring to false Christians, then you should specify that but a real Christian would never refer to a regenerated believer as "evil".


Didn't Jesus call fellow Jews snakes? Like I said, we are no gang nor mobsters. It is not because of the fact that we are Christians that we are saved. It's simply of God's grace. It is solely Him that redeems us, not us redeem ourselves.


If you want to do good, there is no better vehicle than religion.
If you want to do evil, there is no better vehicle than religion.

Christians and atheists alike need to practice more skepticism of their of own positions. If you have never doubted your beliefs, then they probably are not strong enough to withstand scrutiny.


Impressive. Can you do that trick with Islam? Tell us why Islam is BS too? Your third edition can be about Scientology. Better get to work on it before someone else does. You don't want someone stealing your thunder.


Oh, I think Islam is BS, too. I'm just not surrounded by Muslims. They tend to leave me alone.


Yeah, just don't ever go to a Mosque and say that out loud. They'll chop your head off, after they beat you with sticks. You wouldn't see Christians doing that. They'd just either shoot you dirty looks or look at you with pity and walk away.


You want me to hate Muslims? It's not gonna happen, son! I'll save my hatred for the fat-assed Trump supporting Christian who thinks the coronavirus is a Democratic hoax. And my hatred goes out to those who support Jerry Falwell Jr., who apparently didn't mind seeing a pool-boy from Florida get up inside his wife. Hehe! I'll reserve my hatred for those jack-asses, if you don't mind?


I see your hate is politically motivated. While it's fine, it's kinda unfair for some of the good Christians, isn't it?


Yeah, it is. Good point!


Coronavirus is not a hoax. It's a real disease that has killed a lot of people, many of them elderly.

Just remember something. Jesus never decapitated people, he never used an army of scimitar-wielding guys to conquer anyone, he never married [multiple wives], he never had sex with anyone, let alone little girls, and he never told anyone to murder non-believers. Please remember that if you want to compare him and Muhammad.


I agree, coronavirus is not a hoax and Jesus was better than Mohamed, but this whole thing about believe in Jesus or go to hell for eternity sucks." I can't even imagine anything more evil than that.


I'm assuming you've never had a debate with a Muslim about religion. I have, and still have my head. Some Christians will do more than just give you a dirty look. Some, even shoot people, or blow them up. So it's not just Islam. When people are radicalized it doesn't really matter which religion, or non religion, or side of a political spectrum they belong to. It's the extremes of the radicalization.




Dude, I'm throwing a huge tantrum, but, am I right?


all religion is bunk. but some are worse or more exploitative than others. people like to argue with me about this, but i then discount them as lacking discernment. if you beat me for a dollar, but the other guy beats me for my whole paycheck, i'll dislike you a lot less than the other guy. that's just common sense.


Challenge not accepted. However, I respect your opinion.
