MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why do some men get so uptight and emoti...

Why do some men get so uptight and emotionally wounded when someone mistakenly assumes they are a woman?

Do they feel women are beneath them? Above them?

I’m a woman and if someone assumes I’m a man I don’t care.

I don’t see men as being below me inherently at all.

I view people on an individual basis.

Is it naive of me to expect that from my society at large?




Why are some women so fond of stereotyping?


Why are there so many songs about rainbows?




Ive never been mistaken for a man in person, but if I were I might be a little miffed. So I couldn't blame anyone else for being miffed either.

Here, on the other hand, it happens all the time and I don't really care, but I'll probably correct it.


sslssg; did you intentionally choose a user name that didn’t ID you as a woman? Lots of us do that.

I get endless shit for my Charlotte name.

That’s just how it is as a woman.


Why would you get shyt over Charlotte...that’s a nice name...


Yeah I agree. I think it’s a cool name.


Bc it’s a woman’s name and women get endlessly bullied.

That’s why women choose user names like: flaszjxne258.


Well, i won’t bully you, Miss Charlotte...unless you request it, then it’s


True, true


I’ve never been bullied over having a female username, nor have I ever considered people being bullied over a male or female username, whether it’s their real name or not.
I’m sure people even get bullied over random made up names too, or names implying something they like; people are endlessly pulling each other apart, commenting on people’s names/size/shape/likes/opinions etc. or stating their own opinions on things.
That’s life.




Here’s a beautiful Charlotte song


Howard Stern has some masterful prank callers.

If a man sounds like a woman on the phone or vice versa, they would address the caller by the wrong gender (Ma'am or Sir), this upset them every time.

Gender identity is very important. Male and female behavior has incredible social pressures.

Some of newer generation is trying to change this dynamic, or at least loosen up gender stereotypes.

Jury is out if that is a good thing.


Reminds me of Phil Hendrie, remember him?...he used to do bits where he’d speak in a female voice as a caller into the show, it was damn have to remember to put it in context, but some “woman” would call in and complain about the decline in “lady like” behavior, calling young girls “sluts” for dressing provocatively and shyt like’s a good bit about Patricia arquette....


Vastuntitled! That was so funny I almost fell over haha!


Hendrie is a true treasure...


i still catch his podcast


Very true Redsfan. I see your point. It’s all up in the air.

It’s not just the kids though, it’s the MSM telling us that there are no genders and whatnot.


Men are always competing with each other, one of the main characteristics of men is physical strength. If you are a man and someone calls you a woman they are indirectly calling you physically weak and that is an insult. Among macho men that is also a challenge that can lead to a fight to prove the doubter wrong.


Zilkin, So physically disabled men are less manly?


Unfortunately I believe even that would be the case, given the above example; a disability would be classed in their view as being an imperfection and thus invalidate their manliness in terms of either mental ability or physical prowess or both, depending on the disability.


If you were a man and played sports your teammate might call you a woman to insult or motivate you. Meaning you are playing like a girl which means physically weak. Another insult might be you are playing like a disabled guy so yes it can be used as an insult. I don't see what's so hard to understand. Retard is used as an insult all the time. It doesn't mean you don't respect women or disabled people it is just that in certain situations to men they represent weakness because that is the objective truth. I am not a macho guy myself but I understand the logic behind it. Another word used to insult a guy perceived as weak, faggot. Or fruitcake.


If you were a man and played sports your teammate might call you a woman to insult or motivate you. Meaning you are playing like a girl which means physically weak. Another insult might be you are playing like a disabled guy so yes it can be used as an insult. I don't see what's so hard to understand. Retard is used as an insult all the time. It doesn't mean you don't respect women or disabled people it is just that in certain situations to men they represent weakness because that is the objective truth. I am not a macho guy myself but I understand the logic behind it. Another word used to insult a guy perceived asweak, faggot.

Did you just land back in a time machine from the year 1960?


I believe people should be able to swear the way they want. This new age language police is a bunch of retarded faggots.


I believe people should be able to swear the way they want. This new age language police is a bunch of retarded faggots.

Hah! You left out bitches, broads and all the racial slurs. You played it safe Zilkin.


I’m assuming you mean in the online sense. Right?


Well, yeah!




There are no women on the internet.


Wow, my fantasies just took a disturbing turn....thanks Tex, lol....
