MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > So why is no one talking about the fact ...

So why is no one talking about the fact that there is no medical evidence to support the use of face masks?

Look it up. How stupid are we going to look if it turns out to be completely ineffective in mitigating the spread. Bunch of goofballs walking around with bandanas on for 6 months.

Sure it would make sense but let’s follow the science here. Starting to look like a tin foil hat.


If it makes people feel safe and also blocks 'emissions' when coughing or sneezing it's probably a good idea

Most stores here wont allow you in without one now

I do agree it's goofy looking but rules are rules and I need groceries and gasoline


The funny thing about this coronavirus business is that the experts are constantly changing their minds. First they say face masks are useless, then they say they're effective. They say children are at low risk and don't pass the virus on but when a child at school tests positive they close the school down. They're all over the place like a dog's dinner.




The exact explanation is that face masks are ineffective from protecting the person wearing them. The intention is to prevent the person from wearing them from spreading the virus. A mask does nothing for a perfectly healthy person wearing it. They don't have the virus to spread but there's no outward sign to say "hi, I don't have it."

Also as they say, the face masks cannot block the virus because the molecules are too small. The virus needs water molecules to pass from host to host. Th masks can block the water particle.


It's a social experiment. They know it does nothing (it actually can have a harmful effect) but they want to see who will obey. The bigger picture is to see how far they can push people to give up their rights.
Coronavirus is ControlUsVirus. 😉

Lots of sheep.




I now wear a mask to make other people comfortable...I don't know how much it helps and I'm not fearful but I suppose it's mostly to be polite and put other folks at ease


In NY, at least on the Island, if your out at the store without one - you WILL get your ass kicked.
Lots of videos of this.


I just wear it to make other people feel safe
I have no concern for myself, I figure on going out in a big auto wreck like all the cool guys👍


Same 👍


That is the thought process for many, Shogun. I get that.
Four of my family members work in the medical field and they all say it's nonsense for healthy people to wear them and could actually cause more harm.


My wife is an RN in a NY area hospital
She has seen several dozen patients die from this thing and I trust her word...I jaunt through life without a care and hardly keep up with 'the news'

Until I read it here yesterday I didn't even know they were chopping up historical statues out there!


Oh wow. Ok.
So what does she say about the mask wearing issue?

I used to not pay attention to the news. My mistake for starting. 😅😉

It's pretty sad about the statues and all of the destruction...just because some people want it gone. What amazes me is they get it without any repercussions.
History isn't always pretty but you can't erase it. What's worse is maybe they can.


Funny you mention it
My wife and I had a long discussion about Confederate flags and statues just this afternoon

She thinks Confederate flags and General statues should GO but I'm not a big fan of erasing history or quelling free speech, even if it's odious speech

The South should and does have the right to make certain decisions...No need to kick the hornet's nest, those Southern boys don't mess around and us Yankees nearly got our butts kicked last time


Yep. It's a slippery slope. Before you know it, nothing is acceptable because it might offend someone.
These are things to learn from.
Silly me, I always thought there was a process to remove or change something.


“ I'm not a big fan of erasing history or quelling free speech, even if it's odious speech”

We should all embrace this reasoning.


Or else!


Or else we can start calling each other comrade. 🙂


same here. i noticed people treat you nicer if you are wearing a mask.


Good way to put the community first. I don't like wearing a mask and often don't, because I see a lot of other people not doing it. But if I were certain everyone was on board and it really was important, yes, I would wear one. I want to do the right thing more than guessing I'm so much smarter than the scientists and MSM.


It's all so crazy how things are locked down here... auto shops and barbers are opening this week but masks are still required just about everywhere indoors

I suppose some basic precautions and consideration are required just now but Yup! I hate the masks, I do the Darth Vader voice at Walmart and my woman finds it NOT funny at of course I keep doing it😬


You're a whack job.


They keep water droplets from flying out of people's mouths, moron.


If you're infected, they're quite useful limiting the amount of virus you spread around.

What's not proven is how useful they are (or not) preventing you from getting infected. But that would be a bonus.


Prob getting sea lioned, but here’s your medical evidence

Cloth mask alone are not 100% protection, but if everyone wears one plus social distances and does frequent hand washing, then it is almost as good as a vaccine.

But double masking with an N95 + a cloth or paper mask does provide an extra level of personal protection.

At the start of this thing, the experts discouraged mask use because they were afraid of hoarding since the hospitals were in short supply. This whole crisis has been grossly mismanaged with misleading and conflicting information. Then it somehow got rolled into politics too. You have to pay attention, choose reputable sources, and follow up on updates daily.


Sealioning describes all of his non-food related questions


"Then it somehow got rolled into politics too."

It always was. They just weren't obvious about it at first.


Agree with everyone who is commenting that wearing a mask keeps droplets from spreading - that's only common sense.

Since medical opinions seem to change daily and there is so much we apparently don't know about the virus, does it really hurt right now for people to wear a mask indoors just in case it really does make a difference?

Wearing them outdoors is ridiculous, IMO.


Wearing one outdoors but in crowded situations is good sense. If you are downwind at a crowded stadium then thousands of covid droplets could blow your way. Also all protest marches where everyone shouts slogans in unison.


Don't worry WHO, any spike in Coronavirus will be blamed on the upcoming Trump rallies, beginning June 20th.
Apparently the virus knows not to attack people who have been participating in "good causes" for the past 3 weeks. 😉🙄

Mark my words.


Since this is what you are rooting for, that increases the chance it will happen.
Thanks for wishing the worst on the rest of us. (Sarcasm alert)


Should I have written sarcasm alert on my post? I figured "😉🙄" would indicate so.

"Rooting for"...Oh brother! 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Just so there's no confusion, sarcasm alert!!🙄


"Since medical opinions seem to change daily and there is so much we apparently don't know about the virus,"

Before mid-April, no. But so much is now known and the data is available. Since this is the GD board, I don't want to go overboard getting political, but much of it is. Search for the truth. Hint: you will not find it in the mainstream media.

"Wearing them outdoors is ridiculous, IMO."

Couldn't agree more. The other day when I was walking my dog, a lady passed by in her car wearing one. She was alone with her windows up. I yelled out "take the mask off!!!!!" I don't think she heard me though.
I just don't get that.


Actually my statement about our knowledge of the virus was in response to the confusion created by WHO concerning asymptomatic people spreading the disease. Very recently they announced that it wasn't thought asymptomatic people could easily spread the disease and the very next day they changed their tune. We may know a lot more than we did in February/March/April, but I think there is still a lot we don't.


Gotcha. Yes, I saw the same thing about what the WHO said.
Between them, Fauci, Birx...they keep changing their minds. They're supposed to be the "experts." They're experts at getting things wrong.

The WHO, CDC, FDA...they're all corrupt. It's quite sad.


You yell at passing cars for people wearing a corona mask?
I just don't get that.


I did that time. It's beyond STUPID! That woman was ALONE.
