White lowlife murdered black lowlife. White lowlife is going to prison, and rightly so. But all of a sudden, black lowlife is absolved of all transgressions made and is being hailed as some sort of saintly figure. I'm confused. I mean, if it turned out that Hitler's death was faked and he was still alive after WW2, and was found out by someone who decided to take the law into their own hands and hung him to death, would Hitler be considered a good guy now? (yes I know they're at different levels of evil, but the point is still the same).
"But all of a sudden, black lowlife is absolved of all transgressions made and is being hailed as some sort of saintly figure."
You got that right. That is exactly what the MSM wants you to think. They did the same thing with Michael Brown. The media called him a gentle giant. Then the video came out showing him roughing up a small store owner before robbing him. They did it with Trayvon Martin also.
This post belongs in the Moviechat Hall of Fame which doesn't exist. But if it did it deserves to be there. I hate how they're hailing this guy as a nice guy. No nice guy goes to jail 9 times. People think that because his past transgressions have nothing to do with the murder, then we shouldn't talk about it. Where was Black Live Matter when this guy kept getting released from jail? Surely no one wants a convicted criminal walking the streets.
Floyd isn't being hailed as a hero, he's being hailed as a martyr! There's a difference, martyrs are held to a lower standard because the main thing that matters about them is their death. Ask any Catholic.
And none of his transgressions matter now, he's dead, and died for what was at worst, a petty non-violent crime. And it may have not been a crime at all, if he had a counterfeit $20, he may have accepted it in good faith from someone else. That would actually make him the victim of a petty crime, rather than the perpetrator of one.
He shouldn’t have died at that point, period, no matter what crime he may or may not have committed. It’s not the police's place to carry out judgement, their job is to deliver a suspect to the legal system where the courts decide the verdict. And black people certainly have the right to protest unfair treatment at the hands of others, but seeing murals of a career criminal with angel wings painted on and hearing people actually use the term “hero” to describe him just doesn’t seem to add up.
I hope this isn't considered political, because one thing I like about this forum is that it generally avoids that, but I will add my two cents worth in and if it is just tell me and I will shut up, but ......... this is what I have a problem with BLM and all of the protests. The black community needs to acknowledges that they have a problem with black on black crime, gangs, a dependence on welfare as a lifestyle, and families without a father figure, and until they are willing to step up to the plate to work on those issues, don't point fingers at me.
Instead we have people like Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, and a certain political party who, IMHO, have no real interest in improving the lives of black people - they are self serving and their self worth comes from creating need, not eliminating it.
Real change occurs when people work together and acknowledge there is room for improvement on both sides.
Really? It may be political, but it certainly is not racist to tell the truth. People can only work together if both sides step up to the plate and admit there is room for improvement. Do not tell me it is all one sided.
And to make sure there is no confusion - I think what happened to George Floyd is horrible. I am in no way condoning that, but to say there is a systemic racial problem with ALL of white America is just as destructively racist and so inaccurate.
Last I'm going to say about this and I won't be back to this thread, so flame away at me - I won't read your comments.
And I do apologize for posting something political on this forum.
I’m going to assume you’re talking about Derek Chauvin and George Floyd?
Yes, a police officer murdered an American citizen and was charged with murder, and rightly so.
Are you asking if death absolves you of your transgressions? I’m not sure, but I called 1-711-ask-jesus and he said “reply hazy.” To be honest, I’m not even sure it was actually Jesus that answered.
As for the Hitler question, regardless of how many times he dies, he will never be considered a “good guy” on account of all the murdery murders he was responsible for.
I hope that helps the confusion!😀
I don't think it is fair or right to call George Floyd a lowlife. From what I have heard and read, he was someone who turned his life around and tried to mentor others. An interesting article:
You think? I guess some people here are completely comfortable calling this man a black lowlife, just don’t call him a saint!
Why are you people putting this man’s life on trial? Does finding out George Floyd was a convict or drug addict somehow make his murder ok? Who are any of you to judge this man?
Also, if you use phrases like “the black community” or “white america”, you might be a racist.