MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What first brought you to moviechat?

What first brought you to moviechat?

I mean besides the IMDb boards closing ?

When I first joined I was working in a college library, mostly in the computer lab dealing with printing issues and Microsoft formatting. So I was sitting at a computer all day everyday, because I was not busy at all, except during the final week of class. I don’t remember how I found this site. I think I just googled movie chat board or something .


I was told there would be snacks.


You were supposed to bring punch and pie !


Sorry, but I ate all the snacks.


Dammit Allaby, was that you?!?


Sorry, I'll try not to do it again. Ah, who am I kidding? I just can't resist snacks! I could go for some now...


Eh, it's impossible to stay mad at you


I always had my suspicions about you, Allaby. How could anyone watch that many movies unless they were super-powered by a huge supply of snacks?


It's true. It all makes sense now.


I think I googled it too. It was because IMDb closed it's boards. I was never a member on there but I would always look up a film after watching one to see what others thought and I just really missed it.


Also don’t forget on IMDb the constant bickering on the friends board about if Ross really cheated on Rachel!


😄 really?! Simpler times lol.


Besides imdb closing? Nothing really. Was this even around before imdb closed? And would it ever be possible for movie chat to expand and include the other stuff imdb had as well? Why not go all out and make people have no reason at all to visit imdb?


Only because the boards were closing. I think I signed up a few weeks before they closed as it was mentioned as a new alternative. I tried here and the other place we do not mention, and I liked here better.


Same, except I never tried any alternatives.
It's like, the internet is this vast ocean to explore, and I stick with about half a dozen sites, haha.
A 13 year old called me a retard recently, and I'm afraid he might be right.


After the imdb message boards closed down, I was watching a Youtube video about it and I received a tip off from someone in the comments about this site.


I came here to talk about movies because the message boards were closing. Someone on imdb mentioned moviechat before the message boards closed.


Well I had just gotten divorced, my mother was dying of cancer and the Days of Our Lives chat board was down.. So I'm pretty happy I found Moviechat.


I'm happy you found it too
i don't know anything about Days Of Our Lives but sorry about Mom, that must have been gut wrenching

Much Love Lady, you are great company and we are richer for having you


Damn dude(tte). 2017 wasn't the best year for me either but my condolences go out to u.

Edited after realizing you are a chick.


I signed up when IMDb announced they were closing the message boards and this was mentioned as an alternative.


I just enjoy reading discussions about movies or tv shows and seeing points of view.
