Lemmings - a sad story
Something interesting and disturbing I learned today, the 1958 Oscar-winning Disney documentary White Wilderness included a scene where lemmings throw themselves off a cliff which largely popularized the view of suicidal lemmings who jump off cliffs in groups. The reality is that lemmings don't normally display this behavior, they may jump into the water but it's usually only to swim to a different habitat.
Anyway the awful part of it is that, in an attempt to amp up the drama for the documentary, the filmmakers got a truck full of lemmings which the crew dumped off the cliff to simulate a mass suicide. The lemmings weren't even a real group, having been sourced from different parts of the world.
Some may say "well they're just rodents" but it astounds me that a supposedly wholesome corporation like Disney would stoop to this sort of animal cruelty.
Mickey Mouse - rodent TRAITOR!