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Why does every movie and show have to have a gay character now?

I appreciate the progress made in LGBT rights but I don’t fully understand why almost every new show and movie has to have a prominent gay character, usually a male. It feels artificial and forced, as gays are still a small minority and they are represented as being abundant.

I did a search to see what the actual population was, and it’s less than 5%. I found this interesting article on Gallop that showed most Americans feel it is 20% or higher.

I can only imagine that this is due to their overrepresentation in popular media. While gays have been slighted, I would think there are other oppressed minorities who are larger in number and have arguably suffered worse fates.


There are a lot of happy characters on tv and series.


I don't take issue with the amount of gay characters present in media, but I do think that gay characters are over-represented in scenarios where being stereo-typically gay is their only personality trait. This has changed, but not by much, with way more stereotyping of gay characters than mould-breaking.


Everything in this country is about money. The wider the demographics, the more dollars in ad revenue.


Too many token characters in tv shows these days.


Maybe there is an agenda to it. Maybe it's because it does bother people and makes them feel uncomfortable (not saying it bothers you or makes you feel uncomfortable, but it certainly does others). People are followers who are influenced in all sorts of ways and maybe you see it so often because the filmmakers believe that if they show straight characters on screen who are accepting and welcoming that people in real life may start to rethink their beliefs. Like you I work with a couple gay people who I've become friends with. The me of 15 years ago or so probably wouldn't have pictured myself grabbing a beer with a gay co-worker talking about superhero movies but things change and people grow. I'm in my mid-40s and I think for younger generations this is much more normal and they are more accepting but that doesn't mean there isn't work to be done.

You mentioned you have gay friends so when you see gay characters in as many films as you do today, instead of asking why it seems to happen so often, try to reframe your thoughts and ask what that positive representation of gay people in cinema must mean to those friends.


I guess I feel like it isn’t really positive as it mostly just reinforces negative gay stereotypes.


I think negative gay stereotypes are largely being phased out in shows and most of the characters you see today, particularly when they are series regulars or main movie characters they seem to be pretty positive representations. What recent gay characters do you find to be reinforcing those negative stereotypes? What, if any gay characters do you find to be positive?


I don’t think they’re mutually exclusive. Most of the gay characters are popular, prominent and well liked by the other characters. It’s the way the act, almost always total queens. Most gay men of any age are not flamboyant and feminine, most you don’t know are gay. They are an even smaller fringe minority of an already small minority.

A couple examples off hand are Riverdale and Dynasty. These aren’t the highest quality shows, but they’re extremely popular mainstream series that everyone watches, and they see what they already thought, that gay men are all dramatic, feminine divas. Even in Dynasty, the character is very dialed down and likeable, but he still embodies those same characteristics and is generally seen as fashionable and the gossip.


Thanks for the response. Haven't seen either of those shows but I've had enough of this thread for one life so think we'll have to agree to disagree on this topic.


It seems to happen much more on tv than movies, but you are right. Most tv shows in the last couple years have a gay character. While it doesn't offend me, it seems to be pandering to the progressive movement, which is their choice, but it's there. I notice hyper diverse casts too. A lot of shows featuring groups of people perfectly balanced from all races and walks of life. This is not a reflection of real life. It just keeps the snowflake whistleblowers and their cancel culture ideology bullshit away from their show.


I personally can't stand it, particularly when they make the Token Gay essential to the cast, and show off how in love he or she is towards their bed buddy, or paint them as a victim of society. Completely turns me off to every show they have that dog shit in. I liked it better when we either had no gays in tv shows/movies, we saw them briefly in the background, they were the source of some joke or other, or they were a minor irritant to get rid of.

Someone should tell these idiots writing the tv shows and movies of today that ticking off Diversity Boxes to show off how "inclusive" they are, is not an acceptable excuse for character development; and it hinders whatever story they're trying to tell, or not tell, as is the case with a lot of this SJW propaganda BS.

I did my own study of this, and it turns out, the real percentage of gays in America is roughly 3.5% of the US population, and that's being generous. (Transexuals make up 0.1% making them even rarer). They all only make up a very tiny portion of the country. That means [roughly] only 9 million people out of 320 million people (the total US Population as of this writing) identify as gay. These 9 million are scattered across the US, and are concentrated in "gay havens" which typically are in cities. Hollywood (we're talking everyone in the American movie-making industry here, not the actual town) has a gay population of roughly 30% out of everyone working there.

It's just something to think about.


To the OP who spoke of having gay friends and co-workers I would say to read the above post from Amerigirl26 and if the sole purpose of including gay characters in movies and TV shows was to piss off people like her, I think that alone makes it worth it.

It's just something to think about.


I actually agree with her, I’m not as hateful or personally bothered by it and I am not the least bit homophobic but I think it’s obnoxious and way overdone and for the wrong reasons, and as another poster mentioned the characters are always the most over the top flamboyant gays (it’s mostly male characters) and ultimately undermines any attempt at normalizing homosexuality in the mainstream by reinforcing negative stereotypes and using caricatures to represent the gay community when most of them are otherwise indistinguishable from heterosexuals.

There is a BIG difference between saying “I don’t want to see gays in all my shows” and taking issue with the way it is done.


According to her the right way to feature gay characters is:

1) not at all
2) briefly in the background
3) the source of some joke
4) some irritant to get rid of

I've seen plenty of non-flamboyant or over the top gay characters in recent years but if you're not as hateful or personally bothered by it as Amerigirl, how WOULD you like to see gay characters represented?


Yeah I don’t agree w those things she said at all, but I don’t necessarily think they need to be in nearly every show. Like I said they are an extremely small percentage of the population, yet almost every show now has at least one gay character out of 4-5 main characters.


I'm in no way interested in characters that only exist to piss other people off.


Well I’m interested in good characters but if they piss off close minded people like AG26 than that’s a damn fine bonus and if that was the only purpose they served I’d actually be fine with that too. Sorry I just have no respect for views like hers and I don’t feel the need to tiptoe around her feelings. Although I’m fairly certain she blocked me at some point anyway so I could probably tap dance and she wouldn’t know.

I look back through my life experiences and there have been several gay people I was able to be friendly with if not actual friends. One that’s always stayed with me was from 2002 when a co-worker named James called in sick. I was sitting beside my friend who took the call when he laughed and told him to get his ass out of bed. Within a few days James was hospitalized with pneumonia, fell into a coma and died a week or so later. Turns out he was gay and had AIDS. He was in the closet.

So many days I shot the shit with him and never knew what he was dealing with. None of us there did. He shouldn’t have had to live his life afraid or embarrassed to tell those around him who he was. If movies and television are helping to create a more accepting culture for future generations and letting people struggling with coming out know that they’re not alone, then I feel that’s a good thing. Actually I feel it’s a great thing. And if AG26 and others like her can’t change their bigoted views then I’m happy to see them pissed off every step of the way.


"Well I’m interested in good characters but if they piss off close minded people like AG26 than that’s a damn fine bonus"

Not only is that immature, I'm not interested in a show that lets itself be affected by political games and ulterior motives. I think most people aren't. But hey, if you do enjoy stuff like that, then go and watch CW.🤷‍♀️


Will do 👍


Well, there you go, happy camper. Now I just need to find a network that's not all about token characters!


Amerigirl can suggest some shows for you.


I sure hope she can, most networks these days seem to be into the immature behavior that you're a fan of.


Yeah we can't all be as mature as Amerigirl saying gay characters should be relegated to joke and annoying characters. I really have some growing up to do. In the meantime I have the CW to get me through my adolescent angst.


I said nothing about Amerigirl's statements.

Yes, you do have quite a lot of growing up to do if you enjoy characters being created solely to piss other people off. I don't think watching the CW will help you with that, since they love their audience to be as immature as possible.


I said nothing about Amerigirl's statements

Exactly. You sure had a problem with my response to Amerigirl's bigoted statements but no problem with the actual bigoted statements themselves. Says it all really. If growing up means I have to stay silent to shit like that, then no thanks. Later dude.



Exactly not. I have no problem with either Amerigirl's objection or YOUR approval regarding token characters. Everyone can have an opinion on that.

Now I certainly found her comments about gay characters to be strange, but I had a much bigger problem with your antagonist and immature attitude that tv shows should be ruined for all of us just because YOU don't agree with another person's views.

Of course, I'm not surprised that you didn't get this.

Dude??? Oh my, aren't you prejudiced!


but I had a much bigger problem with your antagonist and immature attitude that tv shows should be ruined for all of us just because YOU don't agree with another person's views.

Gotta laugh that the inclusion of gay characters is enough to ruin a show/movie for you but I'm the immature one here. And yes I can't help myself but I've long been known to disagree with the views of bigots. You can kid yourself if you want but that's what she is. I'm as happy that gay characters piss her off as I am that black characters would piss off klan members.


"Gotta laugh that the inclusion of gay characters is enough to ruin a show/movie for you but I'm the immature one here."

Yes, just go ahead and laugh about your own unfounded and totally imagined allegations. Not once did I imply anything like that. You're just as bigoted as the people you complain about and the rest of us who just want entertaining television have to suffer for it. Thanks a lot...DUDE!


Not once did I imply anything like that.

Ummm from your previous post:

your antagonist and immature attitude that tv shows should be ruined for all of us

Since I was only talking about the inclusion of gay characters in shows and these were your words regarding that, you're right you didn't imply it, you outright said it.



These statements of mine:

"I had a much bigger problem with your antagonist and immature attitude that tv shows should be ruined for all of us just because YOU don't agree with another person's views."

"Yes, you do have quite a lot of growing up to do if you enjoy characters being created solely to piss other people off."

"Not only is that immature, I'm not interested in a show that lets itself be affected by political games and ulterior motives."

"I'm in no way interested in characters that only exist to piss other people off."

ALL referred back to this statement of yours:

"if the sole purpose of including gay characters in movies and TV shows was to piss off people like her, I think that alone makes it worth it."

Don't let your own bigotry get in the way of the facts!😊


Yes and that post of mine was coming from the point of view of someone with gay friends who likes to see bigots pissed off at the elevated role of gay people in film and society in general. I have no problem owning that.

So regardless of the reason why a gay character is included in a show, how exactly would that show be "ruined for all of us" by their presence? That's what you said so what is it about the gay characters' inclusion that ruins it for you? I'm owning my words, how about you own yours.


Well, I guess thanks for finally "owning" that you're an immature bigot. I personally find the current trend of intolerance and shaming against those with opposing political views very concerning.

How can a character solely created for the purpose of pissing people off be good for a show unless you get turned on by the idea that a bunch of people watching at home are upset because of that character???


There is no bigotry occurring; you NEED to see bigotry.or "homophobia". The same pandering occurs with blacks (yes, that's still an acceptable word to use) who feel entitled to be over-represented when they comprise 13% of the general population, or the industry is not being "diverse" enough. You must be bigoted towards heterosexuals then.

It comes down to self-entitlement; so typical and the norm these days in all areas of society.


I think that you'll find that the percentage of homosexuals in the arts community is much higher in the general public. Whether they are out or not. It might just be that writers, directors, producers and such want to represent themselves and their friends. Just think at how many actors/actresses are gay.
