MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I can’t stand people who respond to a te...

I can’t stand people who respond to a text with a phone call

If I wanted to talk on the phone I would call you, I don’t so I texted. Why would you call? I absolutely hate talking on the phone, and it preoccupies you for the entire time you’re on it. I’d MUCH rather text intermittently so I can do other things. With a few minor exceptions there is almost never a good reason to physically talk on the phone.

My brother in law does this to me constantly, and our calls are never less than 15 minutes long and almost entirely small talk. This is fine once in a while, but he ONLY ever wants to communicate this way. I have a couple friends who are the same way, drives me nuts. Most recently this girl I’m talking to calls me multiple times a day, I never answer and always have to come up with some excuse as to why I can’t talk on the phone. She tries to FaceTime/video chat too on a regular basis. I’m going to have to just straight up tell her I’m not into it, it’s fucking irritating lol. I work and when I’m not working I don’t want my phone glued to my head. What is wrong with these idiots??!


My beef is when someone doesn't answer their phone and calls you back without listening to the message I leave. Another irritant in the phone world is extra long voice-mail prompts. I knew a girl who sang the entirety of Blister in the Sun on hers and would never answer her phone so you had to sit there for 5 minutes waiting to record a 5 second message (this was pre-text days). Now if my msg is long and complicated, I text it anyhow.

Idle phone chat is fine. I enjoy the people I know. BUT ... I don't like calls that last longer than 30 minutes. If you have that much time then let's just meet somewhere for coffee or something.


Oh wahhhh, is that all you can complain about? So others don't do exactly as you think they should to make your world absolutely perfect. You sound like a woman. They're so good at complaining often about rather trivial things that in their minds takes away from their world being nearly perfect.


But what if you send a text asking for a call back?


There are exceptions to every rule 😉
