MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I recently found out a longtime "female"...

I recently found out a longtime "female" poster is an old gay man

And when I post anything related to it on that board, it gets censored by that person, who is a mod, with the admin's support. And when I say censored, I mean with other shit to make it look it I said something I didn't say.

This person has been posting way back since the IMDB days, and I just found out.

This person has cybered men before, and has PMed me sexually explicit things, and I knew something wasn't quite right,

If there's ever a poster who claims to be female, but they never post a picture, or do post pics that look fake, and always make excuses why they can't post pics with a sign e.g. "I will later/my cam is broke/I never post pics on demand" then...catfish.

I think it's pretty disturbing to masquerade as a young girl online when you're really a gay man. That's assault. On top of that, having the admin shun that info because he doesn't want you embarrassing and ostracizing a 10+-year legacy poster in a snap of a finger.


Talk about creepy. Any names we can watch out for?

And sadly, that is a common trick that's been used on the web ever since it came online in the mid-90s. Why guys fake being female varies widely. There's no one reason for it.

The best one is, they're a cop trying to catch a serial rapist/killer (though I doubt this is why your masked phantom is faking his identity).

Other reasons include:

- desperate for attention
- trying to lure in people
- con job
- are a criminal who doesn't want people to know who they are
- have trust issues
- have identity issues


Rouge and Sophie/LickSophieLick are both transgender/gender binary biological males.

All info here:


I thought there was something off about sophieLick's anal sex reference the other day, makes sense now.
Still , if people wernet using movie discussion boards as dating sites ....


sophie who?


Welcome to the wild world of internet chat boards!



Some posters I tells 'ya!

I'm totally not a 60 year old lesbian dwarf...I don't know how that rumor got started


Some "comedian" probably thought it was a good idea.

I post a lot on another board, so I'm the target of lots of jokes. One of the main jokes is that I'm fond of Thai "ladyboys", since I visited Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand in 2019. I had never even heard of them until that.

Another joke is that I'm dating Donna, a crazy black woman. One poster even made an hilarious video of our "romance". Another joke is that I'm so old that I stormed Omaha Beach on D-Day, or was in the Spanish American War, or even the Civil War.

I think they're funny, and usually just go along with the joke.



Just joking, fishing for yuks...
Yeah, you should hang out here more Amigo, very few douchbags👍


I don't what's more disturbing - that you got cat-fished on this site by an older gay man (sorry for you), or that people on this site willingly engaged in explicit sexual language with someone they believed to be a young - so I'm assuming underage - girl. Either way, not cool.


Yeah well I’m an 82 year old Nigerian woman.

Wanna fight about it? 🥊




He isnt referring to me. I'm not a mod.


You just implied you are an old gay man posing as a girl. lolz.


Ask me anything about Barbra Streisand!


There's a user Gameboy who was in the Farrah Faucet fan club in the 70s.


If someone is PMing you sexually explicit things on a forum like this, that should’ve been your first clue.
No, females shouldn’t be required to prove they have a vagina because you got catfished by an old gay dude. Try tinder or something.
Who got assaulted? I mean I’m sorry you found out someone on the internet is lying to you, but you gotta take some responsibility here. Common sense. A real female doesn’t have to come to a movie chat to get dick.
Put your guard up bro. You’re obviously a trusting person which is a great thing, but it also makes you a target for every person that has ulterior motives.


I’m secretly a dolphin


I knew it! Glad you are finally comfortable enough to tell me. I’m secretly a skullfucker.


Enjoying some beverages tonight ?


Oh yes, I was parched.


Beautiful !


I did get weird messages once but I blocked the person. Can't you just do that?
