I suppose there's a theoretic possibility. The CDC has said that cats can catch it from humans, and there's the suspicion that the disease originated in bats or pangolins and was transmitted to humans, so it's know that the COVID-19 virus can travel from some humans to animals, and possibly the reverser. And it's been known for a long time that birds and pigs and humans can share viruses back and forth, which is where we get "Swine Flu" and "Bird Flu". This was something we covered in college microbiology, how species-to-species transmission of viruses results in increased mutation rates, and that can lead to increased virulence.
I know it's just a theoretical possibility, the likeliest thing is that the humans in the plants are transmitting the virus to one another because of inadequate precautions and bad working conditions. But I wish the CDC would make absolutely sure there's no human-to-animal or animal-to-human transmission going on, before there's a push to keep all the plants open.