MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I think my cat is sick =(

I think my cat is sick =(

She lost weight to where her spin and ribs are visible despite eating a good amount. She was always on the fatter side. Her weight loss was all so sudden.

She lacks any energy to move from her bed, and when she moves, she moves very slowly. Her hind legs are causing her pain. She can't put weight on them without it causing her pain.

She's had bad hind legs for a while, but not like this. If you press that area, you can feel muscles twitching. She always like being tapped in that area as it gives her a sensation and she purrs loudly.

I made a comfy bed for her and put water next to her bed, and she's gulping it constantly.

She lacks any energy to meow.

All of this I talk about just happened so suddenly in one sweep 2 days ago.

Her eyes are cloudy and it seems like she doesn't remember where she is sometimes.

What's wrong with her?

She's 17 by the way.

She still purrs though, if I pet her. =( =(

Please say a prayer for her even if you're not religious, please please please! Her name is Josie; say a prayer please!


Is she holding down the water? Can she feel her back legs or does she drag them?
If she’s holding down food and water it’s not a blockage.
Sometimes cats get a neurological thing that makes them lose feeling in their back legs. Sometimes it goes away on its own.
She may just be getting old hun. If she’s still eating and drinking this is good.
I hope she’s ok, and sure I’ll say a prayer to the universe.


That's about 84 in cat years. Sounds like a combination of things. But sounds like he/she has CDS, a condition like Altzheimers. Try all natural holistic nutrition and diet. What is his/her current diet? Get some omege 3 liquid to put in the food at the very least.


Science Diet for Seniors.


I give my cat Earthborn and Tiki natural brands. It's hard to teach an old cat new tricks, but maybe those may help.


You need to take Josie to the vet right away. BTW, cats can purr when they are stressed - it doesn't always mean they are happy.

I'll say a prayer for her.


⬆️ this!!


I will pray for her but please take her to the vet. She is your baby and she loves you; an animal's love is unconditional. Take her to the vet asap! Don't wait!!!!


P.S. Cats also purr when they are in pain and are sick too....


Your cat needs to see a vet.

Sounds like her age is catching up with her, but anything I say would be a guess. Get her to a vet!!!

I wish her and you all the best.


My condolences. I will say multiple prayers for you both.



She was diagnosed with lymphoma. The vet prescribed her steroids to take once a day.

Now she's mainly just sleeping in her bed all day, not really eating anymore. She can't jump on and off furniture anymore.

Chemotherapy is typically an option for this diagnosis, but she's too old. Most lymphoma diagnoses are made at 9-13 years, which is considered a senior, and my cat is already 4 years past that. So it's not a good idea to administer such an intricate procedure for a cat at the end of natural lifespan anyway.

She's down to 6 lbs now. She eats, but very little.

I'm not ready to euthanize her, as she hasn't gotten to a point where she seems like she's in unbearable pain. It's really just lethargy.

All I can do at this point is keep her comfortable and give her TLC and put her bed in a non-traffic area so she can get some sleep. Hopefully if she passes at home, she goes in her sleep.


I hope you and your cat can still spend some precious, pain-free time together. It must be hard to lose her after so many years. I wish you much strength!


😢😢😢 Losing a pet is horrible

Think of the happy life you gave her


She's still alive so far, here. She just stays in one spot and doesn't eat. I put a litter box next to her bed, but she gets confused, and still walks to where the one original is, at the opposite end of the house, and struggles so slowly to get there.


Maybe you can take an item, such as an old t-shirt with your scent on it (something you wouldn't miss anyway) and lay it near or around your cat's new litter box to try to get her to be comfortable to go there. It might work; maybe, maybe not. It's worth a try.

