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      I found a time machine

A few definitions first.

Time is what the clock says it is according to the director of the United States Naval Observatory where the GPS Master Clock is kept.

A time machine alters the passage of time for objects inside the machine.

Time travel to the future. A clock which shows the time T is synchronized to UTC (T=UTC) and put in the time machine. The machine is set to "future" and some time later the clock is taken out and compared to UTC. Now T<UTC so less time has passed for this clock and from its point of view is now in the future.

It turns out there is a machine that does this. It's the ISS, but as a time machine it's not very useful because it takes a year to travel 0.014 seconds into the future. On the ISS the combined effect of speed and gravity cause time dilation to slow down time.


If you have a time machine, could you please lend it me just for one hour....?



The Concord aircraft was used in a similar experiment. In theory, anything that is moving experiences time differently than other objects at other speeds. So everything is a time machine unless it can somehow be perfectly still in the universe.

OR! Is it all bullshit since time is but an abstract concept created to measure duration and change?


Just remember to never head east while in space!


Time travels faster the higher you are from the ground so anyone living in a high rise is aging faster than someone on the first floor. Two atomic clocks given to each individual could measure the difference.

Or of you want to look in the past, you can view your own image in a mirror.


I know how to calculate time dilation from velocity (was in a brief history of time) but I don't recall the calculation for time dilation from gravity. The faster you go, the slower time is, the higher up you are the faster you go, but the weaker gravity is.

dT = sqrt(1 - (v/c)^2)
g = G*m1*m2 / r^2
