I'm not a conspiracy theorist because I think most people are too dumb to keep a secret and carry out a nefarious plan, so conspiracies are off the table IMO...
Pick your 3 best friends and imagine pulling off a big heist with them....somebody is gonna blab or get sloppy, this is why De Niro wiped out everybody after the Airport robbery in Goodfellas , most people talk too much
This is just another weird bug that's going to bump off a bunch of people
Most of us will be fine
Yes. The most likely explanation is some dumbass ate the wrong civet cat (SARS), pangolin (COVID?) or some other weird critter. OM NOM NOM!
There are those who believe that Russia did it, because they thought China was becoming too much of a threat.
Personally, I think Amazon.com created the virus, in an attempt to drive all the brick-and-mortar stores out of business, and take over the financial world.
1. Who's really behind the corona pandemic ?
The Stygiannati
2. What's the goal ?
3. Who benefits the most ?
The Stygiannati
4. What aren't the authorities telling us ?
Everything that matters
The germs are out to get us! They want global domination!!
shareClearly, it’s the work of Oxxophorific aliens of the Andromeda galaxy that sent this virus to decimate humanity so they can just waltz on in and take over the planet without a fight. It’s their MO.
I hate the Oxxos!!
Goddam sneaky Oxxos!
If that came off as racist I apologize to anyone who may have gotten offended, particularly those in the Andromeda/Oxxo community
One Love✊
The only thing I’ve noticed is that the White House keeps referring to Covid 19 as the Chinese virus. This is not a fluke. I haven’t heard independent scientists, doctors or my local state government refer to it by that name. They are putting out there for a reason.
I’m betting after this is leveled out we will find out why.
"I haven’t heard independent scientists, doctors or my local state government refer to it by that name."
That's because they've all submitted to "political correctness." Go back about 100 years and we have this:
It makes sense to name an outbreak after its country of origin, and ~100 years ago there weren't any "snowflakes" to object (or, if there were any people back then who would be considered snowflakes by today's standards, normal people rightly ignored their whining).
And you're right, it's not a fluke. Trump calls it the Chinese virus because he's not politically correct by today's standards. Or, it's possible that he merely pretends not to be as part of a shtick. I lean toward the latter, because I think everything that goes on in the highest levels of government and in the major mass media outlets is just a big stage production, like with pro wrestling.
Pro Wrestling is real yo! Don't you see the blood on their faces?? Some wrestlers were hospitalized for weeks after a match. FOR WEEKS! It's the most brutal and demanding sport in the world.
shareI challenge anyone - ANYONE - to climb in the ring for a match with just a midcard wrestler. No - make it a just a good jobber, someone that's been doing it 7-8 years.
I've seen it happen, it's hilarious! If you get in that ring, you're fair game and you Will get jacked up.
But hey, some people are just naturally stupid.
By your logic Spanish Flu should have been named Kansas Flu. Did you read your own link?
shareIt was named "Spanish flu" because, at the time, it was believed to have originated in Spain (obviously):
News of the sickness first made headlines in Madrid in late-May 1918, and coverage only increased after the Spanish King Alfonso XIII came down with a nasty case a week later. Since nations undergoing a media blackout could only read in depth accounts from Spanish news sources, they naturally assumed that the country was the pandemic’s ground zero. The Spanish, meanwhile, believed the virus had spread to them from France, so they took to calling it the “French Flu.”
It makes sense to name an outbreak after its country of origin,
Spanish flu didnt originate in spain , it was just reported more widely there as the rest of the world was at war and news media was tightly controlled for moral and propaganda.
re Trump I lean toward the former, he's not clever enough for the latter
"Spanish flu didnt originate in spain"
That's utterly irrelevant. At the time it was thought to have originated in Spain, so it was called Spanish flu. I've already replied to someone who said something similar; see above.
When I was originally typing the sentence you quoted, I briefly considered typing it like this...
"It makes sense to name an outbreak after its country of origin (or country believed to be its origin)"
... but I didn't, because I figured no one would be stupid enough to need something so obvious spelled out for them. It turns out that at least two people are stupid enough.
"re Trump I lean toward the former, he's not clever enough for the latter"
You're not qualified to appraise anyone's intelligence.
There are several theories, but I would like to point out, this virus was originally being researched over in Canada. There was a joint study being done on corona viruses in general (there's an entire family of them, according to virologists). Word on the street is, two Chinese scientists broke the rules and took samples of one [or several] of the viruses without authorization, and took them back to a research center in Wuhan. This particular research center is one of the top bioweapons labs in the world, with some of the best virus safety protocols you could ask for. It is highly unlikely the actual coronavirus that's been sweeping around the world could have gotten out due to anyone being sloppy with sanitation. Keep in mind that the lab is less than 5 miles from the Wuhan wet market where the disease first showed up.
The timing of the virus' release is interesting. The first cases cropped up in late November of last year, right around the time the Hong Kong riots were still going on, and Trump's impeachment was winding down. It's unknown if all those events are connected, but it sure sound suspicious. That, and the Chinese govt. wanted to keep the disease secret for as long as possible. The first doctors to report these cases were arrested and gagged, unable to tell the press or social media what was going on. It was kept under wraps for 2 months until the virus found its way out of China, and the Chinese could no longer hide it.
Yes, I've heard that these viruses often originate in bats. Imagine how easy it is for such bats to be captured alive and taken to labs to have the viruses extracted harmlessly from their saliva. Just because these viruses come from bats (who have a natural immunity to these viruses), does not mean they randomly appear in nature all the time, and then just jump into other species at the drop of a hat. In fact, it takes millions of years for a virus to mutate enough to infect an animal species different from its normal breeding grounds. Often these viruses (such as Lyme Disease and HIV) have gotten help in this century and in the last one.
This particular research center is one of the top bioweapons labs in the world, with some of the best virus safety protocols you could ask for. It is highly unlikely the actual coronavirus that's been sweeping around the world could have gotten out due to anyone being sloppy with sanitation.
Wow, their business practices are worse than ours!
shareThe true mastermind of Covid 19 should be clear to everyone.
The well known American company.....Clorox
In a evil and insidious plan Clorox has teamed up with Charmin to increase sales worldwide.
Sales in both companies has risen tenfold.
In a effort to keep sales strong Clorox is working on Covid 20 to be released sometime in 2025.
Mr Whippels head is currently resting on a tuna can, pumped full of brain steroids that give him a super intelligence that can out think even the fastest supercomputer.
Mr.Whippel is the instrument of our doom!