MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What's the most controversial movie ever...

What's the most controversial movie ever?

And why would you say so? One film I seen that seems to have had endless controversy swirling about it is "the beach". Apparently there was controversy about the filming and possible environmental damage to the location. As well the movie plot stirred up hot debate as well. Personally I loved the film! It still captivates me to this day.


Fat Girl (2001), The Tin Drum (1979), and Child Bride (1938) were all pretty controversial due to underage nudity and/or sexuality.


Lolita and the remake too.


Gotta be a tossup between: "Mohammed's Animated Variety Hour" and "Baking with Hitler".


Movies about Mohammad don't stir any controversy.

There were some movie critical with Mohammad a few years ago. Actors and director were told that they would be killed. They apologized and retired the movie. End of the controversy.

A similar thing happened with cartoons about Mohammad. They killed the whole Charlie Hebdo and no magazine has published any more cartoons about Mohammad anymore. End of the controversy.


The Last Temptation of Christ
Monty Python's Life of Brian


Life Of Brian? Oh come on.

There was a mild degree of fuss kicked up about it on its first general release, blasphemy, the Catholics up in arms etc...but it soon subsided.

A few places even banned it...but only a very few.

Its now considered one of the funniest movies ever (and I would agree) and no one considers it controversial any more.


A Serbian Film (2010)


The Human Centipede (2009) might be on a controversial list.


Triumph of the Will.


Cannibal Holocaust (1980) had the makers of the film in court to prove that they didn't actually murder someone in the making of it.


Which of course they didn't, but the movie still remains controversial because of animal torture.


I hated the movie for this very reason. I appreciated some of the other effects but the animal scenes just made me feel dirty about watching.


Kids (1995)
